View Full Version : Am I just behind or are dogs really...

06-27-2006, 09:39 PM
guarding car selling places (sorry forgot what they were called :p ). I remember not too long ago there were BEWARE OF DOG signs all over the fence of one of those places and I was walking along, and two German Shepherds came up and started jumping up on the fence and barking madly at me. When we were on my way back from my aunts again I saw the BEWARE OF DOG signs at a different place, didn't see a dog though. When we were in Mexico there was a place with the signs and a huge Rottweiler that was attacking a car someone drove up in. Are they really protecting these places? And what are the people doing to get these dogs to protect this certain place??


Also, some stores have German Shepherds and Rotties in them, used for guarding. On our way to a campground we stopped at a gas station and went inside the store and there was a GSD behind held back by a gate with the man at the cash register. He didnt look mean until he started barking madly at a car that pulled up and the man had to lock him in the room behind the register... :rolleyes:

I'm sure it is to prevent burgalary but I dont think they're just going to attack burgalars... :rolleyes: These aren't just any only guard dogs guarding a farm.. these are dogs who will attack anyone who enters the store or whatever.

So... what's going on?

Toby's my baby
06-27-2006, 11:21 PM
We have some of that here, but not too often. We dont have any "gaurd dogs" at our dealerships or anything like that. There is a old Cocker Spaniel that is at a "lock and key" shop, and he isn't nice at all, they keep him locked behind a counter too. :rolleyes: and I saw a GSD tied up by the door of a building in a different town, and there was a sign above to dog that said "beware of dog".

Our dogs aren't "Guard Dogs" but when people come in the yard at our farm, the dogs usually go balistic and bark and growl, but everyone who remotly knows us, knows that the dogs wouldnt hurt a fly. Maggie sounds VERY SCARY when she barks, but as soon as a stranger gets out of the car, she runs behind the house :p :rolleyes: REALLY SCARY "Guard Dog" Eh?? ;) :p

06-28-2006, 01:10 AM
You know, I've never seen that. But I'm sure it's a bit startling. :eek:

Here, there is a little black Chihuahua that is a mascot for a furniture store. On the commercial, he is asking for treats and the narrator says, "You didn't think they came here to see the dog did you?". The dog says, "You're doggone right they did! TREATS!"

06-28-2006, 09:36 AM
There's a guard labrador at the junk yard across the street from where I work. Lots of places around here have mascot pets that aren't mean and they get to greet the customers.

06-28-2006, 11:15 AM
My grandpa used to work at a car place that sold antique cars and they had a "Beware of Dog" sign. The thing is, there were no dogs there, the owner just thought that might help keep people from trying to steal any of the cars. My grandpa thought it was kind of stupid because anyone who had been there before would know that there are no dogs there.

06-28-2006, 11:34 AM
I've never seen any businesses with signs like that around here. I've only seen that kind of stuff in the movies.
