View Full Version : Is Kiwi (the fruit) safe for dogs?

07-02-2006, 03:13 PM
I am really getting into feeding raw as well as more fruits and veggies to my 3. They all seem to love it. :) I have some kiwi in my fridge and I have looked online but can't find where it says if it is safe for dogs or not. I know grapes and raisins are bad but what about kiwi? Anybody have any idea on this one?

07-02-2006, 03:20 PM
Yes, Kiwi is okay for dogs. :)

Instead of giving it to them though, send it my way. ;) I looooveeee Kiwi.

07-02-2006, 03:22 PM
Hehe Kay. I bought it for myself but I have more fun feeding it to the dogs. My Mom gave me my Grandmother's mixer type deal that can cut, chop, grind and puree so I am having a blast making up food for the dogs. Today they had carrots, bananas, yogurt and peanut butter all pureed and served in a bowl. For dinner I'll make something else to put with their raw meat. Yummy! Maggie ate it faster than Sadie. :eek:

Thanks for the answer about the kiwi. :)

07-02-2006, 03:36 PM
Hehe Kay. I bought it for myself but I have more fun feeding it to the dogs. My Mom gave me my Grandmother's mixer type deal that can cut, chop, grind and puree so I am having a blast making up food for the dogs. Today they had carrots, bananas, yogurt and peanut butter all pureed and served in a bowl. For dinner I'll make something else to put with their raw meat. Yummy! Maggie ate it faster than Sadie. :eek:

Thanks for the answer about the kiwi. :)

hmmm i think i should try that carrot, banana, yogurt, and peanut butter think for my dogs. haha I have been giving my dogs raw meat and they love it mix with veggies.

07-02-2006, 04:11 PM
The Muttlies' veggies/fruits tonight were apple and squash. :)

I know how you feel though, Amber, about having more fun feeding it to your dogs. :p Before my parents left for vacation I told my mom I NEED LOTS of apples. I've eaten quite a bit of them but a majority of them have gone to my dogs. ;)