View Full Version : Too young to be in a kennel?

05-14-2002, 12:55 PM
My Great Uncle Mike passed away last weekend. (My Grandma's Sister's Husband)

My parents and Grandma left early this morning to drive to West Virginia for the funeral.

Mom told me late last night that Grandma put Bambi in a kennel. I think it's the vet kennel but I'm not sure.

I guess I'm just worried about her being in a kennel at her age. She's about 4 months old.

Has anyone kept a dog that young in a kennel for a couple of days?

I have a feeling this will affect Bambi's housetraining progress.

Dixieland Dancer
05-14-2002, 01:26 PM
We had Dusty in a kennel when he was 4 months old. It was our groomers kennel. Actually I think puppies do better since most people can't resist a puppy and they pay them more attention. I know Dusty was a very popular fellow when he was at the groomers kennel. Everyone wanted to play with the baby!

Hope this helps ease your mind about him being in a kennel.

05-14-2002, 01:48 PM
I had Lilly two weeks when I had to board both she and Honey in a kennel. Lilly was about 9 weeks old, Honey was 6 months old. The beauty in boarding puppies is that they get LOTS of attention. They were boarded for a week, and were out, with my approval, constantly, especially Lilly. My friend, the owner of the kennel, said that it is hard to take out adult dogs to play because you don't always know what their temperment might be. But with puppies, they are usually trustworthy. Honey had just been spayed,a nd she did develop a bladder infection because of being in the kennel and "holding" it too much. But other than that, there were no problems.

Now that they're adults, I do use a petsitter, rather than boarding them. They are so spoiled that being in a cage does NOT make them happy at all. :(

I would imagine that the puppy will be fine, and get lots of attention. Yes, it might set back the housebreaking for a while, but I'll be he will be fine.

I am so sorry that you have suffered this loss in your family. You have had too much in recent months. :(


05-14-2002, 02:19 PM
I think the puppy will do fine, especially since you are boarding at the vet's. A puppy always gets tons of attention! And should there be a medical problem, the vet is right there. My vet boards and each boarder has a chart, just like a patient. All intake, output, appetite, activity, mood, etc. is documented. The doctor is notiifed after one meal is refursed. And all medications are RELIABLY administered by a licensed vet tech. As a nurse, that was very reassuring to me. And as one who also works occasionally in a commercial boarding kennel, I would recommend that should you ever board, you research, inspect the kennel with a VERY keen eye and ask tons of questions!

So sad to hear of another loss in your family:( You have been through so much recently. Your family is my thoughts and prayers.

05-14-2002, 02:26 PM
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I can truly relate. You are in my thoughts and prayers also. As for boarding, I don't know because with 13 dogs it is just a weensy bit too expensive. Good luck and again, I'm sorry to hear of your loss.

05-14-2002, 02:37 PM
Thanks everyone. I feel MUCH better now. I totally forgot about the whole puppy cuteness factor. *laughs*

I'm sure she'll be doted on whereever she is staying.

:D :D

It really has been a rollar coaster ride of ups and downs lately.

Thank you all for your thoughts.

What a great group you are. :) *hugs*

05-14-2002, 02:42 PM
I don't know anything bout your actual question, but I just wanted to say that I am sorry to hear about your great uncle's passing :(