View Full Version : My Homecoming....

Laura's Babies
06-22-2006, 09:15 AM
Well friends, I have been so excited since I got home. The trial of leaving my girls at home alone while I was away at work went SO well that I now know that is the thing to do for them. Marie and Mike told me everytime I called to check on them, that they were FINE but you know I still worried since I had never left them at home before. The house wasn't the mess I had expected when I got home either. When Marie and I got here, Amy, Giz and Samantha were right there at the door to greet us but when Giz saw me, she ran away groweling and hid under the chair. Everytime one of us got near her she would growel. Had us baffeled. After Rie left, Giz went and hid and I didn't see her again until Mike came over and when she heard his voice, she came out.. I finally figured out what it was later in the day.... I had been gone, when I got back, she thought she was going to be put in that kennel and taken for a long car ride like when she stays with Kevlin... She associated my return with kennel and car ride. Once she realized THIS was home and she was going NOWHERE, she was fine!

Yesterday was wonderful! They were so glad to see me that I had 3 velcro kitties taking turns in my lap loving on me all day. After Giz realized she wasn't going anywhere in the car/kennel, she came to me and CUDDLED with me for a long time! She has never cuddled with me in all the time I have had her and I ate that up! Amy kept coming for me to pick her up and soon as my hands touched her she was purring her little heart out and as long as I held her, she was still, happy, relaxed and purring. They just can't get enough loving and I woke up this morning with Amy and Samantha snuggled up against me.

So, the trial run was a hit and they did better than I did while I was gone.. They were comfortable, in their own home with no stress of the car ride and no changes. As long as Rie and Mike are willing to look in on them, this is what we are going to do when I go to work from now on. Happier kitties and a happy Mommie!

06-22-2006, 09:56 AM
I Know That My Cats Would Hate Being Taken From House To House, And I Ma Glad That They Are Going To Be Staying Put In Thier Own Homes Where They Are Happy.
Cats Love Things To Be The Same, Every Day.

06-22-2006, 11:07 AM
AWWW Laura - your post had me smiling and even a little LES :rolleyes: How sweet. Oh meowmie - how wonderful for you to come home to all that lovins and contentment. Surely this is an answer to prayer about what to do with the babies when you are off cooking :D

I am HAPPY for all of you. What a sweet, sweet post.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-22-2006, 11:21 AM
I'm so glad things worked out so well, Laura! Now you can have more peace of mind while your out.

By the way, glad you made it home safe and sound again. Good to see you! :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-22-2006, 11:40 AM
That was a great homecoming!! He he, happy to see you back posting!! :)

Laura's Babies
06-22-2006, 12:08 PM
It has really worked out better for Amy and I see improvements in her from the no stress factor. She still falls over but is not posturing stiffly for awhile before she can get up. I am seeing just how badly stress has effected her and what I may have thought was a decline in her was maybe stress. I am actually seeing her using the regular big litter boxes, including jumping out of them, it has just worked out so darn good for them. Now I am wishing I had done this last year when the vet first suggested I do it and not put them through the car rides and changes.

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-22-2006, 12:53 PM
Yesterday was wonderful! They were so glad to see me that I had 3 velcro kitties taking turns in my lap loving on me all day.


I am so glad it worked out so well for you!!! I'm sure you will feel a lot better next trip you have to take to work! :D

06-22-2006, 01:46 PM
Laura, first of all, Welcome Home!!!!!

What a great update from you, too. When I finally broke down, several years ago, and hired a petsitter, I swear, it was a Godsend to my girls and Butter. It just made our being gone so much easier for them, rather than being boarded somewhere or staying with someone else. Now they know my sitter and love it when she comes and I just feel better, overall, about leaving them when I have to.
