View Full Version : SO mad at city of Kaukauna and at my stupid camera

06-28-2006, 01:55 PM
We went to the Kaukauna dog park for the second time, and left after 5 minutes for the second time. I was so excited that Autumn would be able to swim there, but after I got a closer look I realized she can't. The park is just a fence around the water retention pond in the industrial park. It's not built for anything to swim safely. Its got very steep sides so that even if a dog jumped in there is little footing to get out. And the water is deep all around. It goes straight down from the start and looks to be over 5 feet deep at the edge. I'm waiting to hear that a dog drowned trying to get out. There is no way I'm letting Autumn in there and there's no other swimming spot for dogs in the area. I could smuggle her into the park nearby without being caught but the place to go wading there is actually a low spot by the dam and you aren't supposed to swim there.
To make matters worse there will be no pictures from the camping trip. The stupid camera didn't work right and the film was all exposed. I took the stupid thing in the driveway and smashed it to hell with a baseball bat, but that won't get my pictures back. I wish I could afford a decent digital camera. Ok rants done, needed to get that out.