View Full Version : Tiger Lily is off to the vet soon. :(

06-27-2006, 08:35 PM
Lily will be going to the vet some time next week as our vet is completely booked and (I can completely understand this.) they can't let you drop off a kitty that they've never seen before.

Anyways. I just noticed a problem today. She has two lumps on the side of her neck right under her jaw. One is about nickel to quarter sized and the other is a bit smaller. They are roundish. They kind of remind me of marbles. They're not stiff and neither is the movement although not so much as something that could be plucked off. Think of one of an artists mannequins joint. They don't seem to hurt her. Also, they are under her skin and fur. My worry is that it'll be a bad tumor and we'll have to send her to the rb.

So, I called the vet right away and the lady that answered said that, originally, it sounds like a wolf worm (I believe that's what she said, anyways.) but after I was able to describe it a bit better she said it sounds like it could be anything. She was urgent on bringing Lily to the vet, which I was going to do anyways, so that's what's going on.

Hopefully everything goes well with the visit. I'll update tomorrow on what the date of the visit is. :)

She says "... mrow?" to everyone!

06-27-2006, 11:08 PM
awwwww....poor kitty!!! i hope she's ok!!!! what the "h" is a wolf worm anyways??

>hugs cuz i love ya<

06-28-2006, 12:02 AM
You know, I can't recall ever having heard of a wolf worm before. I will do some research and get back to you on that one!

*hugs cause I love ya too!*


06-28-2006, 05:20 AM
I hope Tiger Lilly gets the all clear and shes' fine and whatever it is that she has can be fixed. Good Luck Tiger!

06-28-2006, 09:53 AM
Precious Had A Tumor On Her Shoulder, And It Came Off With No Problem.
We Are Praying That Tiger Lily Has The Same Results And Her Surgery Is Sucessful As Well.

06-28-2006, 10:28 PM
Thank you everyone! I really appreciate all the kind words/comments. The lumps are still there. I will call a different vet tomorrow and see if I can't get her in on Friday.