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View Full Version : **~Desperate for your prayers, PLEASE~**

Samantha Puppy
06-20-2006, 07:33 AM
So here's the dilly. The house that Josh and I are in love with has another contract on it, but the sellers (as of this morning) still have not accepted it because the buyers want in in July and sellers can't move until August AND the buyers also offered a few thousand less than the list price. They had been waiting to hear our offer which we desperately wanted to put in, but in their contract a non-contingent clause - which means that if we put a contract in and they accepted ours, we would be legally binded to follow through and purchase the house or get sued if we backed out... even if our own house hadn't sold by then. Which means we'd have two mortgages to deal with. Which we obviously don't have enough money for. Following me so far? Okay, good.

We had an agent friend of ours come over yesterday afternoon to talk to us about the housing market in our area. She said on average, most houses are up for sale for about 60 days - which would be cutting it close to when we'd need to move. BUT! She knows an older couple that have children living a few houses down that desperately want to move onto our street to be near their kids. She mentioned to them last week about us wanting to move and they expressed interest, so when she was over yesterday, we talked about how much we thought we could get for the house and she left was to call them and tell them the number and see if they were interested. Obviously, it's a big thing for them as well so we aren't expecting an answer right away but we're hoping for one within a week, or two tops. IF they want our house, and IF the sellers of the house we want turn down the current offer and decide to gamble along with us, we would get the house of our dreams.

Soooo... that's what we're waiting on. We'll hear first whether or not the sellers accepted the other offer, I think. If they didn't, we have a chance! If they did, we'll still hope that this other couple wants to take our house and if so, we'll still put it up on the market... we'll just have to find another place to live. :(

Please PLEASE pray that the sellers decline the current offer on their house. I know if they accept it and we don't have any chance of getting that house, we weren't meant to live there and will find something else we love even more (I hope). But I will still be really, really super disappointed. That house was exactly what we wanted and needed. So please pray for us.

I'll keep you posted.

Pawsitive Thinking
06-20-2006, 08:06 AM
Hope things turn out the way you want them to!

06-20-2006, 08:13 AM
I have the feeling this will all work out -- you'll get your new dream house and someone will buy yours in plenty of time. I'll send good wishes and "sell that house" vibes :)

06-20-2006, 08:34 AM
Keep in mind that the situation you are presenting- the possibility of having two mortgage payments cause you have committed to one house before selling your house is pretty much the 'norm' in the industry. And, while it is true that the seller **could** come after you for breach of contract, usually they do not. Instead, they re-list the house and move on with their lives.

In any event, good luck.

Samantha Puppy
06-20-2006, 08:40 AM
Keep in mind that the situation you are presenting- the possibility of having two mortgage payments cause you have committed to one house before selling your house is pretty much the 'norm' in the industry. And, while it is true that the seller **could** come after you for breach of contract, usually they do not. Instead, they re-list the house and move on with their lives.
I know... but Josh and I don't like playing with odds. Our church burnt down two days before our wedding - what are the odds of that? And it happened to us. And Aidan was conceived on birth control, odds of which shouldn't have happened. And it did to us. So we aren't going to tempt fate. Not with this much money on the line!

06-20-2006, 08:47 AM
SP- the odds are that you wouldn't owe the sellers any money. It is a long and complicated explanation, but, only if the sellers are 'damaged' do you owe them any money. Well, you would prolly also lose your earnest money.