View Full Version : Reece might be hurt

05-15-2002, 11:23 PM
I'm debating on if we should go to the emergency room or not. I had a late day at work today and didn't get home until 10pm. Reece greeted me and was jumping around like normal. We went on a short jog outside and ran around playing and he was fine. Then after we were inside for awhile, he tried to jump on my lap and yelped really loud and stopped himself after he had lifted his front legs a little in the air. I checked him out and he seemed fine. He walked away perfectly normal. Then he came back and layed at my feet. I got worried about him and called him up to the couch. He again tried to jump up but had to stop himself. I was looking at his front legs wondering if he dislocated something. His left elbow was looking weird at first but now I think its my imagination. He's walking around like normal still and doesn't seem to be in pain. I called the emergency vet and they said to wait until morning and take him to my regular vet, but I'm really worried. I have no clue what's wrong :( :confused: :( :( :(

05-15-2002, 11:57 PM
I hope all is well, although it does sound strange that he'd yelp only when he stretches up his front legs. I don't know what to tell you, except that I know you'll figure out what's best. If in doubt, a trip to the e.r. might be the answer.

I'll send the cutie pie good vibes tonight! :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-16-2002, 12:12 AM
Poor Reece,,,:(
We will be prayin for the sweet little pup that everything is o.k. keep us posted!!!! (maybe he pulled a muscle or something while yall were out playin and now he is sore) **if dogs can even pull a muscle :o i really dont know** {{hugs to you sweet Reece}}

05-16-2002, 12:17 AM
Oh dear Reece man! what have you done?

Aly, I know how hard it is to wait, but if it seems that he only pulled/sprained something--maybe it could wait till morning. But I know how terribly upset/worried you get over your furkids--if you are TREMENDOUSLY worried, maybe you should go to the Er...it would give you peace of mind.

I guess count the pros and cons of the situation...

Whatever you decide--keep us updated!!
{{hugs and prayers}}

Former User
05-16-2002, 02:16 AM
Oh poor Reece. Aly, I sure do hope it's nothing serious and Reece will be back to normal soon! Fingers and paws crossed here for Reece-boy.

05-16-2002, 05:18 AM
Poor little Reece! :( I hope it's nothing serious and that it'll be gone by tomorrow!

05-16-2002, 06:10 AM
Oh poor little Reece man. We too are hoping it is just a pulled muscle. Please keep us up to date and tell him Bella and I are wishing him a speedy recovery!

05-16-2002, 07:10 AM
Aly Aly tell us what's doing with our Reece-man :eek: Did he sleep well :confused: Did he do his walkies this morning?? Should I come down and hide a liver snack in my pocket for him? Please check in if only for a sentence or two. Auntie Laurie

05-16-2002, 07:14 AM
Oh dear Aly, I hope Reece is ok...It does sound like a pulled muscle...Was he a little stiff this am?
Keep us updated....

05-16-2002, 07:26 AM
How is Reece doing today?

05-16-2002, 07:40 AM
I do hope the little fellow will be ok, Aly. :( If Aly and Reece aren't happy and feeling good, it makes the rest of us very sad.

Check in when you can. Hope Reece is feeling better today!! :)

Dixieland Dancer
05-16-2002, 07:46 AM
I really hope Reece is feeling better soon. Let us know if you take him to the vet and what they say.

Give him a hug from me! I will say a prayer that it is just a passing thing and it is gone already! Try not to worry yourself to much.

05-16-2002, 08:09 AM
We're also wondering how he's doing.....great hopefully, let us know!

05-16-2002, 08:22 AM
Hope Reece is ok! :(

05-16-2002, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
maybe he pulled a muscle or something while yall were out playin and now he is sore **if dogs can even pull a muscle :o i really dont know**
Yes, dogs can pull a muscle. Carina did, in her shoulder, as a result of playing tug-of-war with too much energy. She was limping, but the X-rays didn't show anything wrong. The vet said it was a pulled muscle and gave me some pain medication.
Aly: I hope poor baby Reece is better this morning and don't be too worried until you know exactly what's wrong. Give him a big hug from us.

05-16-2002, 09:39 AM
Poor Reese! :( I hope he feels better soon.

05-16-2002, 10:03 AM
I hope Reece is OK. He may have sprained something or pulled muscle. Update us soon!

05-16-2002, 11:06 AM
He's not doing so good today :( When we woke up I picked him up and he started whining. I put him down and he sat still for a minute then crawled under the bed which is what he does when he really doesn't feel good. I called him out and took him outside to potty. He only peed then just stood there staring into space. I noticed he was shaking too.

The only way my vet would take him today is if I dropped him off. So now on top of everything that is wrong, he is sitting in a cage. I'm sure he's screaming his head off right now. I'm at my wit's end. I probably only slept for 3 hours last night and I'm scared to death something serious is wrong with him.

05-16-2002, 11:23 AM
I was hoping that you would have heard something by now. Please keep us posted as soon as you find out anything. Reece is in my prayers.

05-16-2002, 11:41 AM
Aly, like you, Reece is a sensitive soul. He shows his pain....

Don't worry to much. You can smother him with love when he comes home. It happened so suddenly that it is bound to be a muscle pull or something. I think he really knows how to show his feelings too....bless his sweet heart.

I hope you'll get just the right thing to get him back to normal in no time. Keep us posted.


05-16-2002, 11:48 AM
In the midst of all this, I didn't get to share my good news about Lolly. I've had her for over 10 months now, and last night she showed her first bit of confidence ever. I went outside with her when the sprinklers were on and she charged at them, biting the spouts and running through the water. She was having SO much fun. I've never ever seen anything like this out of her. She's usually growling or grumbling about something or other. She gets happy and active when we go to the park or play with her toys, but she's never done anything like attack sprinklers. I am so happy for her. I have high hopes that she can become a "normal" dog even after her abusive past. I am signing her up for agility within the next few weeks.

I really hope her happiness wasn't because last night Tobi happened to be spending the night with a friend of mine. (I had obedience last night and didn't want to leave him alone for so long so my friend took him home for the night).

05-16-2002, 12:53 PM
Aly, I sure hope Reece is doing better – and that the vet has a good answer for his ailing limb. Let us know what you find out – and meanwhile we’ll be sending lots of healing thoughts for him.

I sure enjoyed hearing about Lolly! I petsit for two miniature poodles and they love to play with sprinklers and water from a hose. In fact, I had been wondering if Lolly was doing a bit better when you changed the photos in your signature this last time. That picture of Lolly look like – well, she just has a better spark in her eye!

Best wishes to all your furbabies! And to you too!

05-16-2002, 01:22 PM
Hi Aly,

Poor Reece man :( , It does sound like a muscle pull. :(
Hope the Vet has a good report for you later today.(Prayers)

As for little Miss Lolly, WAY TO GO LOLLY !!! The mental pic
of her charging the sprinklers, brings a big smile to my face. :D
You have given her a new lease on life. A happier girl who I'm
sure knows how much she's loved...

05-16-2002, 01:34 PM
{{{{Aly & Reece}}}}

I sure hope everything is ok with him!! Do let us know what the vet finds out. Hopefully it's a pulled muscle that will heal really quickly! No doubt he'll get lots of loving care from you in the meantime:)

That's great about Lolly!! I can imagine the joy to see her start to build confidence after a rough past.

**hugs** and well wishes are on the way for you and Reece!

05-16-2002, 01:35 PM
Poor little Reece man!:( I know how it pains you Aly to see your babies hurt or ill. But you did the best thing by leaving him at the vet's, even if he's a little "skert" for a while. Try not to worry; hard, I know. But think how relieved you'll feel when you know for sure what's going on. Almost every dog I have had has at one time or another pulled a muscle running, jumping, tugging, etc. They would show the same symptoms as Reece. It really does sound like that's the problem. But we'll keep our paws crossed till we know for sure and he is home, safe and comfy with his Mom. And I can't tell you how happy I was to hear of Lolly's breakthrough. Those are such special moments!!! I know it's all due to the incredible love and trust and confidence you inspire in her!! You and Lolly shuld be very proud of yourselves!!:) Be sure to let us know asap what the diagnosis was!

05-16-2002, 01:45 PM
All tails, paws, and fingers crossed here for Reece too. (((((HUGS)))))

05-16-2002, 03:05 PM
He's back home with me :) Right now he and Lolly are curled up in their bed under my feet. My vet didn't see anything wrong with him so she put him on anti-inflammatory and bed rest for a week. If he's not better by then, he'll have to be sedated and xrayed. He still won't potty, eat, or drink. I'm hoping later today he'll feel good enough to eat so I can give him his pill.

I am feeling a bit better but I have to keep him totally apart from Tobi. Tobi's used to Reece being his wrestling buddy and doesn't understand he's hurt.

05-16-2002, 03:07 PM
Awww, poor Reece :( I'm sorry you had to leave him in a cage, but it's better that he does get checked up as soon as possible!

Glad to hear about Lolly having such a fun time! Put a smile on my face reading about it :)

05-16-2002, 04:05 PM
Hope Reece feels better soon! And great news about Lolly! She'll be a big brave girl before you know it :)

05-16-2002, 04:05 PM
Oh the poor little Reecie man :( I hate to hear that he's hurting, but hopefully he'll continue to get better. I know about the bed rest thing...it's no fun but hang in there, Aly and Reece, and everything will be fine and you can kiss your worries goodbye.

Please give the gang lots of puppy (and kitty) kisses for me.


Leslie, Graham & Kersey

05-16-2002, 04:27 PM
Glad to hear ;]

05-16-2002, 06:18 PM
Ugh! He's not doing any better at all! He doesn't feel good. How can a sprained muscle be affecting him like this? My sister is on her way over with some canned food so we can try to make him eat. He's shaking right now and about to crawl under the bed. He's been in his doggy bed all day. He hasn't even drank any water.

05-16-2002, 07:26 PM
Aly one of my toy poodles had some disc trouble as a result of jumping up and down and sort of twisting as she jumped. She started out with a quiet yelp when it happened and then stopped eating. She also was shaking. :( The vet treated her with steroids on a slow taper and she was herself in no time. Hope your little buddy starts to feel better real soon.

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-16-2002, 07:47 PM
I am so sorry Reece feels so bad :( Poor puppy, you guys are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope yall have a turn for the better real soon. Maybe he will feel better after he eats. POOR PUPPY :( give him a hug for me and hugs for you too.
So glad to hear Lolly had such a fun time with the sprinklers! I never knew she came from such a bad past and It just makes me smile that she is in a happy forever home with sprinklers to attack :D

05-16-2002, 08:07 PM
Did I read you correctly Aly....they didn't do x-rays??? I think you need to have that done to rule out a lot of possible causes/injuries. I am most concerned that he is not eating or drinking. IWhat exactly did they do at the vet's? Did they just observe him? Is there a vet on call this evening? If you think he is really not doing well, I think a call might be in order. Poor Reece Man:( Please stay in touch this evening. And please give hugs to precious little Reece.

Cinder & Smoke
05-16-2002, 08:22 PM
Hey Aly & ReeceMan ~

The only *pills* WE like to take are our Heartguard Chewables ~ they're Ummmm Good! :D

Since I'm on Benadryl for my itchies and Smokey's on Aspirin and Glucosamine for his bum knee - We gotz ta take pills wiff every meal (twice a day).
Dad tried all the usual tricks - Wrappin em in baloney, cheese, peanbutter, bread, etc. We alluz smell the pill and chew & chomp the pill packaging till we find the lil pill - then Pu-tewwie ~ Out goes the pill and *gulp* down goes the wrapper! Dad getz :mad:!

Now he gives us pills the easy way (for him)...
We gotz ta *sit* tween his kneebones...

* Then he puts a thumb and finnerbone tween our jaws and sorta *pries* our mouff open (we gave up tryin to *bite* or *snap* or clamp our moufs shut - kuz he's a LOT bigger'n us :rolleyes: )

* Then he holds the pill between two finners on the udder handpaw and sticks the pill WAY down onna top and back of our tongue...

* We usually make a big *gaak* an *gurrk* noise :eek: (just for effect)...

* Then he gives the pill a lil *push* so it's half way down our throat...

* Then he holds our mouff shut and rubs & tickles our throat onna outside {furry side}...

NO WAY ta stop the thing - *GULP* and it's down-a-hatch :p.

Hey Reece ~ Take the pill - it'll make ya feel better ~
but Insist on a kupla treats after ya swallow it!

05-16-2002, 08:34 PM
Need we say more, Reece Man!!:D:D:D

05-16-2002, 08:39 PM

Hi. Like others. I am concerned that Reece is not
drinking and that he has tremors. Not eating for awhile
is one thing, but not drinking & acting so different than
usual (hiding under bed) is worrisome. I really hope the
anti-inflamatory drugs help him feel better. If not, think
I'd opt for the x-rays whenever they can schedule it.
Prayers & Hugs for Reece baby.

05-16-2002, 09:41 PM
The good news is my sister and I got him to eat. Well it wasn't too hard with that yummy canned food he usually doesn't get. I gave some to Lolly too and they were in hog heaven. Shiloh even came by to lick their bowls when they were done (not that they left much to lick :) ). I kept putting the pill in his food and he kept eating around it so I finally stuck it in some string cheese and that did the trick.

My sister will be babysitting him tomorrow while I'm at work. I thought about taking him to work with me but I think it might stress him out. He's used to playing with dogs there and I don't think he'll be happy sitting still there. Also, he'd have to spend the first 3 hours before we open alone in an office while I do my morning cleaning.

05-16-2002, 10:26 PM
Hope he starts to feel better. Glad to hear that he ate.

When both Shiloh and Killian (within a week of each other) injured their front elbow, they were each x-rayed. They took their meds and recovered. I hope Reece will do the same.

05-16-2002, 10:48 PM
My vet didn't think it was necessary to xray him yet. She convinced me it wasn't needed by saying that he'd need to be sedated. So yeah, she didn't really do anything. I KNEW that they were going to charge me over 100 bucks and not tell me a thing. That's okay though. I'm watching him like a hawk and we will high tail it to the emergency room at any little sign.

05-17-2002, 06:02 AM
I'm sorry to hear that Reece is still feeling unwell. Did I hear right, 100 dollars for a visit? This is one of the few times I'm happy to liver over here, vets are so much cheaper.

Wonderful news about Lolly.

05-17-2002, 07:05 AM
Give it a chance to heal. That's a good idea. I know you'll be watching him like a hawk, so waiting to see what happens is a good idea. You would have to put him under to do the x-rays. Killi and Shi were x-rayed sooner because they are GSDs and that breed is known for leg, shoulder and elbow problems. Good luck and please keep us posted. Our fingers (paws) are crossed for some improvement!

05-17-2002, 07:59 AM
Aly, I hope he's feeling better today! Give him a big hug from me!

Dixieland Dancer
05-17-2002, 08:25 AM
Still saying prayers that Reece is feeling better real soon! It is nice your sister can be there to help you out through this. :)

05-17-2002, 01:13 PM
Aly, So sorry to hear Reece is under the weather. Hope He gets feeling better real soon. I know you will be watching him close for any changes.

05-17-2002, 08:14 PM
Reece is about 90% better!!!!!!! He's moving around and wiggling and waggling and jumping and hopping and licking and being a big goofball!!

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-17-2002, 08:21 PM
Such great news!!!!:D :D I am so glad to hear that!!! I know you must be relieved too. What a good boy!! **hugs to you Reece man**

05-17-2002, 11:17 PM
Boy, I'm glad I didn't see this post until just today. Saved myself lots of worry. Last thing we need around here is for anything bad to come into the life of the sweetest Reeces Pieces Sugar Plum Honey Bun. I think Reece may be a tad like me. When he hurts, he is sure it is something serious, hence he gets frantic.
So glad that it looks like this was just a temporary problem and that Reece is feeling so much better.

As for Lolly, I too love her lastest picture in your signature. What a joy it must have been to see her playing with the sprinkler. Today I heard some noises in the living room and quietly walked to where I could observe my Tucker as he played with wild abandon, tossing around and destuffing Lamby. I savored the moment as I know you did yours with Lolly.

05-18-2002, 02:59 AM
oh Aly, thank Dawg! I just couldn't stand sompin more bad right now and neither should you. My (our) little Reece-man is soooo important to us all. I have tears of joy running down my face. Dog bless us all, one and all.

05-18-2002, 06:52 AM
I'm so glad he's feeling better, give him a big hug for me!

05-18-2002, 10:42 AM
Aly, I just got back from vacation and like Rachel, I'm glad I just read the good stuff about Reece right now. It is such a worry when they are hurting and you don't know what is causing the pain. I'm so glad he is doing better and knowing Reece he will be back to his ole self. Hugs and kisses to Reece from Daisy and Perry and me.