View Full Version : Where are you Milly and Roger???

05-16-2002, 11:00 AM
LOL! Those Cockatiels are a laugh a minute, and they love their stretch time in the mornings. This morning, I could hear them talking to each other, so I got up to take a peak....no Milly, no Roger.....

I'm thinking "where are you??"....I knew they were in the closed off room, but where??? :eek: I looked up, way up, and found Milly holding on to the picture molding, almost to the ceiling! LOL!!! But where is Roger??? I looked up, down all around....no Roger. Phone rang, so I had to go back to the office.

When I came back for another search, I found him. He was on the window sill, inside of one of the wooden shutters!! I think it is time for a bird gymnasium to keep them occupied! :D

I love those curious birds so much!!! :D

05-16-2002, 11:46 AM
Logan, you just about took ten years off my life when I saw your title. I thought Milly and Roger had gotten outside or eloped or something. I'm so glad they were only playing hide and seek with you. Milly seems to have moved right in and become very happy. Babies on the way yet????? A whole chorus sining Zippity doo dah!!!! What a thought!!!:D

05-16-2002, 11:57 AM
Isn't is amazing what birds will do?! You think it would be kind of hard to hold on, but no, they like it just fine! A gym for birds, that's a great idea Logan!

Heather Wallace
05-16-2002, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
[B][color=steelblue][b]Logan, you just about took ten years off my life when I saw your title. I thought Milly and Roger had gotten outside or eloped or something

Yes me to, I thought also that the worst had happened. But thank goodness it wasn't bad news and they where just playing with you.:)

Sam's My Baby
05-16-2002, 03:47 PM
Hehehe they sound so funny!

Babies on the way yet????? A whole chorus sining Zippity doo dah!!!! What a thought!!!

05-17-2002, 08:54 AM
Those funny birds!!! LOL!! They now both go straight up the shutters to play and roost at the top of the shutter or on the picture moulding which is even higher!!!! :D

Have I told you all how much I am enjoying them?? Hehehe!!!! :D