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View Full Version : Bandit Damien... abused and alone.. prayers needed

06-25-2006, 04:29 PM
UPDATE: ''Husky'' has a new name. Bandit Damien, I named him Bandit after Laura's second dog on Little House who is abused too and finally finds love, Damien is a name I like and it suits him, please keep Bandit in your prayers.

So I go and visit my real dad for the first time in 5 years and I find he has a pure bred husky! Beautiful black and white with blue eyes. I've wanted a husky for so long but know with Bailey and my living situation it wouldn't be best for one. But guess what the dog's name is?! ..... drum roll please.... HUSKY... isn't that a lovely name? They got him for free too! But they don't treat him right. My lil sister kicked him in the head and I know where she got that from! My dad and stepmom are no good with any animal unless sometimes a horse. But yea can you believe that?! I am so mad! I want that boy so badly... even in this situation I'd be better for him than they are! I'd pay my dad too... but mom would never go for that....so mad....grrr...
I'm trying to come up with a name for him...even though he may never be mine..he deserves a good name...any ideas? Please keep him in your prayers. Hopefully he'll still be here when I can buy him.

Toby's my baby
06-25-2006, 05:16 PM
That is so sad! How old is your sister? Do you really think your DAD you make you PAY for his dog? Why are they abusing the poor guy, did he do something wrong? Or do they just have nothing better to do? Can't you teach your sister and any other family members the hitting, kicking, or any other verbal/ physical abuse is horrible, weather done to a human or pet? Is there a way to get your dad to start to treat "husky" more like a family member, and inform him that he is not taking care of "Husky" correctly? Good luck! I can't think of any names really, "Diesel" popped into my head though.. :o

06-25-2006, 05:24 PM
I wish it was as simple as just telling them things are wrong but unfortunately that side of my family was raised to view animals as property and nothing more. The sister I spoke of just turned 5, but thus has been going on for years. My dad ran over my cat on purpose and many animals have 'run away' or 'got lost', I don't believe that though, when my brother was 6 he threw a kitten against a tree and it died... he didn't know he did anything wrong he picked it up from his parents. That's just how it is. I don't know if he'd make me pay for him but I'd be more than willing to. I'm just not in a position to take him now, maybe in a year or so when I have my own place... and yea Diesel crossed my mind too but that's my aunt's dog's name.

06-26-2006, 07:19 PM
UPDATE: ''Husky'' has a new name. Bandit Damien, I named him Bandit after Laura's second dog on Little House who is abused too and finally finds love, Damien is a name I like and it suits him, please keep Bandit in your prayers.

06-26-2006, 07:26 PM
:( I do not know how you could stand that.

If it was anyone in my family doing that (thank GOD no one in my family ever, ever abused/neglected a dog), I would first give them a long long talking to, if that didn't work I would resort to yelling (and maybe giving them a good kick), and I would take the animal if that did not get through. Seriously, I know it's family, but if I were in your situation, I would not even want to consider people with that behavior as my family... especially if you've talked to them about it repeatedly. You need to at least call the local humane society, if they've killed animals in the past.

06-26-2006, 07:32 PM
:( I do not know how you could stand that.

If it was anyone in my family doing that (thank GOD no one in my family ever, ever abused/neglected a dog), I would first give them a long long talking to, if that didn't work I would resort to yelling (and maybe giving them a good kick), and I would take the animal if that did not get through. Seriously, I know it's family, but if I were in your situation, I would not even want to consider people with that behavior as my family... especially if you've talked to them about it repeatedly. You need to at least call the local humane society, if they've killed animals in the past.

I have to agree. I'll pray for him. But I would try to take more action on your part. :( He doesn't deserve a home like that.

06-26-2006, 08:00 PM
I know he doesn't... but what you don't understand is that the reason i haven't been there in 5 years was because of similar abuse and neglect to me and my siblings. I don't want to and can't get emotionally involved with my father and mainly stepmother again. Bandit's strong and he'll be ok.. there's just way too much at stake for me to get the authorities involved. I wish there was more that I can do, if I had the room and assetts I need to care for him now I wouid but I don't... it's up to God at this point..

06-27-2006, 01:26 PM
God has already tapped you on the shoulder, you must be brave and meet his love half way.

Please don't mis-understand me, I am not suggesting that you march into that "place" and handle it individually. You would not stand a chance, I'm sure.

But you are not powerless. You are not a victum either, but, a survivor.

If you have proper health insurance, you can speak to a counsilor who will provide you with the best guidance in this situation. I am so sorry that you have made it this far, only to be reminded when you think of that Husky dog, as well as your 5 year old sister.

Seek a trusted person, a minister, your Dr. , "Concern for Critters" agency, Humane Society, and explain your situation. There are people who can intervene without jepardizing YOU!!! Without exposing YOU!!! These things have to be done, DELICATELY ;)

I will pray for you, as you must be so tormented with heavy agony. :( Fear not, you are not powerless.

( We all have the power within ourselves to get Over the Rainbow) :)

06-27-2006, 03:40 PM
Thats sad

And evern more sad that nothing will be done to help him:(

You can call and leav it annominous.. he doesnt have to know it was you who called. If your that scared get a freind or someone else to call

06-27-2006, 03:52 PM
Hello Baileysmom,

I want you to know that the fine people at "Pet Talk " are not just here to chat!! We are not just a shoulder to cry on, we really care about what we read about.

Please keep us in your thoughts now, because your post was the first step you made toward helping others in need. Namely, Bandit Damian and your little sister.

Please take just a few moments and find a trusted person near you.

and, keep us up-dated.

we truely care.