View Full Version : Brandi's trip to TED

06-30-2006, 05:32 PM
Brandi had an appointment to have her rabies, her stitches removed and a microchip inserted. She did well coming into the waiting room and going into the exam room, but it went down hill from there. She pooped on the floor and on the table. She peed when the vet turned her over to look at her incision. She was a trooper about the needles tho, even that great big thing they insert the chip with.

All is better now and she's sleeping in her crate and has forgotten all about TED...

06-30-2006, 05:38 PM
Are you by any chance a member of the sheltie List? I haven't heard the acronym TED since I used to be a member there. :)

I'm sorry she didn't have a great experience there. Hopefully things will get better. Did you ever post the story of how you came to get her? If so I missed it.

06-30-2006, 05:44 PM
Hi Shelteez

I belong to several sheltie message boards and picked up the acronym from them..... I think it's kind of cute. That Ebil Doctor....

06-30-2006, 06:29 PM
Brandi's story is a simple one. I had a sheltie named Magic previously to Brandi. But she and my mother didn't get along. She would attack Mom with no provocation (I know not like a sheltie at all) I worked with her for two years trying to curb this animosiity between the two of them. But Mother is 86 and on blood thinners and I can't take a chance on a dangerous bite happening. I turned Magic in to rescue and they will rehabilitate her and place her in an experienced home. The director of the rescue organization I used had a female that she was going to use in her breeding program. However the dog (Brandi) didn't test well on her hips. She came back only fair and they wouldn't pass OFA. So she took in Magic and I took Brandi home.

06-30-2006, 06:43 PM
Well she sure is a cutie! :) Can't wait for more pics.

06-30-2006, 09:54 PM
Benji was actually relatively good at the vets office. However when it was time to get his nails trimmed I think it was a challange. I think they needed one or two people (can't remember) to bear hug him and control him while the vet cut his nails. Other than that he was good. Sorry Brandi had a bad experience there it can be tough for many dogs at the vet's.