View Full Version : Dam Festival

06-25-2006, 03:35 PM
It was the Dam festival today in my town. It takes place near the dam, that's why it's called that. I went with a couple of friends and we were watching the boys having a skate board contest and there was the CUTEST pittie puppy! A bunch of people were petting it and I came over and did too. It was a real sweet tan and white male. Later it started POURING as there was a flash flood warning and we all had to squish together under all the tents. There was supposed to be fireworks but they were cancelled due to the rain. :( It didn't stop for an hour so my friend and I decided we were just going to run home. I was soaked by the time I got home!! lol

Anyways, the point of this thread is do you have a special festival that goes on in your town during the year?

06-25-2006, 06:39 PM
We have the Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival each year. It's basically a swarming area for tourists and carnys and few people from in town even bother to fight the crowds. It takes place in the beginning of June and afterward the park its held at is completely trashed for the rest of the year. The tents turn the grass to mud and it looks trampled. It's right along a chanel of the river that is a dumping ground for cups, paper plates, stupid toys won at the games, and carnival goldfish. Thankfully its our only large carnival.
We also have Kermis dutch fest which is a village heritage festival. Much more controlled and fun for in-towners.

06-25-2006, 06:42 PM
We had the Apple Dumpling Festival last week (or was it two weeks ago?)

It features (you guessed it) apple dumplings. They have a beauty queen competition, parade, etc. All I know is it makes traffic a nightmare ;) :p

06-25-2006, 06:47 PM
Oooo Apple dumplings. They sound good... never tasted them. At the Dam festival there is a parade, fireworks, bunch of food stands, and a street dance.

06-25-2006, 06:52 PM
Apple dumplings are basically small apple pies in a ball shape drowning in a cinnamon syrup.

I think they had a fireworks too. I forgot about "community DAy" a few towns over. Thats in a few weeks -- thats FUN. They have a carnival and a HUGE fireworks show on Saturday night. As much as I hate crowds and traffic, I make sure to go to the fireworks display because its just that awesome.

06-25-2006, 08:58 PM
:) We have something called Howell day. It's named after my town. They have rides, free stuff, food, fireworks, and shows. I haven't been there in like 3 years but I might go this year with one of my friends. I love going! It's so cool. I really like the bake sale, they have the best chocolate chip cookies ever.

06-26-2006, 07:02 AM
In Iowa City we have quite a few festivals in summer time. One that's held every year here is Riverfest, which is held and early May and nearly always has bad weather! There are rides and music venues.

06-26-2006, 08:47 AM
We have the "Ballarat Begonia Festival" it is pretty lame and i wont bother going again. We also have "Springfest" which is great, lots of craft, food stalls etc around the man made lake in our city, i usually take atleast one dog with me every year.