View Full Version : Boots Update...

06-28-2006, 12:06 AM
ok, I guess i feel a bit better. Turns out Boot's ex family didn't plan to have him leave that day. Their daughter in law's cousin stopped by to take their granddaughter home, was greeted by a very happy, vivacious Boots, who proceeded to lay across this lady's feet after licking her to pieces. She remarked how she'd been looking for a dog for her son, and *Viola*!, Boots got an instant new home. He gleefully jumped into her van, tail wagging, off to his new home.

Apparently Boots lives near by and there's an open invite to see him anytime. He already got to sleep on the boy's bed the first night "as a treat" ( :rolleyes: )).

My neighbor knew i must have been devastated, and came over tonight to apologize that she didn't let me know while the cousin was at her house, so I could kiss the little bugger goodbye. But, oh well, there's nothing I can do. i still feel betrayed, but maybe I'll see him. I just hope he turns out to be an awesome boy.

06-28-2006, 09:45 AM
Oh Karen, I'm SO glad to hear Boots will be near by!
Please take them up on the open invite so you can go there and cover that little nose with smooches!!
You don't have to say goodbye to him, just tell him "I'll see you later"
Many Many {{hugs}} to you!!

06-28-2006, 10:35 AM
I am still hoping and praying that this works out for sweet Boots.
hugs to you Karen.

06-28-2006, 10:40 AM
Well the way Boots reacted to the lady gives me hope that she bonds
with Boots as well as her son.I've heard of kids as they grow up, also tend
to neglect "their" dogs. I hope he gets to be more of a family dog, then a
one person dog.Boots seems to have such a loving personality & I wish
him the best possible family to love him.

06-28-2006, 12:20 PM
Well the way Boots reacted to the lady gives me hope that she bonds
with Boots as well as her son.I've heard of kids as they grow up, also tend
to neglect "their" dogs.

Thankfully not the kids we have here at Pet Talk, God love 'em, but you are correct, Liz. Tucker came was headed back to the shelter because of just such a situation, and he'd only been with the family for a couple months. Fortunately he took a detour to our house.

Karen, maybe we all over reacted a bit and Boots will have a loving and permanent home. I just hope that they will continue with the enthusiasm after the newness has worn off. I do hope they will get him neutored.