View Full Version : Thunder storms YIKES

06-28-2006, 06:13 PM
Brandi experienced her first thunder storm this afternoon. It wasn't pretty. I tried to engage her in play with me or toys, or food, nothing would help. She litterally tried to crawl up my pant leg. So I just put a leash on her and let her go with me from room to room to see if my downspouts were clogged (good time to do it huh?) She has settled down now and is learning about toys. Here are a couple of pictures of Brandi.

Brandi with toys


Playing with toys makes me sleepy


06-28-2006, 06:23 PM
Aww, poor Brandi! Sounds like she was terrified! My Rebel is also scared of thunder storms but when he hears thunder he runs straight to his crate and lays down.

Those pictures are adorable, she sure is cute! :)

06-28-2006, 06:35 PM
Aww poor girl! My two bark whenever there is a thunderstorm. :rolleyes: I bet Brandi will get used to them over time and will probably not be so scared. She's beautiful!!

06-29-2006, 07:18 AM
Poor Brandi.

Fenway's afraid of thunder, fireworks and high school bands. He starts shaking and panting. I feel so bad for him.

I hope the thunder didn't last too long. Take care Brandi. You're awfully cute.


06-29-2006, 07:31 AM
Brandi is a cutie pie!
I feel your pain! I have to tranquilize Buddy during storms, if not he tries to break out windows and chews on door handles. It's not a pretty sight. :(
If she's young, it should be quite easy to desensitize her from loud noises.

Ginger's Mom
06-29-2006, 11:57 AM
Aww, poor Brandy. It sounds like you handled it well though. She may get better as she experiences more. She sure is a pretty girl, though.