View Full Version : Stupid BSL!

07-03-2006, 10:03 PM
I'm sorry to post another thread, but this just made me reallly mad, plus the way my mom acted about it.
We went to the Fireworks show tonight, and we took Lily. She was a very good girl, and she only got scared once. Anyways, there were about 5-6 other dogs I saw come, two of those being pit bulls! So a little later on I saw the Pit bulls and their owners leaving, so I suppose the Police officers made them take their dogs home! :mad: They were the only 2 dogs that left, and ugh it just made me so mad. I don't see why people assume they're all vicious.:(.
Then, my mom.. :rolleyes:

Me: I can't believe they did that.
Mom: I can.
Me: It's not fair!
Mom: Yes it is.
Me: Well, if the dogs were vicious WHY would their owners have brought them? That's just plain stupid.
Mom: Some people are just stupid.

I can't believe her! Then, later on she said: If we would have brought Roxy they would have made us take her home.

Why does she have to believe the media and not me? She thinks I fight for stupid things! She said exactly, "You fight for the stupidest of things." Such as Vegetarianism (which thanks to her I gave up), and basically any other animal thing that she doesn't like, Chaining, BSL, etc.. It's a "stupid" fight.


I apologize for my rant, but it just erked me really bad.

07-03-2006, 10:10 PM
I hate how people listen to everything they hear (bad things) about pit bulls! :( I wish there was no such thing as BSL. :(

07-03-2006, 10:14 PM
That is so pathetic! I had to convience my mom to be unlike your mom. I bet you can barely live with her hating pit bulls :rolleyes: I cannot believe the police did that, THEY are the stupid ones (excuse my language). Why do people have to listen to the media and their stupid 'stories'? I bet, no, actually, I know that they make up stuff, like when a Boxer attacks someone, they call the Boxer a pit bull so they get a worse rap. I am so mad about BSL I'm working on a website about it:


07-03-2006, 10:17 PM
I already have a site, http://freewebs.com/dawglove
Alicia (buttercup) and I run it..

I know, I absolutely can not believe they did that. One of the Pitties was a PUPPY!

07-03-2006, 10:21 PM
I don't want to sound argumentive or anything, BUT you don't KNOW for sure that the police made them leave ;) It is sad how people belive everything they hear, though :(

07-03-2006, 10:29 PM
I don't want to sound argumentive or anything, BUT you don't KNOW for sure that the police made them leave ;) It is sad how people belive everything they hear, though :(
Yeah, but someone did. Since they were the only 2 dogs that left.. :(.

Lady's Human
07-03-2006, 10:36 PM
Maybe they came together and left together of their own free will?

07-03-2006, 10:36 PM
Yeah, but someone did. Since they were the only 2 dogs that left.. :(.

They could have left for any reason - that their people had another obligation, that their people decided the loud noises were too much for their dogs, any reason. You should not make assumptions about why they were leaving, just as people should not make an assumption about a dog because of its breed.

07-03-2006, 10:36 PM
They could have left for any reason - that their people had another obligation, that their people decided the loud noises were too much for their dogs, any reason. You should not make assumptions about why they were leaving, just as people should not make an assumption about a dog because of its breed.

And thats what I was getting at. Thanks Karen.

07-03-2006, 10:36 PM
Are pit bulls banned in your area? If not, I don’t think a cop could legally make them leave with their dogs. I live in Colorado, where we are the pit bull is not banned but they are in Denver. You cant own one period. The people that owned them had to give them up. You cant even pas through Denver or this can happen:

If you are going on vacation and you are taking your dogs
do NOT travel through Denver.

They can take your dogs even if you are passing through
and you are subject to...are you ready?

$999 fine PER DOG
90 Days in Jail PER DOG.

Now I want to make this clear, these laws apply to you
even if you are PASSING THROUGH. You don't have to
be a resident. If you are driving through Denver and
are caught with your dog, they can take your dog from
you and you are subject to the above fines and jail

That is so ridiculous, you don’t know how mad and sad that makes me. It's to bad your mom has the attitude she does about pit bulls, sadly a lot of people think like her.

07-03-2006, 10:42 PM
They could have left for any reason - that their people had another obligation, that their people decided the loud noises were too much for their dogs, any reason. You should not make assumptions about why they were leaving, just as people should not make an assumption about a dog because of its breed.
Yeah, but I'm just saying they looked pretty mad when they left, and it was only the 2 pits that left, owned by DIFFERENT people.. so..

Jadapit, oh my gosh! That's horrible.. Remind me to never take Roxy through Denver :/:(

Lady's Human
07-03-2006, 10:58 PM
According to a site I just looked at, the only city in TN with enforceable BSL is Sparta.

There a many reasons people can leave an event upset. Assuming it's because of the police without knowing..... well, there's a saying about assuming that I'll leave out of here. :p

Suki Wingy
07-03-2006, 11:31 PM
In my town NO dogs are allowed in the park when they have a band in the gazebo. They choose to kick off of PUBLIC PROPERTY even the most well behaved dogs (Niño) just because there is live music playing. Ugh, makes me want to move back to Evanston. :( (Liberal city I used to live in that has street and art fairs and all the dogs come and have fun)

07-04-2006, 09:01 PM
Ughh! I HATE, HATE, BSL! Mu mom is the exact same way...I try my very hardest to explain to her, that Pit Bulls are not ment to be agressive... but, oh well...

07-04-2006, 10:04 PM
I'm sorry that happened, and that your mother agreed. No dogs are allowed at any parks or events in my town. We can get fined for carrying a dog through the park in a pet carrier.

07-04-2006, 10:33 PM
Mom: Some people are just stupid.
You have to admit, your mom has a good point, some people are just stupid. IMO, you have to question the motives of people who bring dogs to fireworks, period. All those people, kids shrieking, all those blasts & whistles.... I don't think it's something most dogs handle very well. High potential for unpredictable behavior from a frightened/startled pet. (Of course, a small dog like Lily probably tucks under your arm & doesn't pose quite the same situation as a large dog) The cops are just there to try to keep everyone safe, dogs and people. And, like it or not, your mom is entitled to her own opinion, just as you are. Don't take it so personally.

07-05-2006, 10:20 AM
You have to admit, your mom has a good point, some people are just stupid. IMO, you have to question the motives of people who bring dogs to fireworks, period. All those people, kids shrieking, all those blasts & whistles.... I don't think it's something most dogs handle very well. High potential for unpredictable behavior from a frightened/startled pet. (Of course, a small dog like Lily probably tucks under your arm & doesn't pose quite the same situation as a large dog) The cops are just there to try to keep everyone safe, dogs and people. And, like it or not, your mom is entitled to her own opinion, just as you are. Don't take it so personally.
I completely understand that, but still.. Why would someone bring a Vicious dog to fireworks? :confused: Most of the dogs I saw were alot bigger than Lily, and that's of course Why we didn't bring Roxy, but my point in the whole thing was why would they bring a vicious pit bull..

07-05-2006, 10:44 AM
To be completely frank Im against any dog being at a fireworks display.

I really dont think its suitable for a dog to be around that kind of noise and atmosphere. I think being in that situation will probably nerve the dog up and I cant imagine them being comfy sitting there with all the loud bangs.

That wasn't a dig at you in anyway I'm just saying my thoughts.

07-05-2006, 12:08 PM
To be completely frank Im against any dog being at a fireworks display.

I really dont think its suitable for a dog to be around that kind of noise and atmosphere. I think being in that situation will probably nerve the dog up and I cant imagine them being comfy sitting there with all the loud bangs.

That wasn't a dig at you in anyway I'm just saying my thoughts.

I strongly agree with you. Who knows, maybe the police made them leave for that very reason and maybe they didn't see the other dogs? Heck, maybe those 2 people were involved in something else & were forced to leave? Maybe they weren't even forced, maybe they had a mad look because of something else? They could of left because of one or more of many many reason, all of which are unkown to us.

FYI, I do not agree with BSL either.

07-05-2006, 12:30 PM
my old dog could have caredless about fireworks. I brought him all the time & he always slept through them snoring away. I used him as a puppy pillow lol

But ya, BSL does suck & doesn't work anyways.. Cyrus (AST) is the only pitty muzzled that I see.. however the other Pitties i see (all have been APT) are NOT friendly dogs at all!! :eek:

BUT I had a group of young people (in their late teens or early 20's) that begged to pet Cyrus & Cyrus had his muzzle on. They said they know about the stupid law & asked if they could pet him.. I said sure I'll bring him to you. Cyrus was a little scared (hes scared of everything), but he enjoyed his ear scratch, nose kiss & loved sniffing the baby! Cyrus just loves babies, kids & dogs!!