View Full Version : Bonnie and Clyde

06-29-2006, 08:31 PM
my brother's new kitten was so dern cute i went and picked out another one. :o not from the same litter. my bro's kitten was named Claude, but we wanted something that went together. so we named them Bonniw and Clyde. now the pics!

Clyde meeting Bonnie-

one of my little brothers.(Clyde is not his. another brother.)

06-29-2006, 08:33 PM
Oh she is adorable! I love the names! I'll have to keep them in mind for when I start fostering kitties and get in a brother-sister duo :)

06-29-2006, 08:51 PM
What cuties :D

Laura's Babies
06-29-2006, 10:10 PM
I love Bonnies face and her name.. She looks like a Bonnie and the name fits her to a "T"..

06-29-2006, 10:26 PM
What cuties!!!!!! I love gray and white kitties so much!!

Your little brother is a cutie too. ;)

06-29-2006, 10:50 PM
thanks! :)
yeah, the brother in the picture is a HUGE animal lover. i keep telling the parents he's gonna take my place when i leave. :p

06-30-2006, 05:09 AM
They are adorable!!!!! I want a kitten toooooooooooooooo. ;)

06-30-2006, 08:46 AM
I just hope that they do not have criminal tendacies like the late unlamented criminals with the same name.
I know that they will be a Great Feline Dynamic Duo for many many years to come.

06-30-2006, 09:37 AM
what cuties! I just adore little Bonnie!

06-30-2006, 10:15 AM
how adorable!! love the names :)

06-30-2006, 03:56 PM
I just hope that they do not have criminal tendacies like the late unlamented criminals with the same name.
I know that they will be a Great Feline Dynamic Duo for many many years to come.

so far they have. the knocked over one of the betta tanks at 3:30am this morning. poor Scrubber was just floppin around. fortinatly he's ok. ;)

06-30-2006, 04:03 PM
gorgeous gal !!! she so cute a few days i saw a cat about the same coloring and i was like AWWWWWW now i got to see one grow here in PT!! they seem so cute together........ :D