View Full Version : I figured it out...:)

06-26-2006, 11:08 PM
For those who don't know what this is all about, you can read about it here;

When I got home from work today, Nuggy came out to greet me which thrilled me to death as he hasn't done that since last Thursday. He followed me up the hall and made his way very cautiously into the kitchen. I watched him very carefully to see if he could give any clues as to what was scaring him. He slinked under the table, bobbed his head up and down as he was slinking towards the........................IRONING BOARD!!!!!!!!! I had set the ironing board up Thursday as my son needed some shirts ironed and I just hadn't put it away as the others like to lay on it. So I usually keep it up for a few days for them. I never even gave it a thought that this is what was preventing him from entering the kitchen. So I picked him up and put him in my room and went back into the kitchen to take the ironing board down and put it away. Went back to get Nuggy and brought him back into the kitchen, sat on the floor with him and when he realized that the big bad board was all gone, things are back to normal. Mind you, he was still a bit nervous at first, but tonight is doing much better.
So the saga of the scared little boy has been solved. :D

Many thanks to all who gave opinions, advice and their input on this. :)

06-26-2006, 11:19 PM
LOL! Like Lizzie and her kitty and the plastic laundry basket!

Poor little Nuggy! It's okay - meowmie put away the big bad monster so it can't hurt you.

You must be so RELIEVED!

hugs and scritchies to Nugget!


06-26-2006, 11:31 PM
OMG, how funny. Well you know what I mean. Poor little Nugget afraid of the big bad ironing board. Ripley can relate - he runs whenever I set mine up.

Wonder what bad experience the little guy had with an ironing board?

Glad you got that figured out and please give my apologies to Buddy. Honest, I wasn't trying to pin it on him. ;)

06-26-2006, 11:39 PM
LOL!!!! That's okay Lori, Buddy forgives you. :)

The others also don't like it when I set it up, but they sure love to lay on it afterwards though.

Yes Catty1, relieved is right. :)

06-26-2006, 11:59 PM
Of course he was scared - I have heard that ironing boards eat unsuspecting kitties! They don't eat bunnies, so that's no problem in this house, but the bunny would eat the cord to the iron, so that's what has to be afraid here!

06-27-2006, 02:46 AM
I'm glad you figured it out, for both your sakes. It makes you want to laugh, except that we know the fear our feels is very real. My cats don't mind the ironing board but hate the noise it makes as I put it up. They also like to lie on it after I've finished so I have to sticky roller it before I use it again.

06-27-2006, 04:59 AM
Poor Nugget. :( I am glad your meowmie finally got rid of that BAD monster in the kitchen!

I can relate, Willow is afraid of the ceiling fans. (but he usually get over it after they've been running a few days)

06-27-2006, 06:06 AM
Oh, no wonder!
Mine are terrified of the evil ironing board as well. Just opening the closet door where scary things like the ironing board, vacuum cleaner and cat carrier are kept puts them in high alert and ready to run and hide.
It gives me a good excuse not to iron any more and I found that wrinkle removing spray works quite well.


Killearn Kitties
06-27-2006, 06:44 AM
:D Hey, I know how you feel Nugget! I'm frightened of it as well. That wrinkly removing spray sounds good to me!

Laura's Babies
06-27-2006, 07:51 AM
What a puzzeler that was but now it is solved and you will know the next time.. Mine too, run when I set it up because of the noise but like to lay on it once it is up.

06-27-2006, 08:18 AM
:D That news sure gave me a giggle!! I can just picture the whole thing almost like a cartoon :D Yes, and so similar to Ted's laundry basket...

I also had to chuckle even more as I tried to think if MY cats were afraid of the ironing board. I DO have one......but can't remember when I last took it out....it is likely that some of my babies have never even seen an ironing board set up!! Ha!

Oh Lorraine I am glad that you discovered what was causing Nuggy's fear. I had no suggestions beyond what was offered by others. I am so, so glad you pinned it down to that ironing board as I can only imagine how frustrating it was to seeing that fear and how relieved you must be to have solved the mystery. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-27-2006, 08:55 AM
I DO have one......but can't remember when I last took it out....

Ditto! :D :rolleyes: :D

I'm so glad you figured it out! Isn't it funny, though, how kitties are so in tune with their environment? We had a few things left from the house that we had in the apartment for a few weeks until we could sell them also. After each piece left, both Peanut and CJ had to go explore the empty spot where the piece formerly sat. Then last Sunday I moved some of the existing furniture around since we have a bit more room now with the other pieces gone. Oh my did that spark off a furious round of sniffing and exploring! And here I just thought all they cared about was where their lounging spots were. ;) :D

06-27-2006, 09:19 AM
I'm glad you figured it out. Poor boy! Scared of the big, bad board. :(

I can relate, Willow is afraid of the ceiling fans. (but he usually get over it after they've been running a few days)
Kuhio was the same way. She would ignore it all winter but once it got turned on, she would slink around the house for days until she figured it wasn't flying off the ceiling at her. We went through this :rolleyes: every :rolleyes: year.

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-27-2006, 09:33 AM
I am SO glad you figured out what the problem was!! Poor Nuggy, that wicked "thingie" is gone now, honey!!

06-27-2006, 10:25 AM
Just opening the closet door where scary things like the ironing board, vacuum cleaner and cat carrier are kept puts them in high alert and ready to run and hide.
OMG, do you have all those things in the same closet? My cats would figure out how to barricade the door if the vacuum, ironing board and cat carrier where all located in the same closet. Talk about the most evil spot. I can see them performing little kitty exorcisms at that closet. LOL! :D :p

06-27-2006, 10:48 AM
I seldom iron clothes. On Sunday, I broke down and dragged out the board and the iron. I don't think Lucy ever saw me iron before (year and a half) and I thought she might have some issues with the steam iron and the ironing board....but no..... All the cats managed to jump on the board at least once when I left the room. I always remembered to turn off the iron when I left. They are not afraid of the vacuum either. They were terrified of the ceiling fans when I had them installed, but got with the program after a week or two.

Good luck with ironing.

I think the story is soooooo typical of a cat. You just never know. When I move furniture in the house, there is always a big hub bub and sniffing contest......


06-27-2006, 01:59 PM
LOL. That's okay, Nugget - I think ironing boards are evil too! :D

Don Juan's mom
06-27-2006, 04:09 PM
Wonder what bad experience the little guy had with an ironing board?

My mom's big metal ironing board makes a horrible SKREEEEEEEEECH! when the legs are unfolded. I hate the noise, and can only imagine what the effect would be on a kitty's ears. :eek:


K & L
06-27-2006, 05:23 PM
OMG, something so simple! :D Glad the mystery is solved and it was nothing too terrible!

06-27-2006, 05:32 PM
Great detective work!! You solved that case fast. ;)

If my parents had realized how much a balloon was stressing Nipo, we could have prevented her hepatic lipidosis. Kitties do not like change! ;)