View Full Version : Puppy Socialization Classes

Sweet Sixy
06-29-2006, 09:27 PM
Hey Everyone. I just wanted to share my wonderful experience with everyone! As some of you know my puppy was rescued and had been abused, consequently he is quite afraid of people. Tonight (Thursday) was the first night of our "Puppy Socialization Classes." It was wonderful!! There are new dogs and new people every week. Tonight there was my 14 week old Aussi, a 8 week old rottie mix and a 8 month old German Shepard. The pups play together and are off leash the entire time. The pups have to come to each person in the room and are rewarded with a treat. You get a manual written by the vet as well as "the ultimate puppy toolkit" (Which is WONDERFUL! ultimatepuppy.com). We talk about different issues such as chewing, being posessive of things and jumping. Each week there are three different topics, 1 new game and 1 new activity (the activity tonight was costumes so puppies can get used to people with different things on.) I am so pleased that I found these classes before obedience starts and also extactic that by the end of the class Cochise was going to everyone in the room!!! :D I just had to share my excitement with everyone. I will hopefully have some updated pics of Cochise as well, he is 31 lbs and 14 weeks!

06-29-2006, 10:14 PM
aww thats wondeful!! im glad to hear everything went so well :) what breed is cochise? (love the name too BTW :))

Sweet Sixy
06-30-2006, 06:24 AM
He's an Australian Shepard. I tried to make myself a sig with him in it, but I couldn't :(

06-30-2006, 07:44 AM
Aww your pup is adorable! Reminds me of my BC, Rebel.... Very cute! And Glad to hear things went well! :)

06-30-2006, 08:06 AM
That is great news. I would recommend a class like that for everybody who has a puppy. Fenway went to a class like that when he was a baby and he enjoyed it very much. Maybe you can take pictures at the next puppy social so we can all see how cute they are? :)

06-30-2006, 08:31 AM
Thats great, I'm glad to hear it went well. I can't wait for new pics!!! ;)

Sweet Sixy
07-27-2006, 09:34 PM
Hey all
Just an update. We did graduate our puppy socialization classes and have started intermediate obedience now! :)
I unfortunatly was not able to get any pictures at the classes :( There were four new puppies the last class, two jack russels (so tiny!), a highland terrier and a mastiff! Cochise loved everyone of them.
He has done so much better with people since the classes, he is still a little shy but now he doesn't run the other direction and have his little panic attacks anymore.
I have to say I would recommend these classes to anyone, it was well worth it! :D

07-27-2006, 09:42 PM
that is so great! i wish we had socialization classes around here. i could use them with rescues. i love seeing responsible dog owners! i can't wait for new pics! he sounds like he's gonna be HUGE! that's my kinda dog!LOL