View Full Version : Back from the vets. :)

06-22-2006, 02:50 PM
And bringing great news!

Dr. Matthews confirmed what I had originally thought about Simba's weight. He lost 10 pounds. :)

Heartworm, fecal, all negative for both Ki & Simba.

According to Dr. Matthews, Kiara needs to gain about 5 lbs. She did lose a bit but I expected that since we've been swimming a lot more lately. He said she looks like a black Greyhound. :p Muscular legs and a tiny tummy!

The thing is, she already eats more than Simba & Nala. And she NEVER begs for more. How can I put some weight on her - healthily without over doing it. It's hard to keep weight on her because she's active 24/7, eats, and then continues whatever activity she's doing. It is rare that she has a lazy day.

I told Simba to just pass some fat over to her. ;)

Anyways, I am pretty happy with our visit. Dr. Matthews said Simba looks great for an old boy. :)

06-22-2006, 02:54 PM
Wow congrats, Simba!! I'm sorry I don't have much suggestions for Ki. Maybe try feeding her food with more fat content... I'm not sure if that's unhealthy or not. Glad the vet visit went well! :)

06-22-2006, 03:02 PM
I'd say start giving her food with alot of calories - you don't have to increase/decrease her perportions, just feed something with mroe calories since she's an active dog ^^

06-22-2006, 03:14 PM
hey simba,..............pass the trick.........i could use losing a few too ....LOL

and for Ki maybe some hi performance thing like food used when showing/breeding which would suit her agitated lifestyle..........perhaps Wolfsoul can give you some tips on what she feeds Visa, as shes in the show/breeding stage.......... ;)

06-22-2006, 03:22 PM
Glad to hear all is good with Sim & Ki :) Kiara doesn't look too thin to me (she looks about perfect IMO), but of course I've just seen pictures of her so maybe she looks thinner in person. Either way, my vet has said the same thing about Tango in the summer but no matter what she eats, she doesn't gain anything because of her activity level and she also eats quite a bit. Do you think Ki needs to gain more weight? Hopefully someobdy will be able to give you some suggestions..

06-22-2006, 03:23 PM
More ice cream :D

My Peanuts
06-22-2006, 03:38 PM
Wonderful news about Simba. I'm trying to help Sylvia lose about 4 lbs, but on a 21lb dog that's a lot! She's looking better already.

I think Jimmy is going to have the same problem as Kiara. I can't keep weight on him especially with his vegetarian diet. Basically, I try to slip him extras when no other dogs are looking. Mostly bread, pasta, and occasional cheese since Jim can't have meat. Also, once in a while I will put a little corn or vegetable oil in Jimmy's food (he can't have olive oil.)

06-22-2006, 03:40 PM
I am glad they both have a clean bill of health! :) I have no idea how to increase her weight, though. :o