View Full Version : I'm sad today

05-15-2002, 11:08 AM
A friend of mine who is running from an abusive husband had to give up the two cats I found for her because she has to go underground again. I didn't get any sleep last night because I dreaded picking up the cats.

When I got there you could see that the cats knew there was something going on. Molly, her first cat was VERY subdued and depressed. Cheeto, her orange 14 pound male looked very confused.

If I didn't have Lokie in my back bedroom, I would've gladly taken them until she found a new place. Unfortunately, Lokie comes first. I spent 2 days making phone calls to everyone in animal rescue that I knew. Very bad timing, as it is kitten season and no one had any room for them. I thought of putting Lokie in my room and her two cats in my back bedroom. But my other 6 cats would've been limited to 2 rooms, the living room and kitchen, which wouldn't have been fair to them.

I finally found someone to take them both. She runs an animal shelter (no-kill of course). At least they will be together. We are going to try and place them together as well. I am going to feature them in my "Pet of the Week" column of the newspaper.

I'm feeling guilty that I couldn't have helped more. I can't imagine having to live my life on the run like that, but this abusive bas$#@* said he will kill her if he ever finds her. Nice guy, huh? I don't know alot about it but from what I've been told, he's a very powerful man. I can only pray that she stays safe. I did make the promise to her that I would make sure they're placed together.

If you guys would do me the favor of saying a prayer for her safety and well being, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks for listening.


05-15-2002, 11:11 AM
Prayers are on the way from this household!!!

05-15-2002, 11:52 AM
This such a sad story. I hope your friend can escape this horrible man.

You did the best you could and thanks to you they are at a no kill shelter and I am certain they will have good homes soon.

Your friend and those precious cats will be in my thoughts.

Former User
05-15-2002, 12:09 PM
Oh how sad :( I too hope that your friend will be safe from this man. And hope those cats will get a good forever home soon!
Hugs to you Moosmom for caring about your friend and her cats!

05-15-2002, 12:16 PM
Thanks everybody. I'm trying to hold it together myself right now. But being at work, it's very difficult. If I can make it through today, I'll be greatful. My friend leaves tomorrow :(

05-15-2002, 01:55 PM
I am so very very proud of your friend for having the courage to leave. Tell her that, will you? And tell her that we are all praying for her, and her safety. sanity and happiness.

05-15-2002, 02:03 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that :( I hope everything will work out for her and the cats soon. Maybe she will find a safe place somewhere soon and the cats can come live with her again.

They'll be in my thoughts

05-15-2002, 05:21 PM
I saw that thing about John Wayne Bobbitt on tv today. I figured he was either caught soliciting a prostitute, exposing himself (or what he had left), or he beat his significant other. Some things never change.

05-15-2002, 07:09 PM

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-15-2002, 07:20 PM
So sorry to hear about your friend.... but at least she was smart enough to leave.... there are so many women for some reason feel like they must deserve that kind of treatment and stay :( I will remember her and the two kitties in my prayers. **hugs to you too, and more hugs for being such a good friend**

05-15-2002, 07:40 PM
Bless you and your friend. You for being there and her for removing herself from a bad situation. You and she are in our prayers.

05-16-2002, 12:06 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you, your friend, and her two cats. I'm glad that she got out of her abusive situation and I hope she has the strength to stay away from her abuser. I also hope that the two cats find a loving home soon. You really are a great friend.http://bestsmileys.com/cats/catlove.gif

05-16-2002, 03:47 AM
Of course I will keep your friend in my thoughts. A friend of mine in England went through the same thing a few years ago so I know only too well what this means. And there were two small children involved.

I hope that a solution will be found soon for her and for her cats.
Please don't blame yourself for anything you've done all you could.

05-16-2002, 04:32 AM
Donna - so sad it's a bad time for you. Please let your friend know how courageous she is - it must take so much courage to leave such an abusive man. You've been such a good friend to her and done all you can to help with her furbabies. Hopefully a new home will be found for such lovely sounding cats. She's in my thoughts.


05-16-2002, 08:57 AM
It does take alot to leave a realationship like that, it's not as easy as people think. Your doing a wonderful thing for you friend. I hope everything works out. You'll both be in my thoughts. ~Anna

05-16-2002, 09:10 AM
There is one common word that is running through this thread and it is COURAGE! All of us are so proud of your friend for having enough courage to get out of such a horrible situation. I pray that your friend will be safe and happy. Also, how wonderful a friend you are to take her in and try to find solutions for her. You gave her a lifeline when she needed it the most. All women here, I know, honor you. Even though she may need to find homes for her cats, it is very important that she takes care of herself.

05-16-2002, 01:13 PM
Aw gee, thanks Gini. I just did what any other person would do. Her cats are together and hopefully I can find a home for them together soon. I will keep you all posted. Thanks for your support.

It did take alot for her to leave her two sons behind. But when it comes down to your own life (she knows her husband won't hurt the kids) you've gotta do whatever it takes. :(