View Full Version : Medication dosage question

06-30-2006, 09:59 AM
Allen has a UTI (he gets these every so often). I usually give him Clavamox in pills. I'm out of pills and just have liquid. Does anyone know how much liquid Clavamox to give a 20 pound cat? I tried to google the info and got nowhere except to sites offering to sell me Clavamox :rolleyes:

PS: Since this is a typical Allen cycle, he no longer goes to the vet for this. I simply medicate and he's better in a few days. So there's no need to suggest I call the vet for this info. They'll tell me he HAS to come in for an exam. Unless $100 appears out of nowhere this weekend, he isn't going to the vet. I know my boy and this is a pretty typical cycle for him. If the Clavamox fails, I'll find a way to take him to the vet, but honestly its a waste of money for an almost routine thing for him.

06-30-2006, 10:08 AM
I'd go with 1/2 cc (I had to go look at the syringe). If you don't see an improvement, bump it up to 1 cc. per day. The shelf life of Clavamox liquid, once it's been diluted with water, it's good for 10 days, although I've pushed it to 2 weeks or till it's gone.

06-30-2006, 11:13 AM
Any liquid antibotic I have ever given has been 1 ml (15 ml bottle) and that has been for any size.
Either done it 1x a day or 2x a day.
Does your PetSmart have a vet inhouse? If so since you work there I'm sure they would tell you.

smokey the elder
06-30-2006, 12:15 PM
We had a large cat (16 lb) who got 1.5 cc 2x a day. I think the dose is 1 cc/ 10 lbs, so yours would get 2 cc 2x a day. Good luck!

06-30-2006, 12:45 PM
what is the dosage of the pills?? if a pill is lets say 250 mgs then give the equivalent in liquid form they can be 250 mgs for one tspn or 500 or even less just check the label........can you tell us so give e better advice??

06-30-2006, 01:25 PM
Ok, dumb question: is cc the same as ml? Because my syringe is listed in ml.

There's no vet at my Petsmart yet. I just mixed the Clavimox into liquid this morning so no worries there.

06-30-2006, 01:53 PM
1 ml is just below 1/4 tsp of liquid measurement.

5 ml = 1 tsp liquid measurement

10 ml - 2 tsp liquid measurement

2 1/2 ml on my medicine syringe = 1/2 tsp liquid measurement

I'd call your local pharmacy, they will tell you.

06-30-2006, 02:35 PM
Ok, dumb question: is cc the same as ml? Because my syringe is listed in ml.

There's no vet at my Petsmart yet. I just mixed the Clavimox into liquid this morning so no worries there.
not dubm at all one cc is one ml......

heres a web to convert units :D

06-30-2006, 03:14 PM
not dubm at all one cc is one ml......

heres a web to convert units :D

Sorry, but how the heck does someone use that site?
I think you need a mathmatical engineering degree to figure it out. I must be having a blonde day (I'm not blonde).

06-30-2006, 03:26 PM
LOL just place the number you want to convert in the right side blank spaces.........

for example input "1" in the right side to where it says "cc" on the left side
than click "convert" and it will convert that one to all other units including "ml" you just scroll down a bit.....

hope i made myself a bit clearer

06-30-2006, 05:21 PM
I finally used IE instead of Opera, Ok see it better but still confussing.
I'd suggest calling the local pharmacy, maybe someone in your rescue group, the local shelter (I'm sure they have to give meds) or your vet and just asking them what to give.

06-30-2006, 06:18 PM
Oscar is 15 lbs (AAAAK!!!!! :eek: ) and is getting 125mg of Clavamox twice a day.

I don't know the conversion - but hope that helps!
