View Full Version : Vegas...it's been 1 yr. since you started to trust me

06-20-2006, 11:33 AM
Well, it has been 1 year since I first saw Vegas. It was while Mark and I were living with my mom while building our new house. The first time I saw Vegas I fell in love with him. I must admit that he certainly had issues...terrified of people, aggressive towards people and other cats, loaded with worms, and a broken hip and broken stump of a tail....love and patience works wonders for a cat who has no trust in anyone.

When it came time for Mark and I to move I had to leave Vegas behind at my mom's until we could get settled and get the other 7 cats settled. So he stayed with mom for 2 weeks. Then we loaded him up in a carrier, put him in the back of the truck with blankets over the carrier to keep him warm and calm and we took him home where he stayed in our basement for a week before he was gradually introduced into the house. Vegas had some more issues but I must say that this cat is the most greatful cat that I have ever rescued. He absolutely loves Gracie and Gabriel, I actullay call him the baby sitter, because he is constantely with those 2 either playing, sleeping of giving them a bath. He has gone from 6 lbs when I first saw him to 22 lbs.

Vegas I love you so much and I'm so glad that you trusted me enough because you have found your forever home baby.

Before photos




You sure have put on a few pounds and you certainly fit right into our family. :)

Queen of Poop
06-20-2006, 12:13 PM
How wonderful, for both you and Vegas. He certainly looks healthy and happy now. Congratulations to you both.

06-20-2006, 12:29 PM
What a great rescue story! Sounds like you and Vegas were a match made in heaven! Congratulations to both of you! Vegas, you are a handsome :::ahem::: little guy! :rolleyes: Sasha, at 18 pounds, says not to worry about your weight as there is just more of you to love!

06-20-2006, 12:40 PM
I have to say with all the stuff going on in my life...now calmer days are here...that I've missed so much on pettalk and I DO remember when you were building your beautiful home but don't remember Vegas,which I am sorry.He really is one VERY lucky cat to end up with the nicest family.He was a stray I presume.This is such a nice story.I'll show mike this when he comes in from working outside.He loves these kind of stories.It helps him feel better about all the NEW ones we just took in.LOL :D :p :D
Vegas is so beautiful :)

06-20-2006, 06:36 PM
Like Tubby 2, Vegas Has Calmed Down, And Is Almost Serene,i Am Going To Have To Get The Panther On Soon.

06-21-2006, 01:04 PM
Oh that is so great! I'm glad it all worked out for Vegas and your family.

How cute that he loves G&G!!! Such a happy story! I needed that today!

06-21-2006, 01:08 PM
I just love handsome Vegas and I'm so happy to hear that he has settled right in as part of your family. :D