View Full Version : A magical walk

07-02-2006, 08:25 AM
I know I don't typically post here, mostly because Nicki doesn't do anything exciting anymore (her days are sleep, eat, steal tissues, sleep, chew bones, sleep, sit outside and watch the world, sleep, eat, sleep)

Anyhow we were out for a walk last night and all of the sudden, we hear fireworks. Not the cheapy ones people buy and set off themselves, but BIG, expensive fireworks. I had forgotten the next town over was celebrating their 100th anniversary with a HUGE fireworks display! Nicki heard the first booms and looked at me. I told her how exciting it was and how lucky we were, so we RAN (neither of us run :p ) up the hill to the open feild and it was amazing....... a perfect view of all the fireworks. Not one person was there. Not one! It was as if we had our own personal fireworks display. Everyone was on the other side of the woods, crammed together watching them and we had a front row view all to ourselves. Of course, a few minutes later, a ton of people poured out of theit homes and joined us, but for 5 minutes, it was just the two of us.

I sat on the grass and massaged Nicki the whole time. Then when it was all over she RAN (with me stumbling behind her) home. She hasn't pulled me onleash in YEARS.

I am so happy to have been able to share this experience with her. I worry constantly that her time with me is short. I see her soreness. I see her hurt. She's been vomiting with a certain regularity now. She'll always be my little baby who was 9 pounds on her first vet visit. I was told she'd havea lifespan of 10-12 years. It sounded like forever. Now its been 11.5 years and its gone by all too quickly. Can we roll back the clock?

For 20 minutes last night, she acted like that puppy. She jumped, she pulled the leash, she eagerly approached strangers for pets, she barked at the fireworks. She was young again. And once we returned home her old age returned; she sorely stepped up onto her pillow and slept the night through. She got up and puked this morning before she even ate anything. She's old.... and I want her to be young!

Still, I do think magic happened last night in that feild. I got to see my baby for the last time. I don't think I'll ever see her act like that ever again.

Ginger's Mom
07-02-2006, 08:49 AM
Ah man Kim, LES, big time. Such a bittersweet moment. It is tough when our pups get older. I am glad that you were able to really take the time to enjoy the special evening that Nicki had. She may have gone home and climbed into her pillow, but she went to sleep with a smile on her face. And it is just one more happy and fun moment together for you both to add to your collection of memories to cherish. Hugs to you and Nicki.

07-02-2006, 08:54 AM
That story is beautiful magic at its best!!! Write down that memory in a journal!!!!!

What kind of Dog , and, why is it vomiting?

07-02-2006, 09:38 AM
I found a picture of Miss Nicki!!! Snow Dog, in December!!!!

She is the same size as my daughter's dog, whom I am currently nursing back to health. Only, add a lot more HAIR!!!!

You sure are a swell dog owner!!!!! Miss Nicki is indeed one of a kind!!!

07-02-2006, 09:45 AM
What a nice time you shared. We hope the best for you and your little 'puppy' :D

07-02-2006, 10:22 AM
Ohh Kim i can hardly see through the tears..how beautiful. Nicki has always been one of my favourite PT pups, and i love getting updates on her. Your walk "sounded" amazing, thankyou for sharing it with us :).

Please give your girl a hug and kiss from me.

07-02-2006, 11:14 AM
LES. :( But Dorothy39 is correct, WRITE that down! Never to be a faded memory.

07-02-2006, 04:47 PM
What a neat story. :) I hope you both find another day to spend enjoying
being together.It's times like these that make warm memories later on.

07-02-2006, 11:01 PM
She's been vomiting because she gets hold of human food. For whatever reason, bread has become her worst enemy. If she eats only her food, she's perfectly fine. Now if I could convince the family members that her bowl is NOT the family garbage pail......

Yes, I will definately cherish our walk. She's my special girl and I get myself worked up about the inevitable. I think I'm am preparing myself for the day... but I know I'll never be prepared and it'll kill me.

07-02-2006, 11:35 PM
Ah, Kim! I know exactly how you feel, too. I agree you should put that special, endearing time in your journal.
It sounds like Nicki loved being with you alone, regardless of how long, or short it was. I love impulsive, unplanned moments. You both were happy and uplifted. My bet is that Nicki had some sweet dreams that night!

i swore that with Logan, I'd never count the years etc, but i am. The only wonderful thing about not working is being with Logan 24/7. I believe in living one day at a time and making it the very best it can be!

07-03-2006, 07:46 AM
A cherished memory you're not likely to forget.
Thanks for sharing. :D :D

08-20-2006, 07:29 PM
I'm sorry I missed this. It sounds like a wonderful night. And isn't it great when they act like a puppy, if only for a little while? Duke was doing that with his blanket last night and I watched and tried to absorb it all, remembering it. It's so hard to see them getting old so times like those are so precious.

08-20-2006, 07:32 PM
What a wonderful experience. *Hugs for Nicki* I see Star getting older now and I have some of the same thoughts and apprehensions as you....it can't really have been 11 years already?!

08-21-2006, 09:02 AM
Wow, that was a magical walk. I know just where you are coming from too. Cherish that walk forever.