View Full Version : Do You Study Your Cat's Expressions?

06-30-2006, 10:46 PM
Yes I am a bit weird ... but I love watching a cat's expressions! As I am getting to know Eve, her different expressions just fascinate me. The attached photos are mostly her "serious" side.

Now, if I could just understand everything that goes on in that complex feline mind ... one can only hope!

Anyone else out there with a curious mind??

06-30-2006, 10:51 PM
Betty - it might not be to everyone's taste...but there is a site called mycathatesyou.com which ascribes thoughts to the photos of a cat's expressions.

They can be a bit rough - but some are just TOO darn funny!

It is assumed that the cats' thoughts focus on hating the 'pink monkeys' they live with...but the variations are, er, varied....



Maya & Inka's mommy
07-01-2006, 05:42 AM
I LOVE to do that!! I wish I could read their minds sometimes!!

What is Maya thinking???

and Snoopy???

and Inka??

and Zazou???

All we can do is guess..... :D

07-01-2006, 09:05 AM

Your girls are all so precious and yes, the different expressions are intriguing. Little Snoopy's sweet face just melts my heart. She has such a look of innocence.

I recently read a book written by Jeffrey Masson titled "The Nine Emotional Lives of Cats". Although I'm not sure I agree with all of his opinions, the read was both interesting and entertaining. He has spent a lot of time observing and being involved in the lives of his kitties and brings so much insight into how they "may" feel about things in general.

Personally I think cats are somewhat of an enigma and that's so fascinating to me. (I would still like to know some of what they're thinking though!)


Laura's Babies
07-01-2006, 09:45 AM
Giz gets a certain look when she is bored and wants to get into something.. I can always see it coming...

07-01-2006, 11:32 AM
My Cats do have various looks.
I want a treat, pick me up, im lonely, and tell those Kittens to go away.
The last is a Tubby 2 specialty.
I refuse to believe My Cats ever hate me.
They might be impatient, but hate?

07-01-2006, 12:30 PM
Peaches was a bit perturbed with me for taking her picture rather than scratching her. You can see in her expression that she wasn't overly happy...


07-01-2006, 02:34 PM
Aw Peaches - you are so beautiful. Please be patient with your Mommy - she can't help herself LOL.

What a wonderful photo - Peaches is exquisite. Thanks for sharing.

Don Juan's mom
07-01-2006, 02:41 PM
I have a paperback I found in a used book store, Do Cats Think? by Paul Corey. (My dad said I would probably open the book and find only "YES!" printed on the first page.) :D It was first published in 1977, and I suspect it's long out of print. Corey cites many events in his long acquaintance with felines as evidence of ratiocination in cats, even suggesting they are superior in humans in some areas, as their minds aren't cluttered with a lot of extraneous information.

Anyway, I've identified "I'm watching a bird," "I'm hungry," "Stop working on the computer and pay attention to me," "Stop knitting and pay attention to me," "It's time for my brushing," and "I want a treat NOW!" :rolleyes:


07-01-2006, 03:07 PM
Now, if I could just understand everything that goes on in that complex feline mind ... one can only hope!

What would I give to know what they are thinking or feeling!!! But I believe that I know from their expression/body language if they are happy, stressed, bored and so on...


07-01-2006, 03:18 PM
Oh yes, I study Fisters expression, and I dare say I can tell what he thinks/wants, most of the time. :) And his ability to make me "do things" - just by being a cat and looking at me a certain way. It's really amazing!

Ten or fifteen years ago, I would never have imagined cats could have SO many different expressions. Still, I'd love to hear him talk to me in words, if it's important.

07-01-2006, 03:46 PM
Thank you everyone for your replies - it's so good to know I'm not alone in my musings :p

I really believe that those who spend more time interacting with their kitties have a much better opportunity to get the full benefit a cat's incredible personality. Dr. Corey could be right - they may have many qualities that are superior to us. I have learned many important things from my previous cats; things that a person "feels" more than "thinks" about - a bit hard to explain really. Cats are very sensory and "live in the moment". Perhaps that is why they are so comfortable with themselves. I would love to have that much confidence.

... just another muse of sorts ...

07-01-2006, 08:13 PM
Soni usually has a "PICKMEUPNOW!" look on his face. Isis' expression usually conveys something like, "WHAT do YOU want?". Lily looks like she is saying, "Come on, come a little closer, I'll let you pick me up... Just a little closerrrrr... *dashes away*"

07-01-2006, 09:31 PM
Expressions - oh my...............

"I am going to sit in your lap".....not, "may I sit in your lap"

"I want some of whatever you are eating"........but that is usually after I have gotten him (Rascal) out of my plate of food :D

I also love the sounds that go with the expressions.

Rascal makes a clear and different sound - that says "please, clean this litterbox now" - as he stares at me very seriously.

Emma chirrups - a sound I have always loved in a cat. She is telling me that she wants some loving.

Annie has a tendency to whine - "I am going to faint if you don't feed me right now!" It is the highest sound she can make - it is something like chalk on a blackboard! :D

Annie also has an attitude. Whenever she is upset about a situation, she puts her tail high in the air - head in the air and marches off with this look of disgust.

There is just nothing like a kitty!!!♥♥♥

07-01-2006, 09:41 PM
Expressions - oh my...............

"I am going to sit in your lap".....not, "may I sit in your lap"

"I want some of whatever you are eating"........but that is usually after I have gotten him (Rascal) out of my plate of food :D

I also love the sounds that go with the expressions.

Rascal makes a clear and different sound - that says "please, clean this litterbox now" - as he stares at me very seriously.

Emma chirrups - a sound I have always loved in a cat. She is telling me that she wants some loving.

Annie has a tendency to whine - "I am going to faint if you don't feed me right now!" It is the highest sound she can make - it is something like chalk on a blackboard! :D

Annie also has an attitude. Whenever she is upset about a situation, she puts her tail high in the air - head in the air and marches off with this look of disgust.

There is just nothing like a kitty!!!???


You have me laughing out loud - isn't it just the truth? Kitties have a way of controlling us (without even trying, most times). Aren't we the gullible ones?

Eve has many distinction sounds as well - she cracks us up sometimes. When she is being demanding, her call is very loud. She also stomps around (just like the princess she is
:rolleyes: )

She also answers questions; sometimes in a very sassy tone. At times, she justs wants someone (anyone) to listen as she rants on about something. I love listening to her chirp at the birds and squirrels - it's a whole other language (body and voice)!

I wonder - are there any classes available on "Cat Speak"? I should enroll ;)

07-04-2006, 09:10 AM
Oh yes, I study Fisters expression, and I dare say I can tell what he thinks/wants, most of the time. :) And his ability to make me "do things" - just by being a cat and looking at me a certain way. It's really amazing!

Ten or fifteen years ago, I would never have imagined cats could have SO many different expressions. Still, I'd love to hear him talk to me in words, if it's important.

Randi has summarized my thoughts exactly! I do the same with Peppito, and I have the feeling that I understand him quite well. I am so used to my cats expressions that I don't see them just as any animal, but as persons who are thinking and talking to me!

I don't think you are weird, or if so, you are not the only one :D