View Full Version : Knock Knock Ginger

06-28-2006, 01:22 AM
Okay... I am SO ticked off right now. :mad: :mad:

Every few nights, a group of kids walks down the street late at night and ALWAYS comes to our house and rings the doorbell 3-5 times and then bolt away.

Everytime, there's a group of kids a ways down the street on the sidewalk.

I have a feeling it's this kid who, to make a long story short, hates my guts cause I ratted him out one year when he lit a tree in my Aunt's yard on fire and he got in major crap from the cops, and he'd apparently been involved in some other crimes.

So, being a teenager with raging hormones and horrible mood swings; I want revenge. :mad:

Only, I'm mature and smart enough to know that's immature.

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on what to do? This has to stop. It started about a three weeks ago and happens at least 4/7 days of the week. It just happened about 10 minutes ago.

What should I do? Let Molly out and let her chase after whoever is on the sidewalk? (Guilty or not, it's not my problem)

Play knock knock ginger on the house who I think is doing this?

Leave a nasty note? (I like this one, and letting Molly out to chase them :D)

I'm so frustrated and angry. Sorry for my rant!

Laura's Babies
06-28-2006, 08:24 AM
I'd report it to the police. Setting your dog loose on them sounds like a great idea but could end up having your dog impounded if she bites someone and you having medical bills to pay... That could backfire on you fast.

06-28-2006, 08:32 AM
I would also say report it to the police. I wouldn't recomend letting Molly out because what if she *did* bite someone, or there is always the possibility of her getting hurt by them.. or even worse, getting hit by a car. I know I would'nt want any of those things to happen to my dogs.

06-28-2006, 08:41 AM
I wouldn't sic your dog on them. Like Laura's Babies said, it would only come back to bite you in the ass (pun intended) should your dog bite anyone. Call the cops and report it. This way if they decide to set fire to something else, it's on record and the cops know who to go after.

I lived in an apartment complex on the 3rd floor. Kids who waited for the bus would go into our lobby and reek havoc on the doorbells, including mine. One morning I got totally pissed off and ran down to the lobby in my pjs. I took the kid by the collar of his shirt and hussled him down to the bus stop (which was a block down the street). I told him if any one of them pulled a stunt like that, the cops would be called. PROBLEM SOLVED!!! Nothing comes between me and my sleep!!!

If I were you, I'd talk to the parents of the kids with the kids present. If that's not possible, refer to the first suggestion of calling the cops.

Good luck. Any way of possibly disconnecting the doorbell and putting up a door knocker or something???