View Full Version : Personality disorder #2?

Lady's Human
07-03-2006, 11:10 PM
While we're talking about insanity......


The leaders of North Korea stated that if the US launched a pre-emptive strike on the North, they would respond with "Nuclear Annihilation"......

1) I doubt we would launch a pre-emptive strike. The South Korean military is perfectly capable of defending the south. They are one of the few countries still fielding multiple field armies( a unit of military organization that is on the huge side of things)

2) We are in the process of selling South Korea ABM capable SAM's. Far more likely that SK would use them to intercept a strike rather than relying on the US.

3) There's an old song that goes something like...

"you don't tug on superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind......."

Rhetoric reaches a point where it is self defeating. We don't need nukes to immobilize a fair % of the north Korean military. They launch Nukes South Korea is liable to become a new island in the yellow sea.

I just have to question how much longer North Korea can survive with their current government in place. Dictatorships tend to do ugly things to try to stave off their demise.

smokey the elder
07-04-2006, 07:31 AM
It sounds like they are having a "North Korea tantrum". They act like very dangerous little children when they don't get their own way. But, NK has gotten Japan to re-arm to a point, which is amazing since they would have had to amend their constitution from after WWII to do it.

The world seems scarier than the Cold War days. Any fellow baby boomers (or anyone else) care to comment?

Lady's Human
07-04-2006, 08:40 AM
Smokey, not as scary as the cold war mainly because of the throw weight of the opposing sides. NK MIGHT have a couple nukes, but they have no reliable way to get them anywhere. If their missile was going to work, I thiink they would have launched it by now.

China also has nukes, but not many, and their missile tech (up until 10 years ago, Grrr_) was backwards, but they are improving. They still don't have many launch vehicles, however.

We have had many minor wars over the last decade due to the breakup of the CCCP, but I'll take the small wars that resulted rather than sitting in Mannheim waiting for the reds to come through the Fulda gap. (Nothing is more disturbing than knowing that the Army had 2 body bags in stock in Europe for every soldier. One for you, and one for your replacement)

07-12-2006, 03:00 PM
The world seems scarier than the Cold War days. Any fellow baby boomers (or anyone else) care to comment?

LH does have very valid points.

The one thing thats bugs me are the religious leaders that use that Old Tyme Religion to get people to blow up......

The good Old Fulda "Gap"....

Thank God they closed down that 'store'... and Thank God we never had to outfit the soliders with those bags...black isn't a becoming color. :eek:

07-12-2006, 07:00 PM
I remember in the 60s when we were encouraged to build our own bomb shelters and in school we were taught how to duck and cover under our desks in case of a bomb. No one teaches any one how to hide from terrorists today. It doesn't take nukes to distroy a country these days.

Just something to think about. :(