View Full Version : Lipitor/Memory Loss.... other problems?

Laura's Babies
06-26-2006, 06:28 PM
I have been on Lipitor longer than I care to admit. Started out on 10mg a day and am up to 40mg a day now. I don't rememebr exactly when we upped it to 40mg but I think it has been in the last year. This past November, I suddenly noticed my memory has gotten alarmingly worse.

I had orginally thought it was a result of the stuff they gave me at the hospital to knock me out when I had my colonscopy done because it started right after that and I thought I just needed time for that stuff to get out of my system. Nothing has changed! I am constantly having to write myself notes to remember things, making lists and setting timmers when I put something on the stove or in the oven. If I am noticing how many things I am forgetting, I now wonder how much I don't realize I am missing.

I just had my big 6-0 bithdays but I don't think it is the old age thing because of how sudden it started and how bad it is. While on the boat, I saw a add on TV for some lawyer wanting clients on Lipitor that has suffered a list of side effects and memory loss was one of them. The old light bulb went off in my head so I have been on the internet searching and found stuff where people are having memory loss as a result of Lipitor. (Of coarse, the doctors act like this isn't a Lipitor side effect)

Now I am thinking of a whole list of things that has happened within this body in since I have been on the stuff and wondering how much of it is caused BY the Lipitor. Sudden onset of knee pain, both knees at the same time out of nowhere, odd swelling in my feet (also out of nowhere) that nothing has helped that the doctors can not explain, the forgetfulness..

Is there anyone else here that take Lipitor that has had the sudden onset of problems that came out of nowhere?

06-26-2006, 07:00 PM
Laura's Babies,

I was prescribed Lipitor for my cholesterol. I was on it for 2 weeks when my joints, especially my knees and elbows started to hurt to the point where I couldn't even get out of bed. That on top of the abdominal cramping were all I could bear. My doctor told me to stop taking it immediately. I still have to go for a blood test (my benefits ran out when my temp job ended :( )

My OB-GYN told me that the memory loss is part of the big "M" (menopause). He encouraged me to go on HRT, which I refused. The memory loss got worse when I started taking Lipitor (misplacing a Diet Pepsi, gee I wonder if there's a connection there???)

I'd ask your doctor, or look at paperwork that comes with Lipitor to see what the contraindications are.

Laura's Babies
06-26-2006, 08:13 PM
There is no mention of the memory loss in the insert. Where I have been, people have said they also thought it was the age thing until they quit the lipitor and it quit happening. I am seriously thinking about quitting the stuff and see what happens...

06-26-2006, 08:56 PM
I read a magazine article in the doctor's office today (July's issue of Good Housekeeping) and it was all about memory loss. A lot of it was explaing how we get more forgetful as we age, also when we're in very stressful times in our lives. Back in November, you were really stressed about Eddie's health, wracked with worry over Amy..... all that stress can add up to make you more forgetful. Right now, with all the stress inmy life, I'm lucky I don't forget my head in the mornings!

06-26-2006, 09:09 PM
There is no mention of the memory loss in the insert. Where I have been, people have said they also thought it was the age thing until they quit the lipitor and it quit happening. I am seriously thinking about quitting the stuff and see what happens...

I'd also quit taking anything that has side effects that are worse than what the medicine is supposed to help. :)

Lady's Human
06-26-2006, 09:50 PM
One big item with lipitor. I was reading a page about it, and it has drug interactions with a lot of other common drugs, herbal supplements and vitamins. From the looks of it, lipitor by itself is fine, but it starts to interact with many other meds, OTC, scrip, and herbal.

You might want to check anything else you are taking with either a pharmacist of a doc.

06-26-2006, 10:21 PM
Whatever you do, please do not just quit taking a prescription drug without talking to your doctor first. Many drugs can have serious effects on your body if they're quit very suddenly. Also, talk to your doctor about alternative medications that treat the same problem. If your doctor has you on a prescription drug to treat a medical condition, please do not just stop taking the drugs. You're not a medical professional and you could give yourself more problems. Please be careful!

06-27-2006, 07:31 AM
THe body aches and pains is a side effect of the Lipitor, most likely. That is a very common occurance with this medication. You need to talk to your doctor and let him know you don't want to take the Lipitor anymore and need help weaning off of the medication. Your cholesterol won't go through the roof and kill you in a few short months and you can see if the side effects go away. If they do then you can perhaps try a different medication for your cholesterol instead. This should all be done under the supervision of your doctor, but if he refuses to help you get off the medication and change it, then find one who will. Good luck.

06-27-2006, 07:47 AM
I don't want to uduly alarm, but you might want to get checked for strokes. My stepdad had some mental problems that started suddenly too. He is 67. When Altzheimer's was ruled out, we found out that he'd had some small strokes and is being treated now and is much better.
I didn't realize that strokes could result this way; I'd always thought it only caused physical probs., but no physical probs for him.
You might want to get an MRI.

06-27-2006, 07:54 AM
I know that there is some memory loss as one ages. It's normal. But I think the stress factor is one major problem. I think half of us are asleep at the wheel 9/10ths of the time and do not think about what we are doing. I have found that making lists helps a bit. Then I can leave the worry part on a piece of paper to refer to later.

But we all need to slow down....stop and smell the roses....however you want to say it. We take life for granted most days and forget to enjoy the bunny in the park or the delightful little children playing outside or the wonderful flowers growing.....or the pretty sky.....

I think I will move in with Glacier in the spring. She doesn't know it yet, but I suspect, with the surroundings she has, it would be a wonderful place to appreciate mother nature and try not to think about problems.

So let us all stop today, relax for a few moments....sorta a zen time...... and appreciate what we have, be grateful, and enjoy the littlest of pleasures.....

or not.

Love to all,
SAS and the campers

06-27-2006, 09:03 AM
I've been on Lipitor (40 mg) and couldn't handle the joint and muscle pain either. Plus it lowered my good cholesterol. Now I am taking 20 mg. of Pravochol with which I still have some joint pain, but not the degree I had when I was on 40 mg. of that.

The scary part is none of the several doctors I saw for the knee pain I was experiencing ever considered the possibility of it being a side effect of the statin. They just wanted to prescribe the strong pain relievers which we all know aren't good for the heart. When I insisted there might be a possible connection, my doctor suggested that I do a trial of not taking the statin. He said 10 days and I should know. Ten days didn't make a difference but when I tried again and was off of them for 3 weeks, all the pain disappeared. Of course my cholesterol went up and I went back on the lower dose of Pravochol.

As for memory, I do have some problems, but they came on gradually.

06-27-2006, 06:56 PM
How to do it without drugs: http://www.all-about-lowering-cholesterol.com/

Personally I would not take a drug if some illness or other health issue could be controlled without it.

06-28-2006, 08:37 PM
My doctor had been considering putting me on Lipitor as my cholesterol was 216. He suggested that I try to lower it myself by healthy eating, fish oil and also suggested a baby aspirin a day. He told me to come back in six months and, depending on the results of my efforts, I may or may not have to go on Lipitor. Well, I am happy to report that I just brought it down myself. It is 194! One thing that I did begin taking early on (in addition to my morning oatmeal :) ) was Red Yeast Rice. My daughter's husband's grandmother lowered her cholesterol by using this so I thought I had nothing to lose. When I told my doctor he said it was the best thing next to a statin to get the cholesterol down and it is completely natural. I would encourage anyone to give this a try. You do need to run it past your doctor, though, as you wouldn't want to be taking this and Lipitor at the same time. In fact, in the case of any medication, over-the-counter or not, it all needs to be run by the doctor for possible interactions with other meds that you may be taking.

06-28-2006, 11:27 PM
My mother-in-law went on Lipitor and after a few months of taking it she got to the point she almost couldn't get up or walk. It made her entire legs hurt and her back ache. She went off it and started feeling better quickly. Any cholesterol drug that is a Statin does this to her. She says she'll just take her chances with the cholesterol instead of becoming invalid.

As for memory loss with her - who could tell! :rolleyes: :p

Laura's Babies
06-29-2006, 08:53 AM
I just found my paperwork and my Lipitor was upped to 40mg in September or October.. The memory problems started in November..

Lady Human, I only take Lipitor and Aleve, nothing else and I take the Aleve for the pain in my knees that I now know was cause by the Lipitor.

I skipped taking it for 2 days and am now cutting them in half to get off of them.. I don't know if it is wishful thinking but I feel like I am coming out of a fog... I sure hope it is not wishful thinking.

06-29-2006, 10:59 AM
You really need to discuss this with your doctor though, as it's not safe to self-medicate or self-wean medications. Also you can discuss the red yeast rice with him, as I often see it prescribed for the patients I deal with on a regular basis and it's quite effective with no side effects. Please do be careful and discuss this with your doctor.