View Full Version : Another run in with the idiotic dentist...

06-29-2006, 12:36 PM
As most of you know, there are two "yard" cats that belong to the stupid dentist next door. I feed them at night (a can of cat food split between the two of them, plus water and crunchies). I went to feed them last night and all MY cat dishes were gone. Does this idiot think because he took MY dishes that I'm not gonna feed them???

I was sitting out on the step this morning with kitty treats and scissors, in an effort to trim Fluffy's awful mats. It's the only way I can get her not to move while I snip away.

Anyway, I look up and there he is in all his dental garb with his arms crossed looking VERY pissed off.

"I have asked you very nicely, time and time again, to please stop feeding MY cats. If you feed them, they don't do their job. They have a purpose here, and that's to catch mice." I asked him for my dishes back.

UGH!!! :mad: I asked him if he had ever heard of mouse traps. The look he gave me could melt butter. "These are MY cats. Their health and well being is MY job." I asked him if their shots are up to date and he said yes.

"All the other neighbors have abided by my wishes, but you continue to ignore them. PLEASE do not feed my cats."

The dental hygenist feeds them in the a.m. (I feed them only at night). An elderly couple comes in every weekend with canned food, and replenishes their free feeder in their shelter (a garage with kitty beds that they have access to 24/7).

I told him I was only giving them a couple of treats (okay, it was more than a couple, so sue me!!) in an effort to keep Fluffy still while I trimmed her matted coat. He said he didn't have a problem with me having a relationship with the cats, or helping trim Fluffy's coat, he just doesn't want me to feed them.

So, what should I do?? Should I stop feeding them? Or ignore him and keep on doing what I'm doing. Cats do NOT kills mice for food. They do it for the kill. This guy just doesn't get it.

06-29-2006, 12:45 PM
Since his hygenist works for him, she must have his permission or he hasnt figured out she is feeding them. The elderly couple does it on weekends when he isnt there. It appears they are getting enough to eat. I would not feed them. As for trimming food, have the treats in plain site when your doing it if he see's you giving food it's because the cat needs to be still while your trimming.

I would be careful with him because he could make life miserable for you and your cats.

06-29-2006, 01:33 PM
Don't tell him he's stupid and misinformed, even though we all know that he is, just try giving him some academic papers that state a cat's instinct to hunt and kill is independent to hunger. Try this: http://www.law.ufl.edu/conservation/pdf/feralcat.pdf

I think the part about hunting being independent to hunger is on page 4 or 5, and it references another study. Highlight the relevent information and the next time he gets testy, hand the paper to him.

And this is good, from Audubon, see under Keeping Cats Indoors:


I don't know if you want to mention the fact that a cat will hunt less as she ages since he seems to keep the cats only to be useful. You could mention that a cat that has not received good dental care :D is less likely to hunt because it has a sore mouth. Cats with very sore mouths will still eat, even dry food, but they won't hunt.

Queen of Poop
06-29-2006, 02:01 PM
Keep feeding them, he's an idiot that needs a serious smack up side the head.

06-29-2006, 02:22 PM
Its such a sad situation. I know you're caught: if you call animal control, he'll know it was you. If you continue feeding him he could try to go after you legally.

I'd push the envelope if it was me caught in the same siutuation. To me it would be WAR.... he's mistreating them and I'm trying to help them. You're not one to back down so don't. If he takes legal action, get the media involved. The news stations would LOVE a human interest story about the cat loving woman fighting the moronic egotistical male dentist.

06-29-2006, 02:28 PM
Some cats are hunters, some are not.

Hunters do it because that is what they like to do, not for the food, unless they are strays and need to eat.

My neighbors cats are excellent hunters with birds. I have seen both of them, sit very still then bolt straight up and come back down with a bird in its mouth! :eek: Poor bird, but very impressive for the cat!

If these cats WANT to catch mice, then they will. It has nothing to do with feeding them or not.

Your neighbor is not too intellegent when it comes to cats. If you can, go buy him some mouse traps, and give them to him. He may get the message then!!

BTW- DO you have mice around your house???

Laura's Babies
06-29-2006, 03:12 PM
As you know I have sort of been where you are before I got Samantha so I know how it rips your heart out. Don't you have the right to put food out on your own property for "strays".. Then that dumps it right back in HIS lap (his cats coming on YOUR property) ... If you want to go that route...

I would back off on the feeding since you know they are getting food daily and see if your stopping effects their weight any. I would keep a close check on the weight and if they get to thin, start feeding them again.

When I had Sambo, he was a very well fed BIG BOY and we lived out in the country where there were plenty of mice.... he was always catching them for sport...

Same with RB Penny, well fed BIG GIRL, use to catch birds, rats and moles for sport. That dentist is full of hogwash!

06-29-2006, 03:33 PM

BTW- DO you have mice around your house

Not one!!


Believe me, I wanted SOOOOO badly to smack him upside the head. But stupid people feel nothing up there. I'm surprized he got through dental school.

I thought about printing out the link that Lizzie posted and putting it in his door with a note saying, "I KNOW what I'm talking about." I doubt it'll do any good. Besides, I've gone about as far as I can with this jerk without putting jeopardy to my living arrangements, if ya know what I mean. If it were just me, I'd pursue the whole thing. But I can't risk having to live in my car, or something happening to the cats.

06-29-2006, 05:40 PM
Thats Not A Bad Idea, To Leave The Bowls On Your Property Where The Cats Can Find Them.
In That Way, That Oaf Cannoy Claim That You Are Feeding His Cats.
Its Tough When They Are Not Groomed Properly Too.
I Pray For Those Two Cats.