View Full Version : thking about a new additional to the family

05-16-2002, 04:10 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm thinking about getting another puppy (miniature Bedlam bull terrier/lab). I currently have a female Chow/Corgi. Is it better to get a male or a female dog or does it even matter? Or should I check the breed information?


Cathy :)

05-16-2002, 04:29 PM
I am by no means a pet expert, so hopefully someone else will give their advice.

Here are two questions to consider[list=1]
How old is your Choe/Corgi?
Is she spayed?
Both these questions could have an impact on which gender you should get.

Dogs themselves have to determine their hierarchy. Dogs of the same age, and if one is much older than the other, may lead to a shuffle in the hierarchy, so be aware of that.
If you get a male dog, and your other dog is not spayed, you may in the near future have puppies at your door.

These are just what I thought of, I am sure there are more things that someone else will bring up.

05-16-2002, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Fuzzy317
I am by no means a pet expert, so hopefully someone else will give their advice.

A few questions:
How old is your Chow/Corgi?
Is she spayed?

Both these questions could have an impact on which gender you should get.

Dogs themselves have to determine their hierarchy. Dogs of the same age, and if one is much older than the other, may lead to a shuffle in the hierarchy, so be aware of that.
If you get a male dog, and your other dog is not spayed, you may in the near future have puppies at your door.

These are just what I thought of, I am sure there are more things that someone else will bring up.[list=1]
How old is your Choe/Corgi?
Is she spayed?

My dog is 5mos now and will be spayed this Saturday.

05-16-2002, 04:38 PM
I don't know myself, but I wouldn't say its any diff really unless your not planing to neuter the male..My older dog was never neutered and he always tried to get away, and i dont think it is as healthy for them. I got a female Lab puppy when I had him, and they got along great..except for one thing males like to do of course..but she was spayed before she was old enough for pups.
Good luck :] Maybe you should go by which one you fall in love with? I was suppost to get a male puppy, but I didn't feel an immediate attachment with him, but I did with my labbie girl..Sorry I wasn;t any help :o

05-16-2002, 05:36 PM
I would suggest, seeing how your 5 month old likes the new pup before making a command decision. With 13 now and probably 14 by the end of the weekend...we're pretty good at intros. Put them both on a leash and let them meet each other gradually...you know...smell, smell, lick, lick!! lol

As far as gender, we have both and all get along well...except for the occasional sibling rivalry. I am a HUGE proponent of spaying and neutering...it's much healthier for the dog and they seem happier too. Much less testosterone floating around and less likely to fight.

05-17-2002, 06:17 AM
i recently merged 2 dogs into a dog family. i gave it lots of thought before hand, but i am still surprised at times. i'd like to ask, is the first dog already housetrained? trying to train 2 young dogs would be like having 2 diaper wearing toddlers at one time, do you have the time to devote to training both? do you have the financial means to manage 2 puppies? that first year is expensive, shots, neutering, training aids, new collars as they grow, that can add up. will you be able to commit to the dogs for the next 15 years, maybe more.
i am very glad that alex and duke merged so well. alex is 6, neutered and very mild tempered and (semi)obedient. duke is 8-10, neutered before i brought him to live with us and very sweet. i visited duke several times with and without alex to see if it would work. so far so good. best wishes, joyce and the dogboys