View Full Version : So Ashamed Of Myself

06-24-2006, 04:08 PM
Today was my first day of volunteering at my local humane society as a dog walker.

I was looking for the dog that hadn't been walked for the longest time and ended up walking down all the way to the end of the kennel run.

There was a 2 year old brown and white girl named Robyn.. she looked like such a sweet, sweet girl. Her tail was wagging like crazy and she was pawing at me.. so I looked at her info to see how much training she had and I noticed she was a Pitbull (possibly mix, but she looked purebred to me).

What I did next horrifies myself.

I walked away!!!

I can't believe I did that.. I'm so ashamed of myself. :(

06-24-2006, 04:12 PM
Why did you walk away? I missed that part.

06-24-2006, 04:13 PM
Why did you walk away? I missed that part.

I don't think it's hard to miss. I was a little uneasy.

06-24-2006, 04:17 PM
You said she looked like a sweet sweet girl so I didn't get it, I guess its because of her breed :( so sad...how long have you been volunteering? I would assume they do temperment testing and would not let you walk a viscious dog.

I see in your profile you are 17, do they let you do this alone? None of our humane societies around here allow volunteers under 18 without a parent coming also.

06-24-2006, 04:19 PM

Don't be so hard on yourself. Maybe you could talk with the staff to see if they have a better understanding of her personality. She just may have ended up in the shelter because she was so nice and friendly (and not what the original owner was looking for). I know many pits have a bad reputation, but I hear far more of the stories of the sweet and loving ones.
God bless you for being a volunteer. Whatever you can do for whatever dog is more than I and many others are doing. Please keep going back and do what you can and what you feel comfortable doing. With a little experience under your belt, you will feel more confident too.

06-24-2006, 04:21 PM
Did you have reason to be uneasy? Have you had a bad exp in the past? was it just the breed? don't beat yourself up over this, we are all human and make mistakes some mistakes are bigger than others but this isn't a huge thing. You can always go back and fix it. My oldest daughter Jesse has two pitties one I adore and think is the most wonderful baby in the world, her other one makes me uneasy I can't explain it and don't need to. with him it's always a background thought of untrustworthy it's not cause he is a pit it's just an aura he exudes, I have felt the same over other dogs in my 35 yrs around dogs just a feeling. So don't be too hard on yourself, if you want you can take her out next time. Or not. :rolleyes:

06-24-2006, 04:23 PM
Yeah, it kind of was because of her breed. And that's why I'm ashamed. I know better. I know all the crap in the media and stuff is bull****.. I don't know why I let it get to me. When I go back next week, if she's still there, I'm going to walk her. I can't do that to myself or her again.

She IS a friendly dog, she was an owner turn-in, though because they were moving and didn't want to take her with them.

Your shelters don't allow volunteers under 18? That's not cool at all. :eek: ALL of the shelters and rescues here have an over 16 rule, which I think is great. If you're under 16, they have these programs once a month where you come in and interact with some of dogs and learn about basic care, etc.

For dog walking, each dog has a colour.

Green - easy to walk
Pink - settles down once away from the shelter
Yellow - no training at all, beginner volunteers not advised to walk
Blue - this kind of dog may have fear issues, etc and shouldn't be walked by volunteers in case of an accident

06-24-2006, 04:25 PM
I am assuming someone got bit here and sued, that is why the rule.

I think with dogs you do have to follow your instincts...I bet it was more than her breed for you, something in your subconsciese perhaps. I think dogs like people you do have to go with your instincts...the little hairs standing up on the back of your neck when you see someone in a parking lot will serve you in your life. It is better to be cautious.

I am sure that girl got walked by someone, I wouldn't feel bad about it.

06-24-2006, 04:30 PM
Being a pit bull owner, I have gone through what you felt with a lot of my family especially my mom, she is real uneasy around pit bulls. Ebony has really helped change her mind about them. Ebony paws at people like that all the time, thats a good thing, I'm sure she loved you. Next time you go back maybe someone can go with you to walk Robyn. Trust me once you get to know the breed you will feel less uneasy each time you are around them. :)

06-24-2006, 04:33 PM
Don't be horrified or ashamed. Recognize that for what it was - and what you know it is - a silly fear, and now you can work to overcome it. Being afraid is just the first step, next comes being brave, which we know you can do.

06-24-2006, 04:38 PM
Bc if more people raised their dogs like Jadapit there would be less to hear about them, or other breeds! I own a cocker and I think everyone here has heard the awful stuff ( yappy nippy hates ears and feet touched lousy on a grooming table etc etc) Goof is none of these but I have met several that give rise to the thought. I have met many more wonderful pits than bad but it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the barrel (how sad is that?) Just like with people all dogs regardless of breed deserve an unbiased chance,(think of it this way would you not meet someone because of haircolor? gender? skin tone?) probably not and if that person lets you down it was THEM not the above hair color etc. I am sure Robyn is a wonderful girl, and to Jadapit I commend you for sound education and training of your beautiful babies!

06-24-2006, 04:41 PM
This may sound weird, but I'm glad your felt ashamed. It shows you do
have a good heart. It's a shame you can only visit with the dogs once a
week. It would be better if you had more time to get to know each dogs
personality enough to feel more confident with them.This dog does seem
like a people friendly pupster.I hope you do challenge those little fears
and are able to approach the walking as two friends enjoying a nice walk.
Better luck next time. :)

06-24-2006, 04:48 PM
I don't think that sounds weird at all.. :)

My grandma lives 5 minutes from the shelter. The HS says that you can pop in any day that you're in the area, or nearby.. we go to my grandma's quite a bit.. So some weeks I may be more than once.

Thanks for the encouraging words, all. If Robyn is still there the next time I go, I'll walk her .. and take pictures for everyone. :D

06-24-2006, 04:49 PM
Bc if more people raised their dogs like Jadapit there would be less to hear about them, or other breeds! I own a cocker and I think everyone here has heard the awful stuff ( yappy nippy hates ears and feet touched lousy on a grooming table etc etc) Goof is none of these but I have met several that give rise to the thought. I have met many more wonderful pits than bad but it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the barrel (how sad is that?) Just like with people all dogs regardless of breed deserve an unbiased chance,(think of it this way would you not meet someone because of haircolor? gender? skin tone?) probably not and if that person lets you down it was THEM not the above hair color etc. I am sure Robyn is a wonderful girl, and to Jadapit I commend you for sound education and training of your beautiful babies!

Thank you so very much for the wonderful compliment! So many times with pit bulls it is the owners fault for the tragedies that happen. I have honestly done my best to raise Ebony and Jada in a responsible manner. It is totally up to me to keep my dogs and other peoples dogs safe and happy. :)

06-24-2006, 04:54 PM
Jadapit I couldn't agree more! In a previous post you will see I raised rotties for many years my mother had and stil has Danes and we have Dobies, my oldest daughter has pitties and my youngest chose weimeraners for her life companions, I (and this is a personal opinion ) don't care if it's 5 lbs or 500 YOU are the responsible party in the dog relationship. It is our duty to raise train and educate first our companion and then the public. Not all dogs are lassie (lol) but serious responsible people like yourself and almost everyone else on this forum hearten me a great deal. Hats off to all you! :D

06-24-2006, 05:18 PM
Don't be too hard on yourself! Maybe next time you will be confident enough to walk her. You will be glad you did I'm sure, and maybe will become good friends with her! She sounds like a sweetie, better luck next time. :) As Lizbud said, feeling ashamed just shows you have a good heart.

I see in your profile you are 17, do they let you do this alone? None of our humane societies around here allow volunteers under 18 without a parent coming also.

At my local humane society you can be 13 to volenteer alone.

06-24-2006, 05:24 PM
When I was a volunteer at the SPCA, I did that several times. I can't remember the type of dog but I just remember there were other dogs I felt more connected too and would rather walk. So I would walk the other dogs and hope that somebody else walked the dog I really didn't want to walk. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. So I ended up walking the dog I wanted to walk and the dog I didn't want to walk.

I wouldn't worry about it.

The fact is, you are volunteering and making this world a better place. Volunteers are special people. I should know - one of my jobs is volunteer coordinator!


06-24-2006, 05:42 PM
Jess, don't be to hard on yourself. I can understand why you feel this way. We hear so much about the bad stuff on TV and people just judge the breed by that. I may have done that, but regardless, it isn't your fault. You can ALWAYS walk her.

Jadapit, your girls have really changed my veiw on pitbulls. If we had more pit owners like you the BS wouldn't be going on. It really sucks that a select few have to ruin the reputation. :(

06-24-2006, 05:46 PM
Don't be too hard on yourself! Maybe next time you will be confident enough to walk her. You will be glad you did I'm sure, and maybe will become good friends with her! She sounds like a sweetie, better luck next time. :) As Lizbud said, feeling ashamed just shows you have a good heart.

At my local humane society you can be 13 to volenteer alone.

The shelters in my county allow no volunteers under 18, at least not those that would work with the animals. It is the next county that allows 13-18 with a parent along.

I have no problem going along and helping my daughter, I left one message at the shelter and they never called back, I need to call again.