View Full Version : Canada day weekend concerts

07-03-2006, 07:36 AM
Every year we have a Festival of Lights. We have a few concerts playing all weekend and some exhibition rides and games. I only got pictures of a few bands, because I brought my A95 with me the first day, and the batteries died. We saw Sam Roberts band, The Tragically Hip, Hedley, Three days Grace and Theory of a Dead Man. It was a pretty good concert. I don't know how well know these bands are, but they are on the radio over here. I guess the lead singer of Hedley was on Canadian Idol.
Sam Roberts
Tragically Hip
Those pictures weren't that great
Got a problem with his pants ;)
http://www.tainted-sky.net/concert/IMG_7278.jpg (Oh dear, rated R ;) lol jk...) He seemed to think that was pretty cool though. Then the other guys did it. They all have Hedley on their butts.

07-03-2006, 07:37 AM
Someone threw him some sunglasses.
And a homer. (and lots of other things)

Didn't get pictures of the rest of the bands, but they were pretty good.

07-03-2006, 10:44 AM
Your so lucky ya got to see 3 Days grace one of my Fav! bands there realy good as for hedley well Im just starting to know them but they seem ok.

Lol you should had seen the guys pants on the 2006 MMVA lol lets just say there was a full moon that night. ;) :p

Oh so you got a full moon 2 I didnt see it lol. :eek:

07-03-2006, 04:19 PM
Your so lucky ya got to see 3 Days grace one of my Fav! bands there realy good as for hedley well Im just starting to know them but they seem ok.

Lol you should had seen the guys pants on the 2006 MMVA lol lets just say there was a full moon that night. ;) :p

Oh so you got a full moon 2 I didnt see it lol. :eek:

yup lol :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

07-03-2006, 04:55 PM
That homer's cool[er than you]. :)

Yeah, the pants look just about ready to come off.. o_O

07-03-2006, 07:24 PM
wow seems like you had fun haha lucky that you got to see them its a very good band!

07-04-2006, 07:16 AM
*kicks self in the butt really hard for not going to the island for Canada Day this year*

*cries* Look what I missed!!! How could I have chossen xmas over Canada Day! Stupid Stupid Stupid!

Audrey love the butt shot lol

07-04-2006, 07:47 AM
*kicks self in the butt really hard for not going to the island for Canada Day this year*

*cries* Look what I missed!!! How could I have chossen xmas over Canada Day! Stupid Stupid Stupid!

Audrey love the butt shot lol

The tickets were expensive anyway. I only went cause I got free tickets from my work.

07-04-2006, 08:03 AM
The tickets were expensive anyway. I only went cause I got free tickets from my work.

True, well I should be able to go next year as I'll save my xmas $$ just for the tickets, I just hope decent bands will be there.