View Full Version : What are you ObSeSsEd with?

06-28-2006, 10:00 AM
Ok, is there something you like SO much you can’t live with out? Are you obsessed with something? No matter how pointless or weird they might be…. Post them!!

Ok me (in no specific order)….

1. I know EVERYONE on here HAS to be obsessed with their pets-- I am! I love all three on my animals and ALL animals!

2. Narnia. Oh boy, I’m sure a lot of you have read something I posted about it, some time. I just can’t get over it. I talk about it every day. Lol :p

5. Music, I might as well go crazy if I can’t listen to some of my favorite bands every day!!

4. Cookie dough-- What can I say… I love it!!

5. Twizlers-- Same with Cookie dough……. I love 'em!!

6. Ummmm, Got Pet Talk?? ;) ;)

7. Disney channel! It's my favorite!!!

I might add more later! Now on with the posting!! :D

06-28-2006, 10:10 AM
1. my pets of course! :D and all animals. I am obsessed with pit bulls, hounds, rotties, mutts..(let's just say all dogs..;) and I am obsessed with cats (even my own and my own dogs :D) and of course horses. ;)

2. soda :rolleyes:

3. music, I can't go a day without listening to some music.

4. so you think you can dance? (its a tv show)

5. ice cream

6. pizza :o

7. bread and butter cucumber chips

8. here, petfinder, and a bulldogbreeds forum I go to.

9. volunteering at the shelter, I just love helping out and paying attention to the animals. :D

I think that's it. oh Pit Bull rescue Central (http://www.pbrc.net)

I am always looking on there and I am not as obsessed with dogster anymore. :p

I forgot chocolate

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-28-2006, 10:17 AM
1. Belgian milkchocolate (Côte D'or) with nuts

2. Crème Brulée

3. sweets :o :o

06-28-2006, 10:18 AM
1.my pets and all animals but mostly cats and bettas
3.my favorite t.v.shows
4.Music i love my country and christan pop/rock
5.ice cream
6.books and magazines i couldn't live without books
7.my video games
edit:taking pics i have been doing that alot but my camera is not that good.
and Pet Talk

06-28-2006, 10:39 AM
I've been told frequently I'm obsessed with chocolate...and chip(s)....combined or separate.
:o :o

Combined leads to worse consequences...but separate is enough lol.
I lead a sad life. :o

06-28-2006, 10:42 AM
1) My family (includes people and pets).
2) Pasta any kind and any sauce.
3) Nutella.

I couldn't live without these things.... among many others, but these were the first to come to mind.

06-28-2006, 10:47 AM
animals in general
jet skiing (lol wierd but i love it! :p )

06-28-2006, 10:48 AM
Coronation Street......Sunday mornings.....I don't even answer the phone then. :o

06-28-2006, 10:52 AM

1) kitties (that's obvious as I have three) ;)
2) reading
3) watching movies, particularly scary ones
4) I'm currently obsessed with finding a house that I want to buy
5) mashed potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob. Pretty much Thanksgiving dinner.
6) ice cream
7) chocolate

06-28-2006, 10:52 AM
besides the critters:

1. the tv show, 24 & it's star Kiefer Sutherland.

2. Steve Earle

3. Beads, beads, beads, beads, beads!!

4. kayaking and dogsledding.

06-28-2006, 10:53 AM
My dogs & cat.

DVDs/ Movies, especially movies from the 1980s and anything with River Phoenix in it.

Music, i would go crazy without it.

Border Collies, Staffordshire Bull Terriers and Dandy Dinmont Terriers.

KFC BBQ sauce lol.

Scrap Booking.

Photography.. my one huge obsession.

Sewing, making dog coats/ beds/ collars/ leads to sell.

06-28-2006, 11:18 AM
I've been told frequently I'm obsessed with chocolate...and chip(s)....combined or separate.

Hahaha Maria, chocolate chips. Hmmm, is that you and your code names again? :D ;)

Okay, obsessions.
1- Mickey and my birdies of course. I love to watch them.
2- Photography
3- Books and authors, or plays and playwrights.
4- Artists and their work. Especially Renaissance stuff.
5- Music, especially my lovelies Switchfoot.
6- Caffeine. Chocolate and coffee, mmm.

06-28-2006, 11:19 AM
1. animals and my pets and family
2. music
3. my guitar
4. cars
5. soda
6. umm of course PT!
7. LOST (show)
8. Disney Channel
9. any italian food and thanksgiving type food.

Toby's my baby
06-28-2006, 12:44 PM
no particular order:

1. Pet talk
2. My pets and my friends/ friends pets ;) :p
3. Food, any food, apples, bananas, chocolate, ANYTHING :p
4. Milk, I LOVE milk
5. School, got to LOVE school
6. Digi cam, I would DIE without my camera...:p ;)

06-28-2006, 12:49 PM
haha this is a great topic...

lets see, I'm obsessed with...;

1. My dogs
2. Border Collies
3. Pet Talk and BCR
4. Photography
5. Hiking and going places for walks with my dogs
6. Agility, gotta love it
7. goldfish pretzels... yumm

06-28-2006, 12:51 PM
1. The Hoodlums (animals in general)
2. Agility
3. Learning how to juggle! (this is a very recent obsession, this morning I woke up and decided that I'd learn how to juggle!)
4. The internet
5. Photography
6. My camera - even if it is a piece of crap
7. Camping/Kayaking/Climbing/Scuba Diving/Skiing/Hiking/etc ;)

06-28-2006, 01:09 PM
1. none. ;)

well, 2. truth.

ok ok, I'll admit since I've had "got pet talk?" in my location title for a long time, for now, 3. pet talk. :p

don't get me wrong, I am not obsessed, I just love what I have.

06-28-2006, 01:19 PM
they are all great!!!!!!!!

06-28-2006, 01:28 PM
Music is my only obsession. Must have music playing (or me playing music) 24/7. :D

My animals and such are just a love, not quite an obsession.

06-28-2006, 01:48 PM

Pet Talk!!! :d

06-28-2006, 02:43 PM
1.My pets
4.Ian Somerhalder *drool*
5.Dog clothes

That's all I can think of right now.

06-28-2006, 02:43 PM
I'm obsessed with Tollers...pretty much every single day I look at hundreds of pictures of them (even ones I've already seen numerous times over!) and continue to read things about them (its amazing that I'm still learning new things after all these years!). I tried to stop, I just can't. Until I can get my own, my life will continue to be this way...lol.

Other than that, I don't think I really have any obsessions. Some say I'm obsessed with Tango in that I don't like to leave her for long periods of time with the rest of my family and I always want to take her with me wherever I go. But I wouldn't call it an obsession, justa strong bond/love I guess.

06-28-2006, 03:07 PM
any food...any food at all! I'll eat it! people say I have a problem because I eat so much! Ill eat lunch or supper then about an hour later im hungry again! Dont know why! I just love FOOD! :o :p

Suki Wingy
06-28-2006, 03:17 PM
1. dogs
2. horses
3. reading the Dover and State Line Tack catalouges
4. Making up show outfits for every horse/ combonation of horses and budget. (A little Obsessive Compulsive actually)
5. dog and horse shows
6. Harry Potter series and Fanfictions (reading, not too good at writing)
7. junk food
8. computer
9. magazines

06-28-2006, 03:30 PM
1.Pigeons and other birds.

2.Ketchup I just love it and can't eat almost anything with out it I put it on Kd,Patatoes,Rice ect ect.....

3. Pickles god I just love pickles.

4.Screaming I just can't go one day with out screaming since Im so used to screaming at my brothers now lol.

5.I always have to listen to music before I go to sleep or I shall have a hard time sleeping.

6.Dressing like a punkish person I just love it and love my awsome belt!! :D

7.Singing and making up stupid things to say.

06-28-2006, 03:37 PM
1. ANIMALS!! My parents tell me when I should stop talking about them. lol
2. PT :)
3. Harry Potter books/movies (I just read the 4th one, 734 pgs in a week and a half)
4. Pickles (dill!)
5. Hockey... the awesomest sport ever
6. Photography

06-28-2006, 10:02 PM
Hahaha Maria, chocolate chips. Hmmm, is that you and your code names again? :D ;)

Okay, obsessions.
1- Mickey and my birdies of course. I love to watch them.
2- Photography
3- Books and authors, or plays and playwrights.
4- Artists and their work. Especially Renaissance stuff.
5- Music, especially my lovelies Switchfoot.
6- Caffeine. Chocolate and coffee, mmm.

LOLLLLLLLLLLL I didn't think anyone would catch me, I forgot about you! :p

Seriously, I thought that was going to be one big inside joke between myself and...myself lol. I was in a bad mood but I just can't help but laughing lol.

Suki Wingy
06-29-2006, 05:22 AM
3. Harry Potter books/movies (I just read the 4th one, 734 pgs in a week and a half)
I got HBP at midnight the first day it came out and read it in one night :p :eek: I've read each book at least 2 times, most 3. Yeah, I'm one funny person. :rolleyes:

06-29-2006, 08:27 AM
Some of my favorite things are:

1. Animals, especially my pets.

2. Corgis!

3. Traveling! I just have to think of a possible trip and my pulse quickens, I just love visiting new places.

4. Eating sweets!! (Especially with tea or coffee :D ).

5. Diet soda.

6. Clothes, I really like to buy them and wear them, and I own too many of them! :o

Buddy Blaze Lover
06-29-2006, 08:49 AM
Haha, good thread Sarah! ;)

Let's see, besides animals, any of my friends could tell you I am obsessed with:

1. Lord of the Rings (eh, I'm a freak really!)
2. My best friends (ha)
3. Basketball
4. Border collies
5. Extreme Makeover (the show)
6. E-mail :)

There's probably lots more, since I tend to obsess with things easily...a good friend of mine has told me that before, and I think I believe him...haha :rolleyes: ;)

06-29-2006, 09:32 AM
Obsessions? like "I can't help myself, I have to..."?

1. siberian huskies
2. coffee
3. drawing
4. PT :D

06-29-2006, 10:02 AM
Not in any particular order

My dogs
Border Collies
My horse

06-29-2006, 10:24 AM
Johnny Depp. I'm a Deppaholic ... and I don't want to be cured! :D :p

06-29-2006, 10:28 AM
Johnny Depp. I'm a Deppaholic ... and I don't want to be cured! :D :p
My mother-in-law is also a "Deppaholic." She just "happens" to own all of his movies and watches them religiously! :D

06-29-2006, 10:46 AM
Haha, good thread Sarah! ;)

Let's see, besides animals, any of my friends could tell you I am obsessed with:

1. Lord of the Rings (eh, I'm a freak really!)
2. My best friends (ha)
3. Basketball
4. Border collies
5. Extreme Makeover (the show)
6. E-mail :)

There's probably lots more, since I tend to obsess with things easily...a good friend of mine has told me that before, and I think I believe him...haha :rolleyes: ;)

I tend to obsess over things very easily, too!! Like, Narnia.... I see the movie, and before you know it, I'm reading all of the books and studying everything about it lol!! :p

Miss Z
06-29-2006, 12:31 PM
Oh so many things....:p

1. PETS!
2. Horses and horse-riding
3. Pet talk;)
4. Looking good
5. Providing the very best for my pets (I spoil them soooo much)
6. Coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee with dark chocolate brownie bites
7. Having lie-ins at the weekend, which annoys my mum:rolleyes:
8. Gorgeous celebrities, ESPECIALLY a certain Mr C.Ronaldo :o ;)
9. Convincing people that rats are cute!

06-29-2006, 12:41 PM
Mostly the only thing I am really obsessed with is dogs.
Particularly my dogs, but really, its just dogs in general (or at least certain breeds).
I'm always looking up pictures and info about dogs when I'm on the computer.

I'm sure if I thought really hard about it, I could think of some other things, but that's the major one.