View Full Version : I'm Proud =-D

06-21-2006, 04:11 PM
Yesterday afternoon, as soon as I got home from school I was on the computer. My brother came down and said "A dog is black and outside". I ran upstairs and looked out the door. There was Peter, a Neapolitan Mastiff/Labrador, a really beautiful dog that I have never touched or caught before. He is way too shy, but always loose. I didn't think about never catching him, I just thought about catching him today. When I stepped outside, he ran, full blast, down the road. I, bare foot, ran after him. I got some rocks in my toes and cuts all over them, but I kept on running. He ran into a yard and I ran past the yard, going around him to get in front of him, but he turned around and ran. I chased him more. Finally he lied down in a yard. I stopped and sat on the gravel, looking away from him, making sure I didn't make eye contact. He barked and me and even growled once, but I pretended I didn't care. Carefully I got the my knees, hands on the ground. And crawled toward him a little bit, really slow, like a turtle. I said "Peter, sit", no repsonse, "Peter, come", no response. "Peter, DOWN", he lied down on the grass. I crawled toward him and sat on a boat he was lying next to. I was about 4 feet away from him. He stood up, scared. "Peter, DOWN", he lied down. I herded him into his yard and he ran into it, tail between his legs. I went around him to his wire chain, and Peter, cowering, came over and lied on his back, belly up, and waged his tail, causing it to sweep dust on the cement in his backyard to fly everywhere. I smiled, and carefully took his collar, and put the chain on him. I didn't trust him at all, and was shaking the whole time, but I finally acomplished touching and bringing home this dog. I thought he was going to jump up and attack me, but he didn't. He sat there wagging his tail when I left. What a dog.

06-21-2006, 04:39 PM
Sounds like the same dog as the dad of the puppy Warahgirl is getting??

Sounds like the people don't take care of their dogs if he is "always loose".


06-21-2006, 05:34 PM
I tend to agree Molucass. Always loose and out on a chain, lovely. But good for you for getting him home anyway.

06-22-2006, 02:11 PM
Sounds like the same dog as the dad of the puppy Warahgirl is getting??

Yep. The accidental litter :rolleyes:

06-22-2006, 02:25 PM
And not nutered makes it even better:rolleyes: If he was on his back then he was being submissive and wouldnt of hurt you

06-22-2006, 02:27 PM
Hey guys, check this out, it's some good news about Peter: