View Full Version : I'm getting a new cat!

07-02-2006, 08:51 PM
So my partner finally broke down and agreed to let me get another cat. Not sure if it was the begging or the tears, but she seems happy enough with it:). I'm looking for a younger long haired female, hopefully between 2 1/2 months old, and 6 months old. I figure if the new addition is a little younger my guys will handle it better, any thoughts?
Yay me!

07-02-2006, 10:02 PM

How old are the boys? Unless they are really young themselves, a very young kitten (less than 6 months) will drive them bonkers.

I'd also tend to go towards an older kitten.young adult because then you'll kow what type of personality you'll get. All kittens are cuddly and snuggly, but by about 6 months their true personality is evident.

07-02-2006, 10:29 PM
Aw, congrats! :D

Hmmm. Any thing in particular? Are you looking to adopt or to go to a breeder? Colour preference? :D

07-03-2006, 12:37 AM
No preference really, and I'd like to avoid breeders, if only because there are so many strays out there needing homes. My guys now are both two, one is quiet and I like to think introspective (although I suspect he's just a little slow), and the other is loud and boisterous and a pain in the ass (and definitely dumb, with a capital T:)). I'd love a long haired kitty, but if one needs a home, and is a short hair, I'll say come on in, can I get you a treat!? So far I've had two responses to my online search. One, here in London, is from the Animale Rescue Foundation. They have a younger tortie available, and we're hopefully meeting with the foster family tomorrow evening. The foster family has three cats, two dogs, and two younger kids so I don't think we'll have a problem getting her to fit in:). The other shelter is based in Lucknow (pretty sure I spelled that right), and they had a long haired orange and white guy available, but I guess he's been put on hold for someone else, so we're going to wait and see. Both of these shelters got back to me withing hours of submitting applications, on a Sunday even!!!!!!!!!
Gotta say, makes the Human Society look pretty bad (any HS lovers out there I apologize, I've just had some bad experiences with them). I'll keep you updated!!!!!!!!!

07-03-2006, 02:50 AM
At the moment, I am new to the whole fostering and adopting out process. I am on my own as far as that area goes although I will be volunteering with shelters and whatnot here in town.

Anyways. Sorry to ramble. :) My point is, I am currently fostering a kitten. If you would like, I'll PM you with any details and whatnot.

07-03-2006, 06:55 AM

First, let me say that you will know the right cat when you see him/her. And if you are going to meet a tortie, please watch carefully her interactions with the other cats in the home. They tend to have...........well :o.......special personalities. :rolleyes:

I emphasize the thought of going with a somewhat older cat. Keep in mind that a sole kitten (unless you adopt two ;) ) will torment your boys. Now, they may turn out to enjoy it, many do, but it is just a little risky if you want to make sure you keep peace in the house.

AND, if you would like to judge how the new cat will fit in personality-wise, you'd need to go with a cat over 6 months. If you choose a 12 week old sweet little kitten, in 5 months she could be a domineering bully who decides she wants to be an only cat. (for example)

PLUS younger babies are REALLY into everything. Many people forget just how "busy" they can be at that age and how much trouble they will cause. Our rescue group ALWAYS advises 2 babies at the same time to make sure they always have an outlet for all that energy. (a guarenteed playmate)

But either way good luck in your search. It will be so much fun to have a new baby. :D :D

smokey the elder
07-03-2006, 07:38 AM
Isn't that near Gary's neck of the woods? Good luck on finding your new kitty!

Laura's Babies
07-03-2006, 08:42 AM
Wonderful, another kitty is going to get a forever home! THis makes my day!

07-03-2006, 08:32 PM
Oh man, so we went to visit Tiffany (the tortie) today, and we're picking her up on Friday........ Everyone's advice was completely sound, and without holding her in my arms I was in complete agreement....... But she needed a home, and oh my, she is hard to say no to!! She's about 8 weeks old now, which is a little younger than what we planned, but she's been bottle fed since she was 3 days old (she was found in a DUMPSTER!!!!!!!!), and is extremely affectionate and people reliant. The lady that has been fostering her was quite atttached to her, and isn't looking forward to saying goodbye. I'm not sure how my boys are going to take it, but there's an outlet for Bob's boundless energy now, and perhaps Don can finally get the peace he's been craving (with Bob occupied by the little gas molecule:) ).

07-03-2006, 08:36 PM
And before I forget, thank you Wenisrubber, for the kind offer, I really do appreciate it, and hopefully when we move to a new place.............:)

07-03-2006, 08:38 PM
CONGRATULATONS (again) I knew you would not be able to visit a KITTEN and say "NO thanks". LOL LOL

07-03-2006, 09:57 PM
Oh, you're so very welcome! :D

I am so glad you found a fur baby for you! :D

07-03-2006, 09:58 PM
Oh man, so we went to visit Tiffany (the tortie) today, and we're picking her up on Friday........ Everyone's advice was completely sound, and without holding her in my arms I was in complete agreement....... But she needed a home, and oh my, she is hard to say no to!! She's about 8 weeks old now, which is a little younger than what we planned, but she's been bottle fed since she was 3 days old (she was found in a DUMPSTER!!!!!!!!), and is extremely affectionate and people reliant. The lady that has been fostering her was quite atttached to her, and isn't looking forward to saying goodbye. I'm not sure how my boys are going to take it, but there's an outlet for Bob's boundless energy now, and perhaps Don can finally get the peace he's been craving (with Bob occupied by the little gas molecule:) ).

Bob sounds like Soni and Don sounds like Isis! :D