View Full Version : Chester tells on Rie!

Laura's Babies
06-22-2006, 11:19 PM
He couldn't wait to tell me just how bad he has it at Rie Ries house and as soon as I got him home, he told me everything and had pictures to back up his story!

He has to share everything with the little human at Ries house, even his favorite chair! PROOF....

Bedtime is no different... Has to even share his bed and covers at Ries house... poor baby, he really grumbled on and on about that... PROOF

He bends over backwards to please his human sister Rie, does she appreciate it? He still has to share with that little man.... Here he is bending over backwards for Rie...

and still trying, bending over backwards....

He just has such a hard life at her house, I feel so sorry for my big boy!!

06-22-2006, 11:37 PM
It certainly seems that Chester has it rough when he goes over there. He looks thoroughly exasperated, I say. :D

Tell Rie that I like her pajamas! :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-23-2006, 04:56 AM
Awwwwwwwwww.... RUB RUB RUB RUB RUB RUB !!!

06-23-2006, 07:24 AM
Such cute photos. The cat looks as though he had the time of his life! Doesn't that make you feel good?

Killearn Kitties
06-23-2006, 07:29 AM
Shocking photos! Poor, poor Chester.

06-23-2006, 07:32 AM
What a horrible life it must be! ;)

LOVE the pictures of him on his back.

06-23-2006, 08:20 AM
Poor, poor Chester... having to endure such aboose while he is at Rie's! I just cannot imagine how awful it must be for him! ;) :rolleyes:

Rie Rie
06-23-2006, 08:33 AM
Mom, had I known you were going to use these pictures against me, I certainly wouldn't have shown them to you, much less given them to you.
You're only getting one side of the story, how do know he's not lying!!!!

06-23-2006, 08:35 AM
I dont think thats a matter of lies.
As My Dear Mother was fond of saying, justa difference of opinions.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-23-2006, 08:58 AM
how do know he's not lying!!!!
Well, Rie Rie.....I guess we'd need some PROOF so we could decide on our own. ;)

I wish I had it as tough as Chester does. ;) :D

Laura's Babies
06-23-2006, 12:36 PM
sasvermount... Yes, it does make me feel good. I told them while I was there that I love that he loves it there so much, it makes it so much easier knowing he loves it there... but I don't like how PO'ed he gets when I bring him home. Oddly enough, this time he wasn't PO'ed when he got home for some reason. Usually he growels at me for a few day everytime I try to pet him when he first gets back. This time it is life as usual... He is a happy boy this time.