View Full Version : I might get a puppy!

06-21-2006, 03:54 PM
I might get a little puppy! I was at Makayla's (zoomer is her SN on PT in case you didn't know her name...) house and her friend Maddy called. Maddy's dog had 8 puppies and they already sold 5 of them, Storm, Tulip, Tiny, Marty and Candy. Well, we went to their house and they had 3 beautiful puppies left. All the puppies are Neapolitan Mastiff/Labrador/Pug/Shar Pei. Wierd mix, eh? The dad is a Neapolitan Mastiff/Lab and the mom is the Pug/Shar Pei. It was an accidental litter :rolleyes: . They are keeping the only male left from the litter, who looks most like a Neo and they named him Oliver {Olly}. There's a big girl named Black Lab {yep, the name is Black Lab :rolleyes: }, which will most likely be changed by the person who adopts her. Well Black Lab is black with no white markings, the black beauty of the three :p They still have the runt too, a cute little pug/lab looking one with a curled tail, a tiny shy girl. Well, I immedietly fell in love with Black Lab. She is the prettiest little girl of the 3 pups left, and I REALLY want her. I've always dreamed of having a puppy and my dream just might come true. First I have to earn $30 to put in my collection of $120, because the puppies are $150. My dad said if I am the one who takes care of Max and Rupert 24/7, and vaccum up their hair and all that, then I can have the puppy. And my mom said if my dad agrees and if I move all the rocks in the backyard for $30, I can have the puppy. I have the do all this for 2 weeks, and by then the puppy will be 10-12 weeks old, the perfect age. I'm sure I can do the work! Do you have any name suggestions? Or any websites where I can find a list of names for a lab? Black Lab is NOT a name. I was thinking of naming her Savannah {after Golden Luv's RIP Lab}, or Gracie. I was thinking about Black Beauty but that is a really long name. Thank you all so much!

P.S. Of course Makayla got pictures! They will be posted tommorow or sooner.

06-21-2006, 04:02 PM
Yay! I'm so glad your parents are being so good about you getting a puppy. Be sure and keep us updated. Congrats and I thought of some names... Ally and Abby are cute names. And Veisha means 'be quiet' in some other language and Veishna means 'cherries' in some other language. Those are pretty names. And Princessa means Princess in spanish. Here's somewhere you can find LOADS of names:

Names For Your Dog And Puppy (http://www.puppydogweb.com/names/names.htm)

And to everyone on PT, I will most likely have the pictures resized, bordererd, uploaded, and posted by tommorow and possibly later tonight.

06-21-2006, 04:07 PM
well first of all $ 150 for a mutt??!! with that money you can get a purebred from a shelter even a puppy, and if you lived where i live you can get like 2 dogs (purebred but unregistered dogs)

second i didnt want to sound mean but thats a lot for a mutt, despite they cuteness.

third congrats in the new-to-be addition i bet shes lovely you just need to sweat for the money adn off you go, plese post pics

and fourth i love the name Black Lab, not quite usual but still i like it, maybe i´m just weird :rolleyes:

06-21-2006, 04:18 PM
well first of all $ 150 for a mutt??!! with that money you can get a purebred from a shelter even a puppy, and if you lived where i live you can get like 2 dogs (purebred but unregistered dogs)

second i didnt want to sound mean but thats a lot for a mutt, despite they cuteness.

third congrats in the new-to-be addition i bet shes lovely you just need to sweat for the money adn off you go, plese post pics

and fourth i love the name Black Lab, not quite usual but still i like it, maybe i´m just weird :rolleyes:

I know $150 is a lot, but these are healthy, lively dogs, not sick dogs. And second off, I don't really want a purebred, I don't care what the hell the breed is, LOL. And I am sure I can rescue a dog, and I would love to, but my mom doesn't want to get another dog, no way could I get her to go the the shelter to get another dog. This pup just popped up and I am willing to get her. I am aware that rescuing a dog is MUCH better than getting a mutt from an accidental litter, but, well, I don't know.

I like the name Black Lab, but if she ever got loose {which she most likely wont'} I wouldn't want to go around yelling "Black Lab, Black Lab, Black Lab!" LOL. I don't think it's a dog name. I kind of want a regular name like... Ally or Abby, or Gracie or Savannah. Know what I mean?

06-21-2006, 04:20 PM
$150 for a litter of accidental mutts?

Sounds like a BYB to me, for sure! :eek:

06-21-2006, 04:52 PM
$150 for a litter of accidental mutts?

Sounds like a BYB to me, for sure! :eek:

But is it really a BYB in all cases? Even for accidental litters, don't people want them taken care of? They need to at least try to break even (even though that's almost impossible even with reputable breeders).

I wouldn't say $150 is a bad price, IMO. If I was the owner of an accidental litter, I would also want to make sure they go to good homes.

If someone can't afford $150 for the dog, they can't afford to take care of the dog.

06-21-2006, 06:06 PM
Well I could understand $150 if the puppies have their shots/fixed/flea&heartworm meds. But if these puppies having nothing I really wouldn't be spending any money on buying them since I would be paying their vet fees.

Well congrats on getting the puppy anyways, I'm sure you'll give her a good home!

06-21-2006, 06:13 PM
That's great that your working so hard for that puppy! It really shows that you a responsible and ready for it. Can't wait to see pictures!

Here's a great website for puppy names. It's one of the best I've found.

06-21-2006, 07:44 PM
Well, they are willing to sell for $100 but they said I can pay $50 and use the other $100 for shots... so.... I guess for me she's $50.

By the way, I have decided to name her Tessa :) I went to Makayla's house today and we went to visit the puppies. We agreed on the name Tessa. My mom came to see them too, she likes her :D Yay!

But something bad happened today. Tessa is shy with people she doesn't know, typical dog, right? Well, Makayla's mom came with 5 kids to Maddy's house, and she just came over and started petting Tessa, Tessa started shaking and she was extremely scared. Makayla said, "MOM STOP! She's scared of you". Well, her mom didn't stop, she said "I'm not doing anything wrong by petting the dog". Maddy whispered to me, "Get the dog", gridding her teeth. I was shaking, as well as Makayla and Tessa, and Maddy. Makayla grabbed her, finally, and put her in the backyard. I can't believe her mom did that!

06-21-2006, 08:09 PM
Now, I can kinda see why your getting the dog for such a price. Anyway, she's really cute! I love that picture.(in your siggy) Congrats for you! Good luck with your new cutie. We need pics as soon as possible.

06-21-2006, 08:16 PM
Well, they are willing to sell for $100 but they said I can pay $50 and use the other $100 for shots... so.... I guess for me she's $50.

By the way, I have decided to name her Tessa :) I went to Makayla's house today and we went to visit the puppies. We agreed on the name Tessa. My mom came to see them too, she likes her :D Yay!

But something bad happened today. Tessa is shy with people she doesn't know, typical dog, right? Well, Makayla's mom came with 5 kids to Maddy's house, and she just came over and started petting Tessa, Tessa started shaking and she was extremely scared. Makayla said, "MOM STOP! She's scared of you". Well, her mom didn't stop, she said "I'm not doing anything wrong by petting the dog". Maddy whispered to me, "Get the dog", gridding her teeth. I was shaking, as well as Makayla and Tessa, and Maddy. Makayla grabbed her, finally, and put her in the backyard. I can't believe her mom did that!

Noo not good at all! Make sure that once you get her you do A LOT of socialization with her. Expose her to every possible thing you can and work on her fearfulness of people. If you let her stay fearful of strangers it will become a MAJOR problem.

But on the brightside she is really cute and Tessa seems like a good name for her! :)

06-21-2006, 08:24 PM
Like animal_rescue said, make SURE you do alot of socialization with her. Tessa is a great name, and she's absolutly adorable!!

06-21-2006, 09:27 PM
Okay, thank you all. I will definetley bring Tessa in the car, for 'show and tell' at school, to my friend's houses, to my neighbor's houses, to dog parks, parks, everywhere to socialize her. Makayla is getting the pictures up soon, promise :p

06-21-2006, 09:28 PM
Noo not good at all! Make sure that once you get her you do A LOT of socialization with her. Expose her to every possible thing you can and work on her fearfulness of people. If you let her stay fearful of strangers it will become a MAJOR problem.

But on the brightside she is really cute and Tessa seems like a good name for her! :)

Yes, yes, totally agree.

06-21-2006, 09:28 PM
Makayla is getting the pictures up soon, promise :p

Hurry!! :) :D

06-21-2006, 09:29 PM
Hurry!! :) :D

Okay, they're up! :D Right here:


06-21-2006, 10:53 PM
I wouldn't suggest dog parks right away.. not until at least 6 months, because puppies are so vulnerable to illness and disease. Just my opinion.

06-21-2006, 10:57 PM
I wouldn't suggest dog parks right away.. not until at least 6 months, because puppies are so vulnerable to illness and disease. Just my opinion.

I agree. and not until all of their vaccinations are done. :)

06-21-2006, 11:05 PM
If you want to call her Black beauty maybe you could call her Beauty for short or Beauty in another langueage(yes I love the different language names:p )
Good luck

06-22-2006, 02:31 PM
Yes, make sure not to take her to the dog park before she gets her shots and vaccines.

06-22-2006, 10:24 PM
Yeah, avoid dog parks until she is at least 6 months, preferably more. You should get her into puppy Obedience and play classes, instead. One bad experience at a dog park (which happens often... because any moron can bring an aggressive dog in, and ruin the experience for everyone) could affect her for a long time. Trust me, I've been through that with Gonzo! I recommend waiting until she's been well socialized and is preferably an adult before introducing her to the dog park, so she can more easily handle sketchy dogs. Meeting up with friends' dogs and supervised play groups is a must, though. :)