View Full Version : What a change!

Laura's Babies
06-24-2006, 09:00 PM
I am amazed at the change in Amy! She is so much better now, could be a combo of the good weather of summer and NO stress for 2 months. It is like I have my old little girl back. I never dreamed I would see such an improvement! You all know how I have worried and cried over how bad she had gotten... Now this turn around! I had to get a video so you could see what I mean.. BIG differance from that one step forwards and falling back 3... I actually saw her JUMP out of one of the big litter boxes yesterday... It wasn't a perfect jump, but she jumped, something I hadn't seen her do in a long, long time.. Check out my little sweetheart!
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v288/Grammy707/th_AmyfollowingMomVAVI.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v288/Grammy707/?action=view&current=AmyfollowingMomVAVI.flv)

I will sit down and cry from joy one day soon over this improvement....But I know I must not get my hopes up to high, instead, just enjoy the moment... (Yea, RIGHT!)

06-24-2006, 09:33 PM
That's wonderful!She just cannot leave her home.Bottom line.She loves her life there.I'm so happy she can stay while you work.You must be so relieved.I'm so happy for you that you found a good sitter.
I don't know why but I could not get the video to go for me.It said I needed quicktime so of course I downloaded it,for my videos as well.(which I thought I aready did a few days ago).And it still said I needed Quicktime(Like I didn't download it,but I just did)Weird and fustrating.
I really wanted to see Amy in action.

Laura's Babies
06-24-2006, 09:53 PM
Drats Carla!! I have a CD a Gary sent me that needs that quicktime player and I have so much on my house PC right now that it runs super slow...BUT.... I have that Quicktime on my laptop and got to see them on there... HUmmmm.... that makes me wonder... I don't have that quicktime on this computer but I can see the ones stored in PB... :confused: ... what is the deal :confused: Strange... (I thought this kind of stuff only happened to me.)

06-24-2006, 10:32 PM
OH my - she is WALKING - with one little oopsie - and then lies down! Wow - she is speeding along compared to the last video I saw of her!

And there is Giz....begging for a tummy rub! With all the attention on Amy, he has posed himself in the CUTE position ahead of time!

I'm SO glad your little girl is doing SO well!


06-25-2006, 07:07 AM
:) Aw, that made me cry. I'm so proud of your little Amy. I remember the last video you showed us where she was struggling and to look at this today, just brought tears to my eyes. She looks so happy to have you home. I'm glad that things are improving for her!

PS Giz is adorable, too. Love the belly shot.

06-25-2006, 07:10 AM
Thats a great Video of Amy, and of course Gizmo wants to get into the act.
I am glad that you can see the Moose purring, as I know that you are a Moose Fan.
Hes pleased that he has an international audience.
And there are many Cats who blossom as they mature and we bet Amy is one of them.
Good Luck with your Darling Girl.

06-25-2006, 07:17 AM
That's so wonderful about Amy. She is obviously so happy and content at the moment, and not a thing is bothering her. She's looking healthy and very good on that video.
Laura I missed seeing pictures and videos of Amy like mad while you were away!
Amy is my favourite cat on Pet Talk I think, she's just beautiful, and so courageous and brave. She's gorgeous. :)

smokey the elder
06-25-2006, 07:46 AM
She's getting around very well! Hey, Giz! Way to upstage your sister! ;)

06-25-2006, 08:23 AM
:D Yippy!!!! :D I can see the video now.Me and Mike were at all last night and all morning trying to get it to work.And now it works and I can see the video.She looks terrific!!! What a difference.Now to fix any other problems on the computer.LOL

Laura's Babies
06-25-2006, 09:12 AM
YAAAAAA Carla!! Great!!! Don't you hate it when these computers won't work right? I think my burner has gone out in mine and the warrenty JUST expired!!! I was going to burn all my documents and stuff to a CD and pop in the recovery CD's and wipe it clean and start with a completely clean computer... Oh well, I will just dump it all on my jump drive, that will probably be easier anyway.

06-25-2006, 09:57 AM
YAAAAAA Carla!! Great!!! Don't you hate it when these computers won't work right? I think my burner has gone out in mine and the warrenty JUST expired!!! I was going to burn all my documents and stuff to a CD and pop in the recovery CD's and wipe it clean and start with a completely clean computer... Oh well, I will just dump it all on my jump drive, that will probably be easier anyway.
I don't even know what jump drive means.LOL :D :D

06-25-2006, 12:08 PM
Aww Laura, that video is wonderful to see. That is such an improvement from that one you post last time showing us what CH is like. What a sweetheart Amy is!

Loved seeing Giz too. What a beautiful fluffy girl!

Laura's Babies
06-25-2006, 01:24 PM
Carla, a jump drive is something really small that you connect to your USB port and store stuff on. It is so small that it fits on your key chain. Mine holds 256MB... Same as the hard drive on my BIG computer... I think some call it a memory stick? It is called several things including jump drive. Portable storage? I got it because my old laptop didn't have a burner and I wanted to transfer information on the old one to my new one.
Here are some....

06-25-2006, 04:32 PM
AWWW LAURA!!!!!! Amy's really cruising right along now! I can't get over the difference between the last video, and this one. :eek: I guess your little girl decided the best place to be when meowmie's away at work, is home sweet home! :D ;)

06-25-2006, 08:44 PM
Awww Amy...YOU GO GIRL!!!! What a difference in her is right!!!

I'm so glad that everything went well with them being home this time and since I didn't get the chance to say this.....WELCOME BACK LAURA!!!!! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-26-2006, 09:33 AM
Gosh Laura, you just don't know how happy it makes me to see Amy doing so well. I'm so glad leaving them home worked out so well for her. I love it, right before she falls down, she looks back at her back end and tail as if to say "Are you coming already?" ;) :D

06-26-2006, 11:17 AM
OOHHH What an improvement. :) Laura, Amy is just so extra special. It sure did make me smile to see her walking so much better. You can tell she is a very happy girl....tail straight up in the air and coming right over to see you. :)