View Full Version : Sam needs help

Samantha Puppy
06-20-2006, 12:27 PM
I got Samantha shaved down for the summer. The problem is, the woman took her a little too close on the bottom side of her tail and it's bothering poor Samantha immensely. She has licked the underside of her tail raw so it is red and looks horribly sore. I've tried putting lotion on it but she licks it right off. I'm going to get one of those sad lampshade collars from PetSmart on the way home today for her to wear while I'm at work and at night. :(

Is there anything else I can do to help it heal?

06-20-2006, 12:30 PM
try Sudocrem or pure aloe vera gel and maybe the head collar would be a good idea while your out, not sure if bandaging it up will make it worse or not because the air wont get to it as much? :confused:

06-20-2006, 12:38 PM
Goldbond powder should help relive some of the itchieness. And like mentioned before try to keep her form licking it, if all else fails an e-collar or soft collar might be needed.

It could also be anal glands or a combination of anal gland problems & shaving.

Pawsitive Thinking
06-21-2006, 03:46 AM
Sudocream worked well when Archie licked Tobey's face sore! Also spraying it with Bitter Apple stopped him so the wound could heal

06-21-2006, 05:25 AM
I would recommend cleaning the area using an antiseptic skin cleanser with chlorhexidine. You can get it at most drug stores under a store generic or brand name like Hibiclens. You may already have some. It is useful to have in a human and/or animal first aid kit anyway. Great for kitty acne, hot spots, wounds, etc.

I would get some cotton gauze or something similar, wet it and add some of the Hibiclens. Then scrub the area in a circular motion vigorously to loosen up the hairs. You don't want the follicles to get ingrown and infected. Then rinse and pat dry. It'd be best if you could do this once a day until it dries up or you see a nice scab.

I would put the cone on her whenever you aren't watching her, which sounds like what you are planning. She may hate it, but it will really speed up healing time. I wouldn't bandage it at all.

Looks like everyone has diff product recs so far! LOL. I just based this on our clinic's hot spots protocol and my experience with Nipo's kitty acne.

Sue's idea about anal glands is something to consider too. Do you know if she had them expressed at the grooming place? Has she had the anal gland 'scoots' before?

Best wishes for your sweet Sam. :D Hope she feels better soon.

Samantha Puppy
06-21-2006, 10:27 AM
Thanks Kater (and everyone else). I got some anti-septic cream to put on it, as well as some sort of hydro-cortisone to help with the itching. I also have her in a cone collar while I'm here at work. When I get home this evening and can keep an eye on her, I'll take it off but I'll have to put it back on for bedtime as she has woken me up numerous times the last two nights licking.

I'll let you all know how her progress goes. I feel so horrible for putting her in this position. I was just trying to get her more comfortable for summer by getting rid of all that hair. I never dreamed anything like this would come of it. :( I hope her hair grows fast.

06-21-2006, 10:35 AM
Poor Samantha. :( Try some antibiotic cream or spray. You can get that at the vets or maybe you have some at home. Hope it gets better soon.

4 Dog Mother
06-21-2006, 12:08 PM
The same thing happened to Dazzi too. I just can't remember what the vet had us do. I know she told us to put a triple antibiotic creme on it it and for some reason I seem to remember she us antibiotics too but I can't remember for sure (that's what happens when you get old.) What she did say is that some dogs can't stand having that area so "bare" and that possibly she was scraped a little bit. Anyway since that time, I shave her myself and make sure I don't get too close to that area.

The hair doesn't have to grow real long for her to get comfortable again. It should only take a few days before she stops the licking.