View Full Version : And the dumb dentist next door THINKS his cats are chasing mice...NOT!

07-03-2006, 06:57 PM
I went out to my car a little while ago to go to the post office and check my mail. I noticed both Fluffy and Midnight sitting around looking at something. The closer I got, I noticed it was a baby bird they were looking at.

The bird seems okay, although from what I've learned about wildlife, if they feel threatened, they go into "shock" and won't move when a predator is around. I'm SURE the mama was looking from afar. I tried calling ALL OVER trying to get an ACO or wild life expert on the phone, to no avail. It seems that at 5 o'clock, everyone heads home.

Rather than leave the baby in the parking lot at the mercy of the girls, I walked across the street. Before putting the bird down in the grass in front of St. Andrew's Society, I threw it up in the air to see if it would take flight. It didn't. Still not sure if it's wing is hurt. Fortunately, I caught it before it hit the ground. He's now safe in a grassy patch across the street, away from the non-mouse catching yard beasts.

Oh, and for some of you who are asking if I've fed the girls. The answer is YES!!!!! Of course the dishes are no where to be found (I didn't do it and you can't pin it on me). I think if I hadn't fed them, the bird would've been their dinner.

Dentists are SO stupid!!!

07-03-2006, 07:53 PM
Oooo... now you have a good new arguement: Bird Flu! Tell him you saw them stalking a sick bird. That if you hasn't intervened they would have gotten it and passed on an illness to him and his patients! Bwahahahaa

07-03-2006, 10:02 PM
Thanks for helping that little bid. :)

07-04-2006, 10:09 PM
I checked on the baby bird this morning before I went to work. He's gone. I also got a message from the HSUS regarding the bird. The woman said that it's normal for baby birds to start off on the ground while learning how to fly. She said the parents will feed the bird while he's on the ground learning and the best thing I can do for it is to put it somewhere out of the cat's reach, which was the patch of grass across the street.

So, it looks like I did the right thing! I'm glad. I would've felt awful had something happened to it.

I thought it was so cute the way Fluffy kept tapping the bird with her paw to see if it would move.

I love animals!! :D :p