View Full Version : Oh boy, I don't feel ready for my final driving test!

06-20-2006, 12:35 PM
The last time I drove was the end of June 2005 in PEI with my dad & the time before that was 2yrs before.

I know I'm a good & safe driver. My dad said I'm an awesome driver. My dad HATES just HATES other people driving for him, however hes so relaxed & he said he feels safe when I drive for him. So I know I'm good.

But my nerves are all upset. I don't know the city & I've NEVER been on a 400 series hwy & don't want to go on that!! oooo what if they make me, I had to trick my last instructor to keep me off the 400 series hwy in Ottawa as I didn't feel ready.. I just talked & talked & talked to my instructor until he forgot all about the 400 series hwy driving.. Now I wish I did it cause the one in Ottawa is tiny compaired to the MONSTER out here in the GTA eep :eek: !!!

I also feel bad about doing this cause I'm putting myself before Mango needs(made a post about his tank blowing up). its 140.00 for the 5hrs + 130.00 for the car on the day of my test. I would put my test off but my G2 (2/2 of the Ontario learners permit) expires on July 27th!! So I can't really blow it off (wish I could, as I don't know this city at all & have never driven here).

So if you guys could wish me the best of luck on July 4th (I'll be wishing you americans a happy b-day) for 12:15, I'm sure my nerves would sence the good vibes & will keep them relaxed, so I don't make myself sick before the test.

*breath in... breath out*

06-20-2006, 12:46 PM
Don't be nervous girl - you can do it!! I have faith in you, you'll get through it. I know how you feel, I get nervous about stuff too, but I know you can do it :)

06-20-2006, 12:55 PM
Good luck, and keep us posted!

06-20-2006, 01:03 PM
Thanks guys.. My nerves are already taking their toll on my gut.. I can feel it, stupid Anxity.. but in away its a good thing, as it keeps me 100% alert when driving. When I was with my instructor 3yrs ago (I was learning how to drive) I avoided so many accidents, that i saw coming a mile away, he was very impressed & took me places we aren't suppose to go tee hee due to heavy traffic (the market place in Ottawa)...

Anyone want an angry gut? I can live without it right :D

06-20-2006, 03:07 PM
See if you can find someone willing to let you try diving on the highway with them - if you do it in the eeeeearly morning, or late at night, there should be fewer cars and it'd be less intimidating. But ask around - we certainly never went on the highway for my driver's test.

06-20-2006, 03:22 PM
I remember having to drive on the freeway in high school for my drivers ed, it was intimidating.

06-20-2006, 03:23 PM
See if you can find someone willing to let you try diving on the highway with them - if you do it in the eeeeearly morning, or late at night, there should be fewer cars and it'd be less intimidating. But ask around - we certainly never went on the highway for my driver's test.

I don't have access to a car, thats why I have to rent an instructor.. Also there is no quiet time on the 400's out here in Toronto.

Ottawa is quite different, as the 400 hwy dies late at night... If I had a way back to my home town I'd do my test there... no hwy in sight & I know the town like the back of my hand...

When I get my G my landlady is gonna let me drive her care, but not before as her insurance will go sky high! So I have no choice.. boo.. but hopefully they won't make me go on the 400 hwy here...