View Full Version : Pray for Kitten's Safety and Return, please

06-27-2006, 01:24 PM
We have a sudden heatwave...screens aren't on, so we open ONE window about an inch at the kennel. No AC, for the cats' benefit

Closed it due to a frisky new arrival that was having a bound around the room. Then put him away, opened it again. Such a nice cool breeze, blowing over the lilac bushes. I opened it a bit wider - exhaust fan was going upstairs, but was STILL going to be really warm doing the boxes and sweeping up there.

Went to put back the two 7 month old orange kitties, who came from overseas a few weeks ago. Only found one. The open window...near their room...OMG!

I've been crying. Trap with tuna is set. They are going to call their neighbours.

It's my stupidity...literally thoughtless...but please - little kitten needs PT Prayers to come back and rejoin her sister!

I've cried twice...the owners are picking them up on Sunday. I can admit all the fault I want - but NOTHING makes up for the loss of a loved furbaby.

And the kennel is MILES beyond most, and I have blemished that too.

Just PRAY for this kitty - Gary, need your Angels here!

Catty1 :(

06-27-2006, 01:26 PM

Thoughts and prayers coming from CT. I'm sure kitty is around somewhere within the shelter perimeter. Hopefully you'll find her in the trap with a full belly. Stop blaming yourself. It's hotter than hell here in CT. I've got all my windows open. Please don't beat yourself up over it.

HUGS to you

06-27-2006, 01:40 PM
Praying for the safe return of the little kitten.

Laura's Babies
06-27-2006, 02:17 PM
OH Catty! I got tears in my eyes thinking of what you are going through! Prayers for the baby's safe return.... Maybe you gould put the other one in a cage/kennel and set it outside and get it to mew, mew, meow so he can hear it and maybe that would entice the baby to come back?

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-27-2006, 02:27 PM
Maybe you gould put the other one in a cage/kennel and set it outside and get it to mew, mew, meow so he can hear it and maybe that would entice the baby to come back?

Great idea, Catty!! Please kitty kitty, come back to your sister!!

06-27-2006, 03:49 PM
Prayers for kitty's safe return.

06-27-2006, 03:57 PM
The Pet Angel Search And Rescue Squad Is On The Job, Sprinkling Little Kitten Toys To Lure Your Baby Back To You.
I Would Not Feel Guilty As Kittens Will Do Things Out Of Curiousity, That They Regret Later.
Prayers Are Coming That He Returns Soon.

06-27-2006, 07:15 PM
Thanks everyone.

Honey jumped out the window at about 10:30 this morning. I just called the kennel at 6 local time...and nothing.

They have live traps with tuna - they have beaten the bushes - they have had her sister out in a cage to help. They have told the neighbours (acreages out there). Oh god.

The owners are coming to pick them up on Sunday! They haven't seen their babies since they left their overseas home.

If it were me, I would be just heartbroken. Losing a furbaby, and the one's littermate at that.

I hate that there is NOTHING I can do...if crying helped, she would be back by now!

My bosses will call me if they find her...OMG, I don't know what to do.


Prayers please! That poor kitty!

Catty1 :(

And that there is NOTHING I can do to make this right - NOTHING.

06-27-2006, 07:23 PM
More prayers for the kitty. And {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}} for you. It is an awful feeling that there is nothing you can do to make it right. :(

06-27-2006, 07:26 PM
Prayers and good thoughts that the kitty returns quickly and safely.

I'm so sorry. Try not to be so hard on yourself, it was an accident.

06-27-2006, 07:40 PM
Thanks again.

This is a great boarding kennel where I work. And we're one of the best...

Not that I fear for my job...just that I have 'let the side down'.

Heck, even the architects for the local new Humane Society have been told to use our building and design as a template...

Now I am worried about the owners. The poor people...

I filed a report with the Humane Society, and registered the kitty on PetLynx, a new system online here.

I feel she is just hiding...she likes doing that...and will sneak out when it cools down a bit.

God I hope so. And my bosses live there - business and home is on the same site, just steps away from each other...and I know they will watch, and know what cats will do...

I still have hope - but it's hard....

Thank you everyone....


06-27-2006, 07:45 PM
What a horrible thing to happen to you, I can imagine how you must be feeling - wishing you could turn back the clock. It was an accident that could have happened to any of us, all of us here that love cats so much.

Do you know if the cats used to be allowed to be outdoors where they lived overseas? It would make a difference on how she will react to her freedom. She may wander further if she is used to being outside, be more likely to hide very close to the shelter if this is totally strange to her.

Positive thoughts sent that they will scoop her up tonight and relieve everyone's mind.

06-27-2006, 07:55 PM
oh no I have no clue what you must be going through but I hope you find her :(

06-27-2006, 08:39 PM
Awww. I"m so sorry you're going through this pain.
Honey may come around soon when she smells that yummy tuna. Please don't be too hard on yourself. You were only trying to be a good mommy. ..::HUGS::..

06-27-2006, 08:42 PM
*hugs* As it's been said before, it really could have happened to anyone. I bet kitty is scared. Have you tried sitting in the most likely area and calling and whatnot? That's done wonders for me trying to lure semi ferals and non ferals. Here's hoping that kitty stops being a little doody head and makes her way back! :(

06-27-2006, 09:06 PM
I don't live at the kennel - it is about a 15 minute drive from where I live. But I might call and see if I can help. I just feel so helpless.

thanks again...it's good to hear from people that care...I don't want the owners to have to go through this!


06-27-2006, 11:05 PM
oh catty...i feel so bad because you were one of the main people on here who helped me thru my crisis with abby, and didn't rip me to shreds...and i can't think of anything to say, except that i am very sorry that little kitty got out, and that youre so upset over it (i don't blame you). but don't worry, the little kitty will come back, i am sure of it!! and i pray for his safety until he does! until then, take care and keep a cool head (though you probably already know this)...and remember you have my condolences, as a friend. after all, you helped me thru my crisis....oh yeah i have an update on cat general about that whole situation, well am in the process of typing it, you should check it out.

take care!
