View Full Version : The REAL American Pit Bull Terrier Video

06-24-2006, 06:33 PM
A lady on a pit bull forum I go to did this video (she gave permisson to share) It shows how people are ruining the breed. It has music, its Christmas music. You will see how much these poor dogs do look like hippos. :( I swear most of them have bigger jaws than Ebony's whole head. It makes me so mad what humans do to ruin a breed. :mad:


06-24-2006, 06:42 PM
I've seen that before, and I found it incredibly sad on what they're doing to the breed.:(

06-24-2006, 07:03 PM
Jada please bear with me as I am about to cry! why is this happening? how can people like myself (who dont have them help?) how sad to destroy a noble breed ( i truly feel that most dogs are the result of genes influenced by enviroment) the dogs you show here are (Imho) a tradgedy of human whim. Please don't say its for fighting I am well aware of that, but honestly why try to ruin a breed that they claim to love? <---------calls daughter and hugs her pitties over the phone, gentle sweet hunnies (ok the male makes me wonder lmao ) but they are both sweet natured gentle wossies adoring my grandkids and the cat. People who are so clueless make me want to tear out my hair. :mad:

06-24-2006, 07:35 PM
This video is definatly an eye opener to how they are literally ruining the APBT breed. :( How people can do this to such a beautiful and noble breed is beyond me. :mad: Thanks so much for sharing.

06-24-2006, 07:49 PM
I admit guiltily to prefering the big headed Pits to the REAL ones. However, any pit I'll own in the future will definitely be a rescue, and hopefully will have a huge head ;)

I hope in a few (dozen) years I'll actually have a pit in the house. When I volunteered at my shelter, the pits were my favorites to walk. Such big galumphing sweethearts!! You're lucky to have one (or two? Is Jada a pit too?)

06-24-2006, 09:05 PM
people suck that's for sure! :mad: I can't believe they are ruining the breed. well I can, they are ruining other breeds as well. :( their heads are huge! :( poor babies. :(

Suki Wingy
06-24-2006, 09:48 PM
Yeah, it makes me mad how stupid people can be. The person who commented "nice pits" the whole movie went over their heads. :mad: I agree they're cute but so are all the others in the shelter. They breed for money and to look macho.

06-25-2006, 12:27 AM
That makes me so angry. Why do we have to destroy the breed in every way imaginable? First, we decide that they are "fun" breeds to fight, creating a terrible social statis. Now we are morphing the breed into hippo's, what are they going to do next to pitties? I just don't understand:(


06-30-2006, 12:10 PM
ekk..ive seen this..while sure..i like a blue dog... those dogs look gross, i like a big heased dog too, but that is ridiculas..they look like bobble heads!! lmao!..but in all seriousness this is extremly true, every pit ive seen recently has looked those, its disturbing...like the video said the pit bull is a WORKING breed...id like to know what those dogs can do, besides laying on the couch..if i want a lazy dog ill buy a mastiff!!! :mad:

06-30-2006, 12:13 PM
ekk..ive seen this..while sure..i like a blue dog... those dogs look gross, i like a big heased dog too, but that is ridiculas..they look like bobble heads!! lmao!..but in all seriousness this is extremly true, every pit ive seen recently has looked those, its disturbing...like the video said the pit bull is a WORKING breed...id like to know what those dogs can do, besides laying on the couch..if i want a lazy dog ill buy a mastiff!!! :mad:

From what I have read they are mixing the pit bull and the mastiff to get that size. God knows what else they have mixed with those dogs. :(

06-30-2006, 12:44 PM
Those poor sweethearts! :( Look at those head sizes, that is sick what people are doing to them. If people would look at the REAL Pit Bull (instead of the head, color or size), they would see how beautiful and majestic these dogs really are. Look how sweet and happy they look in those pictures! Beautiful dogs! Poor babies! :(

06-30-2006, 12:52 PM
From what I have read they are mixing the pit bull and the mastiff to get that size. God knows what else they have mixed with those dogs. :(

yeah its ridiculas...all those dogs are, are fashion accesories to some of these people..once they go "out of style" the dogs are all going to end up homless..and the sick freaks who "bred" will move on to another breed, and destroy them too..sad but very true