View Full Version : Prayers please for my friend's Serval baby Raiju

06-20-2006, 07:52 AM
My friend bought a Serval kitten a few weeks ago and they had to rush him to the ER over the weekend because he started having seizures Saturday morning, they took him to their vet and she thought it was low blood sugar and gave them Clavamox. At that point he had only had 2 seizures, (that they knew of) and was still eating. Later on Saturday he had more seizures and then he went down hill from there (and of course the vet was closed by then). By this time he had an unsteady gait and was not eating. They called the Emergency animal clinic and asked if they would see a Serval kitten and they said yes. We went there and they said "Oh, that isn't a domestic..We’re not licensed to see wildlife". Idiots! So they sent them to a Hospital an hour away that has all state of the art equipment and 24hr. emergency, the best thing is that the hospital has direct access to the area's top exotic vets. So Raiju is being treated by the top Dr. of exotic animals in our area.

Right now it's just wait and see. They're not sure what caused the seizures. They're thinking trauma, congenital or something internal like parasitic, toxoplasmosis, bacterial, etc.

Please help me pray for baby Raiju.

*please note* Yes a Serval is a wild cat and I do not necessarily agree with the practice of domesticating wild animals for the purpose of having a them as a pet. But no matter, he's a living creature and needs PT's
prayers. :(

06-20-2006, 08:40 AM
We pray for all the living beings in our world. We hope that the serval cat gets proper care. If he had low blood sugar, how on earth could Clavamox have helped???? As soon as we discovered sugar anomalies in our cat, she was on insulin. It is tricky with cats, because you can't monitor their blood as you can with humans - they don't make cat glucometers, and human glucometers are not set to read cats' blood. So you just have to guess by behavior and the occasional urine test (which is approximate, at best). Anyway, it sounds as if the serval is in the best of hands at this point. I just hope he has something that is treatable, and that he is not too debilitated to respond.

smokey the elder
06-20-2006, 09:23 AM
That sounds suspiciously like distemper. Has Raiju had a distemper shot? Poor kitty!

06-20-2006, 09:29 AM
I forgot to post that at this point, he is clinically blind and they do not know if he'll regain his eye site.
Raiju's owner contacted me this morning to tell me that had seizures again yesterday while at the hospital and the vets were not sure if he would pull through as of late last night. He had not eaten and was not doing well, but this morning he ate a little and took some water, so that was a little glimmer of hope.

06-20-2006, 09:31 AM
That sounds suspiciously like distemper. Has Raiju had a distemper shot? Poor kitty!

Yes he has had his shots.

06-20-2006, 09:41 AM
We are sending prayers for Raiju, that he can regain his health, and be reunited with his Guardian again.
He sounds like a very handsome Cat, and we wish nothing but the best for Raiju.

06-20-2006, 10:41 AM
Poor little guy.

Prayers on the way.