View Full Version : ack dogs!!

06-28-2006, 04:29 PM
Someone forgot to lock the dogs in the backyard, so Maggie opened the gate and let all the dogs out! Dudley was inside with me and Maggie, of course, was standing outside the door waiting to be let in. :rolleyes:

My sister and friend found Roxie down the alley barking at a dog in a pen. So they brought her home and found Maggie standing by the door waiting to be let in. They let them in and told me that Marty and Alex were missing so I ran outside. We were calling their names when this guy sitting on his porch said he saw them run down *name* street. GRRRRRR So he didn't bother to tell us our dogs were out or even to try and get the dogs he just sat there and watched them! :mad: Anyways I run down the street and I see Marty standing in the street and Alex is running full speed toward me. I pick up Alex and start calling Marty to me. He is just standing in the road looking at me, so I was walking toward him when I saw a little boy trying to coax him to him. The little boy sees me and starts to try and hurry Marty to him... I'm not sure what he was thinking but I wasn't going to let him have my dog. So I ran up to Marty and made him follow me home.

I get home and I find Roxie eating my food! She jumped up on the chair and was growling and trying to attack Maggie and Dudley when they got near her. Grr she ate half of my food.

Anyways dog bleh, small rant about mine.

06-28-2006, 04:33 PM
whew, made me tired just reading it!LOL

don't ya just LOVE dogs! :D

06-28-2006, 04:38 PM
Sorry you had to expierence that. People never chase after a dog do they? So the kid was basically trying to steal Marty? :confused:

06-28-2006, 04:42 PM
I think so, he may have just been trying to pet him or something but either way I don't like the little boy. They have like 10+ german shepherds/pit bulls in their backyard because their bybs. Don't know how many exactly next see them except when they get loose and it's usually mom with 2-5 puppies.

06-28-2006, 04:54 PM
i hope he wasn't trying to steal him. i hate BYB!!!