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View Full Version : New pics of the backyard kitties...and others...

06-23-2006, 11:17 PM
Just thought you all might like to see some new pics of the kitties, Duchess and Vicky who no longer sleep on the porch but inside the house all night, and the new addition Duchess's Son and Vick'ys brother Charles, he is a bit of a scaredy cat, but he sleeps in the shelter all night, tucked in personally by me every night with at least five blankets.

Are they cute or what? I am hoping to keep the girls,but i have no idea if their original owner will agree,but come hell or high water i will do my best to keep these precious furbabies.

Both girls are real lap cats, especially Duchess who is the calico, as hubby put it so well the other night, you had to steal a cat to get a lap cat, so true, LOL.

In the second pic Ash has a new buddy on the side of the heater, Duchess, I really think Duchess likes Ash as she always likes to be close to him, but he certainly has met his match, she gives him a swipe now and then just to let him know she is now top cat, Ash quite often did this to Lexie for no reason, now he is getting a taste of his own medicene, he he, saw the two of them playing pawsie under the heater last night, oh so cute. Enjoy.

06-23-2006, 11:20 PM
Oh, that is adorable, they look so snuggled in! If I were them, I would want to to adopt me, too! Pretty kitties.

06-23-2006, 11:32 PM
I agree they are so cute , here is some more pics.

Vicky and brother Charles having fun in the cats favourite tree, they all love to dash up this tree and claw it to bits,Great scratching post.


06-23-2006, 11:37 PM
I don't remember ever seeing pics of your kitties, I need to get over to the cat side more often. The kitty in the middle reminds me so much of my rb gigi. All of your kitties are so cute.

06-23-2006, 11:42 PM
Caseysmom, Actually the two in my siggy the grey one and black one are mine Lexie and Ash, the other three , well it is a long story , belong to a neighbour around the corner who basically does not care for them properly, the girls were having kittens galore, so thanks to help from PT in donations i had them spayed and now they have just all moved into my place and i take care of all three, Charles is a newer addition, he only came back to that woman a few weeks ago as the daughter had him, he had a bad eye infection which i have been treating as even though i told them they just don't bother, i have been taking care of the girls for five months now, feeding, de-fleaing, worming,sheltering and loving them,she did none of these things, except feed them some of the time, they have both gained so much weight since spaying and since i have been looking after them, infact you could say they are becoming a tad on the fat side. i do consider them mine now, but of course they are legally hers and i just have to hope and pray i can have them.

The kitty in the middle is Victoria, she is awesome, so sweet natured, her mother is in the front and brother behind, her fur is now like velvet, almost as soft as a rabbits,(never used to be mind you,amazing what good care can do) none of the others have such lovely fur, i call her possum sometimes as she reminds me of one in the face at times, she has the most beautiful long whiskers too, you can tell that wee one has totally captured my heart.

If i sound like a proud mummy-mommy boasting,guilty. :D

06-24-2006, 11:25 AM
How nice to see the kitties taking over the General board! They're all so cute. Love the kitties in the trees.

06-25-2006, 09:12 PM
He He i post it in general as i know i will get more views, and i just love to show off my new kitties. :) :D

06-26-2006, 10:38 AM

They are beautiful. You SHOULD be proud! Afterall, if it weren't for you, these cats probably wouldn't be alive, let alone being taken care of.

Give yourself a HUGE pat on the back, girl!

06-26-2006, 02:43 PM
They are gorgeous!

And in my book, whoever has the vet records owns the cats.

06-26-2006, 05:13 PM
What a cosy place for the kittys to sleep. :) My kitties would love to
have a tree to climb. Thanks for all you do for these babies. I believe
they have already chosen you as their mum. :)

06-27-2006, 12:02 AM
mmh that is an interesting point they are under my name at the vets for spaying, trouble is they still go over there from time to time and she could just take them without my knowledge anyhow, i just have to hope and pray if that happens they find their way back to me, I am totally in love with both girls and my heart would be broken if i have to give them up.

Donna, the girls are so healthy looking now, oh ok one is a tad fat now, but their coats are gleaming and beautiful, they look like pets at last, not strays, and they have so earned their place with me, both lap cats and pure love bugs, Duchess has the most cutest little meows i have ever heard, most unusual and Vicky just loves to push her face into your arms, I am a proud Mama for sure.

06-27-2006, 08:56 AM
Mruffruff is right...whoever has the vet records owns the cat, in my book anyways.

06-27-2006, 06:26 PM
Now if only i could explain to the girls, NOT to ever go over there again, then she won't beable to nab them because she won't be getting my permission to come on my property, end of story.

It is a wait and see game and although that is extremely hard for me, my hands are tied, I just have to hope for the best possible outcome, they become mine for keeps.