View Full Version : Taming feral kittens?

06-21-2006, 01:22 PM
We have a neighbor that has so many cats, most of them are feral. My dogs were barking up a storm the other day, I looked out to see what in the world they were barking at. Behind our shed was kittens! The mamma cat must have had her kittens under the shed. They are maybe 2 months old. They are so precious. I really want to tame these kittens. I would love to keep one for myself and find the others a home. When I take food out to them they all hiss and growl at me then run under the shed. When I go back in the house they come out to eat. How can I make those kittens trust me and not be so terrified of me? I want to scoop them up so bad, they are just darling. :)

Thanks in advance for any tips you might have for me.

Laura's Babies
06-21-2006, 02:19 PM
Go to feed them calling out to them to get them use to your voice as you put out food for them, then backing way away. Be still and quiet until you think they are use to your being there. Move closer as they get use to you being there or close by.. Then start softely talking to them briefly until they are use to that.. It may be a slow process unless you want to try to trap them.. I would go with trapping before they get to much older but if you can't get a trap, try what I suggested and work into getting as close as you can to them. The older they get, the harder it is going to be.

06-21-2006, 10:00 PM
I am no cat expert but what Laura's Babies said sounds like the right thing to do. :)

K & L
06-21-2006, 10:48 PM
From Alley Cat Allies Website:

Tompkins County SPCA
Feral Cat Series

Socializing Feral Kittens

Kittens who are not exposed to humans early in their lives learn from their mothers and quickly become feral. However, if they are caught and handled at a young enough age, feral kittens can be socialized and placed in loving homes.

Remember that spay/neuter is the single most important thing you can do to help feral cats. It is best to alter as many cats in a colony as possible before you begin

Kittens under four weeks old can usually be socialized in a
matter of days, and kittens up to eight weeks old can take
approximately two to four weeks to socialize. 10-12 weeks old kittens can also be tamed, but it may take longer. Taming feral kittens over 12 weeks old can be difficult and they may never be fully socialized to people.

Getting Started
· Kittens cannot be socialized while they are still in their colony. They must be brought inside and confined so you have regular access to them. If you cannot do this, have the kittens altered and return them to their colony.
· Kittens can be taken from their feral mothers when they begin weaning-at approximately four weeks of age.

Housing the Kittens
· You will need to confine the kitten(s) at first, preferably in a dog crate, large pet carrier, cat condo, or cage. If you do not have a cage or carrier, you can keep the kittens in a small room. Be sure to block up anything they could crawl into or under and remove anything that could injure them.
· Do not let feral kittens run loose in your house. They can hide in tiny spaces and are exceptionally difficult to find and coax out. In addition, a large room can be frightening and hinder the taming process.
· If possible, kittens should be separated from each other to facilitate taming. Left together, one kitten can become outgoing and playful while another remains shy and withdrawn. If you cannot separate them, the kittens can be housed together, but be sure to spend time alone with each one.
· The cage should contain a small litterbox, food and water dishes, and something to cuddle in like a towel or piece of your clothing.

· Food is the key to taming. Make dry kitten food available at all times and give the kitten a small amount of wet food at least twice a day. The kitten may hesitate to eat in your presence at first, but be patient. Eventually the kitten will
associate your presence with food.
· Chicken-flavored baby food is a special treat that almost no kitten can resist.
· How soon you begin handling the kitten depends on the kitten's age and temperament. Older kittens and those who are more feral are harder to handle. With these kittens, start by offering baby food or wet food on a spoon through the cage. Once they are used to this, you can begin handling them.
· Younger and less feral kittens can be picked up right away. Wear gloves if you will feel more comfortable, as it is important to be confident and gentle when picking up any animal. Wrap the kitten in a towel allowing her head to stick out. Offer baby food or wet food on a spoon. If she does not respond, dab a tiny bit on the end of her nose. Once she tastes it, she will soon want more.
· When petting a feral kitten, approach from behind his head. Gradually begin to pet the kitten's face, chin, and behind the ears while talking gently. Try to have
several feeding/petting sessions (15-20 minutes) with each kitten as many times a day as you can.
· Progress will depend on the kitten's age and temperament. Each day you will notice improvement-falling asleep in your lap, coming towards you for food,
meowing at you, purring, and playing are all great signs. Once the kitten no longer runs away from you but instead comes toward you seeking to be fed, held and pet, you can confine her to a small, kitten-proofed room rather than a cage. Siblings can also be reunited at this point.
· Expose the kittens to a variety of people. Everyone should use low voices at first, and approach the kittens in a non-threatening manner.

Important Tips
· Handle feral kittens cautiously-nails and teeth are sharp.
· Do not give kittens cow's milk-it can make them sick.
· Once the kitten is willing to play, offer toys and use a string (not yarn) or a cat dancer for him to chase. Do not let the kitten bite, scratch or play with your hand.
· If the kittens are staying awake at night, try to play and socialize with them more during the day and cover their cage(s) at night with a towel or blanket.
· Leave a television or radio on (not too loud) during the day so the kittens get used to human voices.

Tompkins County SPCA
1640 Hanshaw Road · Ithaca, New York 14850
(607) 257-1822 · www.spcaonline.com

Laura's Babies
06-22-2006, 09:32 AM
Right on the money K & L.. Thank you for all this information, this will help her a lot better than what I told her to do.

06-22-2006, 09:47 AM
Leave some food, maybe some warm beef, or tuna to let them knw theres food there, and then some Kitten Food, I would recommend the Baby Cat from Royal Canin with some Canned.
We know taht it will take time, but the rewards will be worth it.
Scrappy 2, was a rescue, and she loves me now.

06-26-2006, 10:40 AM
Any update yet?

06-26-2006, 11:02 AM
K&L have given you the best advice yet. Good luck!