View Full Version : Kitten is ok...and I am finished - Update links added by request

06-28-2006, 11:29 PM
The two other links:



Had a message to call Ted tonight.

We had a good talk...they can't see me continuing on. They LIKE me, and are sorry it had to come to this.

I understand totally - it is not personal, as I knew before - but it's one thing to get a second chance when you are working with computers, and totally another when you are working with live creatures, whose lives are in your hands.

If I were to continue on - we would all be under a bit of 'when will the shoe drop' - even me, I think.

I had another good cry...and had to finish some transcribing work for the other job, the national publication I work for.

When I emailed the transcription, I let the CEO know that I was now available full hours, if the opportunity was there. (I KNOW it is, we'll just see).

No more zig-zagging between two jobs, fuel costs in half...

But I sure will miss all those furbabies!!!!! :(

Thank you so much to all of you who have supported me.


In my irreverant way, I thought of this saying: "When God closes one door, he opens another - but it's HELL in the hallway!"

Hugs to everyone....


06-28-2006, 11:33 PM
I'm so glad the kitty is okay but so sorry that you lost the job. You sound like you are taking it well and I have to thank you for the great chuckle. I've never heard that saying with the extra about the hallway. I will most definitely remember that one!

I hope things work out for you to go fulll time on the other job. This just may be the direction you need to travel now.


06-28-2006, 11:46 PM

I'm so sorry about your job. I believe in second chances. It's too bad they didn't. You're taking it quite well under the circumstances. I guess all you can do now is move on.

I hope the CEO will take you up on your offer. He's crazy if he doesn't. You need schmoozing with some furbabies??? You are more than welcome to come to my house. My cats would LOVE another person to spoil the rotten.

((((HUGS)))) to you Catty1. You're a big person for taking the whole situation the way you have.

06-29-2006, 12:04 AM
Thanks...and my bosses have taken it very well too. We all feel the same about it, really.

Even if the circumstances were different - the place is for sale, possession date Nov 1st - and I might have been out of the job anyway.

I have built up a good sense of worth as a worker there. And they are great bosses.

It's one thing to have a second chance if one works with computers or something like that. But when the lives of living creatures are literally in my hands, no. And I am fine with that.

I have sobbed and cried more in the past 12 hours than the past month. But I am ok.

They like me and I like them - but we can't risk this again...we all would be wondering if something would happen. For the shoe to drop. Human nature.


PS Jazzcat - "When God closes a door, He opens a window - but sometimes he forgets to remove the screen."

06-29-2006, 12:10 AM
PS Jazzcat - "When God closes a door, He opens a window - but sometimes he forgets to remove the screen."
LOL - I think that could sum up my life sometimes!

06-29-2006, 12:13 AM
I just read all 3 threads.
Quite a turmoil of emotions for you. :(
I am glad the kitten is back and safe but sorry the way it turned out for you.

06-29-2006, 05:19 AM
Sorry about your job. :( But believe it or not, things DO happen for a reason. So hang in there, His plan will reveal itself in due time.

Laura's Babies
06-29-2006, 06:15 AM
I agree with Jen 100%. Time will tell what He has in the plan for you.

06-29-2006, 08:08 AM
Sorry to kvetch a bit - I am up early. My eyes are puffy. I feel like I have been through a breakup.

In a way, I guess I have. Amicable, but still emotionally hard.

Loss of a beloved job...yup.

I KNOW God has something else in mind. I KNOW that.

I just feel tired and hurt and calm all at the same time.

Going in tomorrow (Friday) to get my final papers and pay.

Will be glad when that is over.


Those dear dear kitties - all of them. Apache, the hammock writher("Conniption Kitty"); Cartman with no lips(can't see them from the front!), Cartwheel, Cartperson; Lizzie who is 23 and sweet; Ellie the tiny Tonk who hid in her house for two days and now begs for tummy rubs and hugs!; Bonnie and Clyde, two Meezer Mixes - Clyde is goofy and Bonnie is a diva!; Rusty the gravity-challenged orangie...and more. Even most of the hissy and scared ones come around after a day or two, and it is so nice to be part of it.

I will miss this so much...

06-29-2006, 08:51 AM
Catty1, I am so sorry that this mistake had to come to your no longer working there. I would agree with the others that there is something else out ther for you, and only HE knows what that is. Be glad that you were able to give those furbabies the luvvins that you did! They knew how much you cared for them, and the owners know also!

Give your babies (and any others you can get your hands on without getting into trouble!) all the extra luvvins you can! That may help some.

Sounds like you have a great outlook about it all, although I know you are upset.

I hope that the other job can become full-time soon.

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-29-2006, 09:06 AM
Oh dear, I feel so sorry for you.... :( . I will pray that you may find a new great job, asap!!! Chin up, honey, feel free to pm me or post about it on PT. Well love you here!

ps.I know you agree with your boss (ex-boss); but in my opinion this one-time-event is not a reason to fire you right away. How about second chances? Who says this will happen again? I am sure it won't as you are a warned person now!!

06-29-2006, 09:14 AM
I agree with Maya and Inka's mommy. We learn by making mistakes, but perhaps the owners had never had a situation like that before. I'm surprised, that you would need to leave windows open, too. Just my opinion.

But the fact that you are reconciling it might mean that you are ready to move on. One chapter closes and another begins. WE are where we need to be for that moment, and you'll find the right door to go through.

Love that quote. Been doin' some changin' of my own.


Pawsitive Thinking
06-29-2006, 09:17 AM
I was sorry to hear your news - these things do happen for a reason although at the time it is hard to see what it might be

06-29-2006, 09:24 AM
mrspunkysmom - we had a heat wave(+30C, over 80F), and although there is an air exchange system in the building, with an a/e vent in each cat room, there is no air conditioning.

I was going to be working upstairs, and it would be warm...so I opened the window to several inches. to get a better breeze coming in (nice and cool and fragrant over the lilac bushes outside).

We'd had the window open the day before...but it is not to be opened more than an inch. I ought to have been more careful...after all, a new cat had just bounded up to the window before, and I closed it! And with no screens - you think I would have twigged to not open it more than the required inch.

But anyway...if the kitten had not come back, it would have been a huge blow to the business...the customers are NEW, from overseas, as are the two kittens. Regular customers might have forgiven us - these people might have sued, and the kennel is up for sale. The kennel has been operating for some 6 years, and this has not happened before.

They just can't take a chance - and if I went back, none of us would be at ease like we were before. A second chance would be hard on me...because it would be exactly that! :)

Anyway, I understand it, and am okay with it, though I have been upset.



06-29-2006, 09:27 AM
I just read all 3 threads.
Quite a turmoil of emotions for you. :(
I am glad the kitten is back and safe but sorry the way it turned out for you.
**hugs**Could someone add the links to the other threads here? I couldn't find the other threads and I'm "clue free" as to what is going on. Thanks!

06-29-2006, 09:40 AM
We are praying that this new job will provide you with all the fullfilment, and maybe a few extra dollars.
And you can always volunteer at a local shelter.
Those Cats and Dogs will appreciate the love that you bring.
The best to you, in your new job.

06-29-2006, 12:04 PM
Thanks Gary - the new job is one I have done part time along with the kennel job. I think it likely it will go full time, and working at a magazine means I also work with creative, intelligent and articulate folks who have wacky sense of humour! Like my kennel bosses did/do!

Volunteering - the local Humane wants daytime, and as I live on my own, I unfortunately have to work days to support myself.

However, I have Oscar and Cole thanks to the kennel, and will be spoiling them even a bit more! :D


06-29-2006, 12:16 PM
Thanks for posting the links. I think I'm up to speed now. I'm so sorry that they decided to let you go. We all make mistakes. In this case, I guess it's "one strike and you're out". Us human beings make mistakes. But, we learn from them. I would imagine that after this experience you would have been the perfect employee because you would have double and triple checked things. I wish they could have seen that.

06-29-2006, 03:05 PM
Folks - I thank those of you who think I should have been given a second chance.

I've made lots of mistakes there (and elsewhere :D ) and have still received raises. I know I am a good worker.

This cat could have been permanently lost or dead.

Imagine the atmosphere if I was kept on. I think all of us would have a jittery feeling.

I am not leaving under a cloud - but if I stayed, I would be working under one.

There are no 'bad guys' here. Not in my view. This decision was not reached for personal reasons. Just can't take the chance.


Don Juan's mom
06-29-2006, 03:11 PM
I feel for you, seeing as I lost my job due to a stupid, stupid mistake. Hope we BOTH find something soon!

Last night at my church choir, we rehearsed a gospel number that has the line "When I was down to my last dime, He was there right on time." The Lord is sure cutting it close in my case. :rolleyes:
