View Full Version : Thankful for my vet

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-22-2006, 11:17 AM
It was one year ago today that Peanut had surgery to remove a tumor from her bladder. She recovered so well and has been doing so well since then, that I can't help but be thankful to have such a great vet who took such good care of her.

Even though the tumor has returned and she feels like she's wasting away when I pick her up - there's nothing there! - she continues to do well, is her goofy little self, has a ferocious appetite and continues to be the perfect little daddy's girl. :D

Here are two pictures from after her surgery. In the first one, she is showing off her new fashionable Ugg boots she got when they shaved her leg for the IV.

And in this one you can barely see her pink little tummy where it was all shaved for the surgery. I thought I had one of her stiches, but I can't find it right now.

She is my little sweetie pie Peanut, I love her to death and I'm so grateful to have had an additional year with her. :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-22-2006, 11:43 AM
Aw, what a happy post! :) It is great to hear how well Peanut is doing!
It breaks my heart though knowing he is terminal sick... :(

06-22-2006, 11:46 AM
Kisses to that beautiful Peanutty girl!
I am so glad for YOU that you have more time with her!

Laura's Babies
06-22-2006, 11:57 AM
Peanut is truely a blessed little girl to have a Mommie that loves her so much and a vet that takes such good care of her. We all must cherish each and every moment with our babies beacuse you just never know what can happen suddenly and out of nowhere. She is such a pretty dainty little thing and so special to us all. It is nice to hear that she is feeling so well and acting like she is happy and well. Kisses to that little sweetie!

06-22-2006, 11:57 AM
Peanut is my favorite, pretty girl, here at Pet Talk. That is not to say that other folks' cats/pets are ugly, including my own. I love the early photo I saw of her that looks like a post card shot. I think it had her sitting in the sun, near a window or something like that.

Anywho, she is my favorite pretty kitty face girl!

Sas :)

Killearn Kitties
06-22-2006, 12:28 PM
I'm so happy that beautiful Peanut continues to do so well. She is just amazing after such a major surgery. :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-22-2006, 12:39 PM
You mean this one, SAS?

That was her COTD picture and has always been one of my favorites too. :D

And a few more of my favorites.
She so sweet.

Playing in her favorite box.

Expecting company.

And being her curious little self in the motorhome, outside view and inside view.

And my most recent favorite head shot.

By the way, it was also a year ago, while Peanut was under the knife, that Terry and I were headed to Texas to pick up our new motorhome. Talk about stress! One kitty having surgery and one home alone while we're out trying to buy a new motorhome!

06-22-2006, 12:42 PM
Yes, I am sure that is the photo I was referring to. I just love it and think it could double as a postcard or greeting card. Wouldn't that be such an nice honor for her!?!!! - To have her photo be used for a calendar or greeting card....

Thanks for finding that!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-22-2006, 12:49 PM
Oops, forgot this one. This might be the one you were thinking of SAS. Basically the same one, but she's looking up instead of at me. I don't have this one on imagestation.

06-22-2006, 01:25 PM
Is it already a year!! I'm so glad to hear little Peanut is doing well. :) She is such a pretty girl and completely spoiled - as she should be! :D

Debbie, I hope Peanut will keep you and Terry company for a long time to come!

Please give her scritchies and kisses from Fister and me.

Love the picture by the window, and also the one in front of her house.

06-22-2006, 01:37 PM
Oh Peanut! She's one of my favoritest kitties on PT. She reminds me so much of my Mitzi with her coloring and her princess attitude. It's so good to hear that she's doing well.

06-22-2006, 01:39 PM
Debbie, she is so beautiful, and I am grateful, too, that she is doing so well.

How much does she weigh?

Mimi went to the vet yesterday for her annual checkup and shots and she weighed in at a whopping 5.2 pounds. I actually thought she was going to be lighter than that. She is fur and bones and not much else, but her appetite is good and Dr. Robinson told me to keep on doing whatever I'm doing because it is working. Mimi turned 17 years old on Sunday (this past Sunday, the 18th) and she is a miracle girl, for sure. She has certainly slowed down and I notice that she hasn't groomed herself as well, in recent months, but I'm letting her "live", however she wants to.

Peanut always reminds me so much of Mimi. I love both of those special girls. :)


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-22-2006, 01:52 PM
she weighed in at a whopping 5.2 pounds. :eek: :eek:

Wow, she really doesn't weigh much! I actually just called the vet to find out if they weighed Peanut when I took her in last month. They did and she was at 7 lbs, which I find shocking! At her healthiest she weighed 9 lbs and she is really light as a feather so I'm surprised she's that heavy. She really does feel like skin and bones....and, well...fur. ;) The vet said last October she weighed 7.5 lbs, so in 6 months she's lost 1/2 lb, and I bet if I weighed her myself tonight she has even lost a bit more since May. I call her my bony butt kitty. ;) The good news is she's light as a feather when she jumps on my stomach as I'm laying on the couch. ;)

I did have to start trimming the hair on her butt. She, too, wasn't grooming as well and after her last bladder infection, the vet suggested the trimming, especially because of her tumor we want as few bladder infections as possible.

I'm glad to hear Mimi is still doing well also. Peanut will turn 18 in September...which reminds me....another old lady here on PT either just had a birthday or is about to have a birthday. Have to PM Vermontcat and see how our Samantha girl is doing. ;)

Georgia, Mitzi always reminds me of Peanut too. I love the little "split" noses they have. :D

Laura's Babies
06-22-2006, 02:18 PM
I am so glad you posted all those beautiful pictures of that little princess.. That last one took my breath, somehow, I had missed that one and not seen it before.. PHEW... Post card PURRRRRFECT!

06-22-2006, 06:40 PM
I Know That Tubby Angel Is Bringing His Dear Friend And Cracker Jack Treats From The Nugget And Karina Mandarin, And We Pray That You Have As Much Time With Peanut As Possible.
Shes Such A Sweet Cat.

06-22-2006, 07:21 PM
Dear sweet Peanut:
Do you have any idea how much your Auntie Slick loves you and we haven't even met?

I'm so grateful too for the wonderful vet who took care of you and also your wonderful Meowmie and Daddy who make sure you are the happy princess you deserve to be.

06-22-2006, 08:14 PM
Sweet Little Peanut,

You are truly a treasure; it is heart-warming to know that you have a loving Mommy and Daddy to take care of your every need and cherish the time they have with you.

You are such a beautiful little girl - I have long admired your gracefulness. In many ways you remind me of my Maine Coon, Roxy. She was petite and very pretty with a charming personality all her own, and very much a Daddy's girl.

Stay well little one.

Hugs and kisses to you, Betty

P.S. Debbie, this post has put tears in my eyes - happy ones. Thanks for being such a great catmommy.

06-22-2006, 08:28 PM
Awww Peanut. You truly are a little princess, through and through. So dainty, beautiful, and a daddy's girl. Who could have asked for more?

I am so glad that your vet was able to give you another good year. You still look very happy and content. You have always been my favorite PT girl kitty and I would give anything to give you a little smooches!

06-22-2006, 09:53 PM
I'm glad to hear Mimi is still doing well also. Peanut will turn 18 in September...which reminds me....another old lady here on PT either just had a birthday or is about to have a birthday. Have to PM Vermontcat and see how our Samantha girl is doing. ;)

Samantha is doing just fine. :)
Her 18th Birthday is on Monday June 26th.
I will be away for the next 3 days but I will be back on Monday to post some photos for Samantha's 18th Birthday that day.
(Samantha may even have a Birthday surprise for everyone.) :)

Peanut and Mimi are such lightweights compared to Samantha because she weighs their combined weight of 12 lbs!
Give Peanut and Mimi hugs and kisses from me, I love those two little old lady cats like I love my own old lady cat. I'm glad to hear that they are both doing well. :)

06-22-2006, 10:18 PM
Peanut is quite beautiful! Enjoy every minute with her and give her as much love as possible. She's amazing to have made it to that age with all the obstacles in her way.

06-22-2006, 11:25 PM
My my, Debbie, she sure is one beautiful girl.

I know all about having just a year more - a few months more - a few days more - and they were so very very special I can cry just thinking about some special moments.

For example, who knew that Magic loved strawberries? In all of the years that I had him, I never knew that.

They do rule our hearts there is no doubt about it.

Peanut is one lucky girl to have such loving parents!

06-23-2006, 04:00 AM
Peanut you are such a pretty girl, and you have been through some tough times being ill, but you have a good life and a family that loves you so much.
Your time is precious and you know that and your mum and dad know that, you will always be a special girl.
I hope you continue to live a good life and to the full. You look happy in your pictures still.
Love and hugs from Kate, Jack & Sunny

Pawsitive Thinking
06-23-2006, 04:14 AM
Pretty little Peanut - you are adorable

06-23-2006, 04:27 AM
OMG, I thought she was much younger than that! Wow, pretty girl, you sure have aged very gracefully. She looks like such a sweetheart in those photos; you know how to capture her beautifully.

Dear little girl, I wish you many more happy days with your meowmie and lots of lovings and scritches.

What a beautiful face she has!