View Full Version : Weight Loss/Exercise Updates? Post Yours Here!

06-19-2006, 11:03 AM
I remember back sometime ago that a few people were excited to share about their weight loss and "vowed" to keep an updated thread??? Anyway, I was just curious how everyone's weight loss was going?

Has anyone been working out? What have you been doing?

How have you been eating? Healthy I hope!

Give us some updates!

06-19-2006, 11:23 AM
Once again, I have rededicated my efforts!!! I ran .9 of a mile last evening (I hadn't clocked it yet with the car, so, I didn't know it wasn't a mile), and will aim for 30 mins on the elliptical tonight (if I don't sneak to the gym at lunch time). AND, I have brought a salad and fish, yoguart, and an energy bar for lunch M, Tu, and Wed this week. It is SO much easier, for me, to pack several days at a time....

No loss yet, I am sure, he he he, but, maybe by next week this time? Stay tuned for LESS of me (thankfully, right?).

06-19-2006, 11:23 AM
I have lost a total of 27 lbs. since September. I have put on a lb. or two but nothing too worrisome. I've not been eating the best which explains the weight gain but I have been pretty good about trying to at least work out 20-30 mins/day.

06-19-2006, 11:23 AM
CM- that is FANTASTIC! 27 pounds is tremendous! You go, girl!!!

06-19-2006, 11:33 AM
You know my weight loss Christa but I'm going to post it to help motivate me because I've really stalled lately. I've lost 78 pounds since April of last year. I've only lost 8 pounds since Christmas but I've dropped another size during that time so I'm happy. I would love to lose another 25 but at this time I'll be happy with whatever it takes to go down one more size.

I'm still going to the gym but not as regularly as I was and now I've added swimming to my routine plus I still walk 1-2 miles in my neighborhood about 5 days a week.

One more thing, I wore a sleeveless top this weekend for our Father's Day cookout and a few people noticed my "guns" (arm muscles). I was pretty proud of that!

Ally Cat's Mommy
06-19-2006, 11:36 AM
I've lost 78 pounds since April of last year. I've only lost 8 pounds since Christmas but I've dropped another size during that time so I'm happy.

WOW that's awesome! Well done!

I've been trying to lose my pregnancy weight, plus I need to lose an additional 50lbs :(

So far I have lost ALL the weight which I gained whilst I was pregnant (24lbs) plus an additional 8lbs, so I have 42 to go!

I am going back to South Africa next month to attend some training and take care of some family business, so I am really hoping to be down another half jeans size by then (It's the middle of winter there, and I have NO warm clothes which fit - all my jeans are just TOO tight to be comfortable - I can get into them, and as long as I don't try to sit, eat or breathe they are fine LOL ;)

Hubby has been very supportive, and has "sponsored" me- BD 10 (Approx $25) for every 1KG I lose, payable after every 10 KGs. So every time I drop 10KG I get $250 to spend on new clothes!

06-19-2006, 11:48 AM
You know my weight loss Christa but I'm going to post it to help motivate me because I've really stalled lately. I've lost 78 pounds since April of last year. I've only lost 8 pounds since Christmas but I've dropped another size during that time so I'm happy. I would love to lose another 25 but at this time I'll be happy with whatever it takes to go down one more size.

I'm still going to the gym but not as regularly as I was and now I've added swimming to my routine plus I still walk 1-2 miles in my neighborhood about 5 days a week.

One more thing, I wore a sleeveless top this weekend for our Father's Day cookout and a few people noticed my "guns" (arm muscles). I was pretty proud of that!

Wow! This is awesome! A very huge congrats.

CalliesMom and Alley Cat's Mom, you both sound like you are doing awesome as well.

Johanna, good for you too! Way to get back in the game.

I have to say I admire you all. Where do you find the motivation, the drive? I am at a complete loss and I feel that if I don't get it together I might actually not be here much longer. I know my body can not handle all this weight that I am carrying around but it still doesn't motiviate me to do anything. I am constantly telling myself that I will start walking, start eating right..just start being healthy. It just never happens. At this point it just takes all my energy to get through a day. I can't believe I'm posting about this. I guess I'm hoping someone might say something that might actually click in my head for once. I know what I need to do, so why can't I just do it?


My Peanuts
06-19-2006, 12:15 PM
Everyone is doing awesome! Really inspiring!

I usually don't post in these threads, but I have been trying to lose some weight too. I joined a gym a few months ago and I can tell my arms and legs look better, plus I feel much better. I go 3-4 times a week. I change it up but a typical workout for me is 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer, 20 minutes on the bike or 20 minutes on the tread mill (mostly fast pace walking), then I hit the weight machines for about 20 or so minutes. I change it up, sometimes legs machines, or ab machines, or arms. I don’t do my arms too much though because I tend to get very muscular there.

I'm hardly ever sick and I just feel all around good. I don't know how much I lost because I haven't weighed myself. Also I just started bringing my lunch to work recently. Lunch was the worse meal of the day for me health-wise.

I LOVE reading about everyone’s progress. It’s nice to hear that goals aren’t impossible.

06-19-2006, 12:17 PM
Jazzcat- Guns? You have GUNS? That is awesome!!! sigh....I remember I had guns, once...

Julie- I might be the only person that had GAINED weight at their 6 week post partum visit. So, that you have lost it all, plus some, speaks volumes about your commitment to a healthier way of life. Way to go.

Robilee, nothing good comes easy. I am saddened by your comment that you might not be here as long as you could be, because of your weight. I know you have triumphed before in the eyes of a serious medical condition, so, I think you just have to focus on your will, NOT your ability. One pound at a time, even if it takes you 6 weeks to drop that one pound. Each pound that you take off is a step towards a longer, leaner and healthier life. AND sometimes we need to see the loss before we get motivated. For me, planning is the way. I can't just come home after work and grab what feels good to eat. I have to say, "tonight, I am having this". AND, I have to make time to exercise. With a toddler in tow. Start right this moment- even if you are at work- go take a two minute walk. Really. And, if you are home, logged on to PT- take the girls and go walk ten minutes outside. Even in this heat. If it is raining? Put on a cap and go. Do twenty sit ups (I would put the girls in another room...lol). Like the Nike slogan, "Just Do It".

And, keep us posted.

My Peanuts
06-19-2006, 12:28 PM
Robilee, I'm sorry that you feel that way. I'll tell you what started working for me; it was not trying to do it all at once. I started with just the gym but I didn't change my eating habits at all. Once I started feeling good from just the exercise, I naturally started to watch what I ate. I don't have the best diet still, but I feel good and that makes it all worth it.

Maybe walking the dogs every night. You should try getting into the mind set that it's for them and not for you. Walk Katie first and come back and switch to Tori. You'll be walking twice as much. I do that with my guys. I'll walk two and then come back and switch for the other two. :)

I know your dogs motivate you, so use that motivation to your advantage. I know people that have lost a lot more weight than you need to just from walking.

06-19-2006, 01:10 PM
I am so happy to hear that everyone is doing so well with their weight loss!!!

Cataholic, sounds like a GREAT start and I'm sure you'll be sheding the pounds in no time! ;)

CalliesMom, I wouldn't worry about that "pound or two" . . . a pound or two fluctuation is pretty normal. But almost 30 pounds since September is great! Keep up the workouts and try to eat better . . . sounds like you're doing fantastic!!! :D

Lori, I KNOW you've got guns, girly! Yours are probably bigger than mine by now! I've been doing arm day with my hubby lately though, so I may be able to beat you at an arm wrestling match before it's over with! LOL . . . I'm having a tough time with my tris . . . that's why I'm working out with him. I've got granny flab, LOL . . . so he's putting me through the wringer, trying to catch my tris up with my bis. Guess I've been neglecting them. :rolleyes:

Ally Cat's Mommy . . . I haven't had a baby, but I know that it's hard to loose that baby weight, so congrats for doing that, and then some!

Me . . . as of today, I've lost 50 pounds since Feb of 04. 30 of that has just been since this past Christmas. I went from wearing a size XL or 14, really "needing" a 16 . . . I refused to shop in the Plus Sizes, which is what changed my life . . . and now I can wear a 7/8, Smalls and even XS!!! Hubby and I both eat super healthy and work out every day. I lift weights & do cardio every day . . . It's become a part of my life. A great part because I just can't imagine not being in this healthy body now. All of the hard work & sacrifice has really paid off. :)

I would like to see more people on this board become more health conscious! I hope that seeing this thread will inspire people to quit eating junk & start eating healthy. Start walking & exercising. Be aware of their bodies.

And I hope that we can continue to motivate each other. It's not a question of vanity . . . it's a question of good health.

06-19-2006, 01:15 PM
I joined a gym a few months ago and I can tell my arms and legs look better, plus I feel much better. I go 3-4 times a week. I change it up but a typical workout for me is 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer, 20 minutes on the bike or 20 minutes on the tread mill (mostly fast pace walking), then I hit the weight machines for about 20 or so minutes. I change it up, sometimes legs machines, or ab machines, or arms. I don’t do my arms too much though because I tend to get very muscular there.

Great job that you are hitting the gym! So many people tend to be "scared" of going to gyms . . . I'm not sure why but it really is the best place to get a good workout. Anyway, about your arms, women don't genetically get big like men, if that's what you're afraid of. Maybe you're overworking your arms. How many times a week were you doing arms? I only do arms 1 day a week. I am using heavy weight right now, but I am trying to build muscle. You might want to consider using light weight, high reps for muscle strength instead of mass.

06-19-2006, 01:24 PM
Christa - you are down to 7/8 - WOW!!! You go girl!!!

Johanna - with the week or two you have ahead of you I bet you will see some major weight loss!

Calliesmom, Ally Cat's Mom and My Peanuts - that is great - Keep it up! I think I need to see if I can get a sponsor for weight loss - awesome idea!

RobiLee - I was very much like you before I started this. I don't call it a diet, it's just a healthy lifestyle. Last year in April I decided to try on a swimsuit and I just died when the size 22 was too tight and I saw what I looked like. I refused to go up a size and vowed in that dressing room to make a change. I went straight to the grocery section of Target and started buying salad and healthy foods. That night I told Richard we were going to lose weight and he said great let's go for a walk. That started it. We started walkingevery night. As the weight began to come off I added swimming laps and by the end of summer I was up to 100 laps a day. When we closed the pool in Sept. we joined the YMCA.

The big thing has been exercise but I also "cheat" when I need to. I LOVE ice cream and we go to my favorite place and get a big ole fat waffle cone about once a month plus I have a pizza about once a month. We eat lots of grilled chicken and veggies and we try to stick to whole grains and wheat.

I don't know if any of this helps but know you aren't alone and that it can be done. Just 14 months ago I was 78 pounds heavier, on a water pill for blood pressure and on cholesteral meds. Now I don't have to take any meds and I feel like a different person. I hate to exercise but I know it's making the difference so I do it.

Don't get me wrong about my "guns" I still have Opera Arms on the back side. I'm a good candidate for excess skin removal surgery. :rolleyes:

06-19-2006, 01:25 PM
I have to say I admire you all. Where do you find the motivation, the drive? I am at a complete loss and I feel that if I don't get it together I might actually not be here much longer. I know my body can not handle all this weight that I am carrying around but it still doesn't motiviate me to do anything. I am constantly telling myself that I will start walking, start eating right..just start being healthy. It just never happens. At this point it just takes all my energy to get through a day. I can't believe I'm posting about this. I guess I'm hoping someone might say something that might actually click in my head for once. I know what I need to do, so why can't I just do it?

Honey, if there is anywhere you can come to, it is here, and I *hope* that this thread will motivate you in all the right ways.

You know, I have really had a lot of time to think about this, over the past 2 years . . . I've come to the realization that food is an addiction. I used to be addicted to food, to eating. Because now that I'm not addicted anymore, it's not all that I think about. Now I think about my health, I think about my marriage, I think about my family, I think about my kitties, I think about my future family . . . there are just so many other things to fill my life. Things that motivate me to be healthy, to want to stay active. I guess those things are my drive. I'm so much happier now and I just want others to be as happy. I have begged my parents for 2 years now to start eating healthy and FINALLY they have given up hamburger!!! They have given up a lot of things, eat healthy now and are seeing the effects! They're loosing weight, their cholestrol is going down . . . it's a chain reaction and it's wonderful. I just wish I could share it with EVERYONE that I know!

RobiLee, I hope that you continue to post in this thread, or at least lurk . . . because sweetie, we're just here to support & motivate each other. Sometimes that's all it takes. Someone that's been through it before.

{{{Hugs}}} to you. :)

06-19-2006, 01:28 PM
I'm another one whos been loosing weight.. I was somewhere over 180p back in March & now I'm about 150p... I'm only guessing as I STILL don't have a scale lol, but I'm about the same size & build as my friend here at work & she is 160p & I'm quite a bit smaller then her, so I'm guessing 150p.

There is a new gym that opened up right by my place. Shawn & I are thinking of joining it, if its opened late (atleast 10pm) as Shawn doesn't get to my house until about 7-8pm. I need to loose fat & build some muscle (don't care how much I weight, its the giggly fat thats gotta go) & Shawn needs to put on weight & build muscle.

Shawn is doing great on his weight gain (thought I'd update that here). He has a pot belly & I can no longer see all his ribs & spine :D Hes feeling really good, as almost everyday he says, look at my belly, I have a pot belly, YAY!!!! ok, to everyone else on earth its not a pot belly, but to his skinny arse its a pot belly lol :D Hes just like his dad, a bag-o-bones, I joke around with Shawn & ask if he wants any of my fat to grow a butt.. he always gets upset & says your not fat!! hehe gotta love him ;)

06-19-2006, 01:29 PM
Don't get me wrong about my "guns" I still have Opera Arms on the back side. I'm a good candidate for excess skin removal surgery. :rolleyes:

That's a funny new way to put it . . . never heard that before. I just call mine granny flab but that may not be fair to grannies! :eek:

06-19-2006, 01:32 PM
I'm another one whos been loosing weight.. I was somewhere over 180p back in March & now I'm about 150p... I'm only guessing as I STILL don't have a scale lol, but I'm about the same size & build as my friend here at work & she is 160p & I'm quite a bit smaller then her, so I'm guessing 150p.

There is a new gym that opened up right by my place. Shawn & I are thinking of joining it, if its opened late (atleast 10pm) as Shawn doesn't get to my house until about 7-8pm. I need to loose fat & build some muscle (don't care how much I weight, its the giggly fat thats gotta go) & Shawn needs to put on weight & build muscle.

Sounds like some great results!!! A lot of gyms do stay open late, especially during the summers so I'm sure that you'll be able to spend some time there. :)

My Peanuts
06-19-2006, 01:38 PM
Great job that you are hitting the gym! So many people tend to be "scared" of going to gyms . . . I'm not sure why but it really is the best place to get a good workout. Anyway, about your arms, women don't genetically get big like men, if that's what you're afraid of. Maybe you're overworking your arms. How many times a week were you doing arms? I only do arms 1 day a week. I am using heavy weight right now, but I am trying to build muscle. You might want to consider using light weight, high reps for muscle strength instead of mass.

When I used to workout about 4-5 years ago my arms would get more muscle than I liked. I'm only doing my arms about once a week. :)

06-19-2006, 01:39 PM
Sounds like some great results!!! A lot of gyms do stay open late, especially during the summers so I'm sure that you'll be able to spend some time there. :)

I hope so, I really do miss the gym & I know this will also boost up my energy level & will help Shawn wind down before bed. Hes so hyper & full of energy that he stays up until 2-3am everyday!

Next summer we plan to do a BIG camping trip & with both of us getting into great shape, we can go on large hikes & long swims. I'd also love to go canoeing (sp) again, but the last time I went I was so tired & then I was really sore (darn fat arse of mine lol)

Ally Cat's Mommy
06-19-2006, 02:32 PM

I know how hard it is. I have been really unhappy with my appearance for a couple of years now - I used to be REALLY tiny, and due to my PCOS my weight has just kept on creeping up.

One thing that gives ME a huge fright and wake-up call is the following:

Stand in front of a mirror and have a GOOD look at yourself. Tell yourself...
"If I don't make changes in my lifestyle, THIS is as good as I am ever going to look"

I know it's not very inspirational or poetic, but it worked for me!!

I bought myself new walking sneakers (I only do 2 miles a day), and spoil myself on really nice exotic fruits and veggies. I also freeze small cartons of red grape juice, and eat it like a sorbet with a spoon when I crave a sweet treat!

For easy exercise with NO equipment, check out Leslie Sansones Walk Away The Pounds DVD's - especially the 1 and 2 miles - they are great and you can do them in front of the TV at home!

06-19-2006, 03:05 PM
How about some before & after pics??? You don't HAVE to post any, but I think it's neat to see the TRANSFORMATION!!!

Check this out!!! Hubby & I have both transformed!!!

Probably taken in the spring of 2004 (around the time I started getting smart about my health):

Right after we got married . . . and got Josie . . . around November of 03.

Here's me by myself . . . back in March of this year - 50lbs lighter!

And this was taken yesterday:

06-19-2006, 03:10 PM
7 pounds and counting.

I did pilates and spinning back to back today! :D

But then I ate pizza and chocolate cake. :o

06-19-2006, 03:15 PM
7 pounds and counting.

I did pilates and spinning back to back today! :D

But then I ate pizza and chocolate cake. :o

Oh boy, pilates and spinning? You must have been worn out!!! Those are both tough classes!!! Congrats on the 7 lbs but you might want to lighten up your meal plan, LOL . . . sounds like a cheat day meal to me! I have those about once a week myself! Usually on the weekends though when hubby & I go to the Texas Roadhouse!!! I eat my weight in their bread! YUM!

Okay, back to reality . . . LOL . . .

06-19-2006, 03:22 PM
Wow Christa you look awesome!!!!! Quite the inspiration!

Here's my before and after. I avoid cameras so I don't have very good ones to use.

Christmas 2004

March 2006

I don't have anything more recent but I don't look much different right now except I just cut off about 3 inches of my hair.

Gosh I can't believe I'm posting the before pic. :eek:

06-19-2006, 03:24 PM
I'm back on the weigh loss wagon. Things have been so very busy in the last 6 months with moving into the new house and now as summer nears I have been working in the yard. I'm trying to go from looking like someone dropped a bomb in the yard to something that looks like an actual yard. ;) ;)

Also, as motivation Mark and I booked a 10 night stay with Sandles in Antigua for next May. We want to be there for our 14th wedding anniversary...so I really have to work on my beach body.

Since the beginning of March I have managed to take off 11 pounds.....and I have a lot more to go.

Thanks for the motivation everyone!!!

06-19-2006, 03:52 PM
I don't have any befores as my ex wouldn't take my picture.. but I do have afters.. I'll have to post them later as I'm not home & I'll have to dig up my old "lost weight" type thread.

06-19-2006, 03:56 PM
Lori . . . you look about 10 years YOUNGER in that after pic!!! I can't believe how different you look!!! You're such a cutie now, you really should STOP AVOIDING THE CAMERA! ;)

catlover4ever . . . there's nothing more stressful than moving, I know that feeling! And it's so hard to keep in a healthy frame of mind when you're so busy. Congrats on the 11 pounds that you have lost! That is great!

06-19-2006, 04:18 PM
Thanks Christa! I feel younger too. Maybe the weight loss will help this high speed train to 40 not be so painful.

Meg - congrats on the 11 pounds! A vacation in Antigua would be great motivation for me too!!!!! If you need some cheerleaders we are here for you!

06-19-2006, 06:44 PM
First off, CONGRATS to everyone who's posted their losses! After I make this post, I'm going to go through individually and reply to different comments. But, I thought I'd update on how I've been.

I first started my "lifestyle change" in August of 2005. I continued to lose weight until March of 2006, and since then, I've just maintained. Through the 7-8 months of weight loss, I managed to take off 91 pounds!! Yes, that's the equivalent of a child. I feel better about myself in more ways than one, and it's been an amazing accomplishment. And honestly, the weight loss itself was not difficult. It went on quickly, and it came off quickly. But, because of how fast it came off, my body couldn't keep up and it resulted in another health problems. They were bound to arrise, just not so fast.

Since March, I've been trying to eat "healthy". Don't get me wrong, I ate good when I was losing weight, but I'm no longer trying to lose weight. I want to maintain a good weight by appropriate amount of calories, fat, protein, carbohydrates, and all of my vitamins that I need. I have weird diet restrictions, such as being a vegetarian who will eat fish and also being allergic to dairy. With those things, it's hard to get in the right amounts of protein and vitamins, and I'm still struggling with that.

I no longer obsess about my calories. I used to count every single calorie, right down to the fourth of one. No joke. But now, I've learned that I can eat what I want (with limitations, I guess.. but I won't deprive myself if I absolutely have to have something, which is not often at all) as long as I stop eating when I'm full. Granted, I don't eat a lot of fat with any meal, so it's hard to determine when I'm truly full. I can eat veggies galore, and then much later feel sick because I ate too much. So I have to eat small meals quite often, which is what everyone should do.

I've emailed Christa and have annoyed her to no ends about all of this, but she's really knowledgeable in healthy eating and exercise, more than just "eat fewer calories than you burn" and stuff. So, I'm sorry Christa. :P

When I reached my all time high, I weighed 231 pounds. I cannot believe I just told you all that, but I did. For a girl who is 5'7", that's a LOT of weight. And it was just dragging me down, and I didn't used to be that way. A lot of things happened quickly that caused my weight gain, and I just didn't care anymore. But, once I finally became aware of it, I whipped into shape. I went from a size 18 (my biggest pants were a size 18.. I almost died when going through my clothes a month ago) to a size 6/8! I have some pants that are size 6 and some that are size 8. I went from an XL shirt being too small and tight, to a size small being just right!!! Unless it's a tshirt, and then it's still too big. :P I went from 231 pounds to 140 pounds!

I was hoping to lose 5 more in pure exercise, but my mom threatened me when she heard my plans. Apparently, if I lose one more ounce, she's going to have my head. ;)

Okay, so onto pictures!!!

These were taken in San Diego last summer. This was ONE week before I started my weight loss diet.

This was from junior prom - April of 2005.

Okay, so those are the YUCKY before pictures. I'll post the after pictures in the next post. :)

06-19-2006, 06:51 PM
Robilee i understand completely how you feel right now, i have been there many times on and off in my life, and i am at a stalemate myself right now, i lost 9 kgs last year and wanted to loose another 10 this year, my usual pattern is loose summer, gain it all back over winter and then some, this year i have gained a couple of kilos only and for me that is a real plus, but summer will be here before i know it and again i will be stuck at this weight, i so want to shed it too, and feel just like you at the moment.

I am a binge eater , and that can last anything from one day to one month, depending on my frame of mind and what is going on in my life,i am waiting for that click in my head right now as well, i have started doing my WW programme today and i hope to get on track with it at last and just start loosing again, instead of lasting until afternoon and then blowing it again.

Robilee DON'T give up on yourself, it can be done believe me, and i know how much you want this, try thinking positive thoughts from now on and remember that food might taste nice for the moment but that is it really, think of how wonderful you will feel when you do loose and much healthier too,honestly that extra piece of cake or whatever is not worth it, we are just denying ourselves happiness, that is how i see it for myself anyhow,and why oh why do we do that, for me loosing the weight would simply turn my whole life around , i know that so well, but yet i struggle continually as you do, i believe it is a food addiction and one has to learn different strategies to cope with it, as food is always in our life and has to be, so it is much harder to deal with than a lot of other addictions for that simple fact alone.

I hope you can join me to success in weight loss, i have achieved it many times, but want it to be permanent for the rest of my life,no more yoe-yoe dieting,i dare you Robilee join me :) .i know your despair and feel it to, but together we can beat this we really can, here for you anytime.

06-19-2006, 06:57 PM
These are my after pictures.. ones I'm VERY proud of. I used to not like pictures of me, now I like taking them and seeing them... hehe. Not to be conceited, because I'm not - I just enjoy looking at NOW pictures of me, rather than THEN pictures.

These are all from Senior prom - late April of 2006. They're the most recent pictures I have, as my camera batteries are deciding to not work. :)

Okay, as as you can see, I do need some work. My arms are flabby, I hate my thighs, and my tummy needs to be firmer. But overall, I'm happy. FINALLY. I'm happy about the way I look. I could be happier, but I can't have everything.

I'm working on as much as I can this summer with the outdoors - taking long 5 mile walks, going swimming, etc. In the fall, I have unlimited access to the on-campus weight room and facilities... so guess who will get their money worth? ;) Until then, I'm determined to get firmer and more toned!

I'm going on a mission trip in July. I've done this type of trip 3 times, and it's SOOO much fun. But, it is strenuous hardcore work, and I won't to be ready for it. So, everytime I'm just not doing something (like working) I'll be working on my health in some way. Whether it be researching and talking to experts about the right foods, or getting more fit. :)

Whew, that was a mouthful. Sorry guys. :o

06-19-2006, 07:07 PM
Oh my what a gorgeous girl you are, don't be so hard on yourself you have a beautiful figure, be happy and proud of yourself, you are stunning really

06-19-2006, 09:35 PM
Oh my what a gorgeous girl you are, don't be so hard on yourself you have a beautiful figure, be happy and proud of yourself, you are stunning really
Yes, I agree, you look great! In fact, everyone does! :D

06-20-2006, 08:08 AM
buckner (Sara): Girl, you are BEAUTIFUL!!! LOL, you sound just like me . . . I want to work on my arms, thighs & tummy too, those exact places. Just keep eating the way you are and working out, you'll see the results you want in no time.

I know exactly what you mean about your mom threatening you about loosing more weight. I've been seeing a lot of people lately that haven't seen me since I was 184 pounds . . . now that I'm 134, they think I'm anorexic. :rolleyes: They say "you don't need to loose anymore weight!" . . . My mom tells me that they're just not used to seeing me. I hope that's all it is because I'm tired of hearing it. I try to tell them that I'm living healthy, not doing anything bad to my body . . . and then if anyone gives me too much grief, I whip out the granny flab and ask them for "permission" to get rid of my *opera arms*, in Lori's terms. LOL . . . But in all honesty, I'm not trying to loose anymore weight, and I tell people that. I just want to build some muscle, get leaner, turn some of this flab into lean muscle.

Sara, I know you want to loose a few more pounds, but you look great hon. I would suggest that you just work on building some muscle. If you got some weights, say some 8 or 10 pound dumbbells for your arms, you would burn the fat & build some muscle & they would look great! You could even use them to do some squats & lunges with the dumbbells, which would burn fat from your thighs & build muscle. All things that you can do at home if you wanna . . . ;)

06-20-2006, 08:38 AM
Buckner, you have EVERY right to be proud and to 'show off' your successes!!! WOW! Great job! And, people are right. You are beautiful, before and after!!! But, healthier, after!!

06-20-2006, 10:54 AM
I am soooooo sore today! I worked out with hubby last night . . . I asked him to hlep me get my triceps & chest into shape. Plus we enjoy spending time together since we don't see each other much. Anyway, he really put me through it and I'm hurting . . . and to beat it all, I think I'm going to go back tonight & do legs with him! Ouch!

I have been bench pressing the bar though! I think that's pretty good, for a girl, LOL!

My Peanuts
06-20-2006, 11:54 AM
Buckner- you look wonderful. I was thinking about you when I went to the gym last night. I "used" you for more motivation :D.

Christa- I too am sore today. I worked on my legs last night and now they feel so sore! I did the hip abductor (I think that's what it's called) a lot and a few other leg machines. It's the machine where you push out with your knees and the other hip abductor you squeeze your knees. I'm going again tonight, but I'm not going to work on my legs. :rolleyes:
This was a good idea to start a new thread about this. Maybe we should keep one going with updates. Not just updates, but just anything related like Christa did with telling us about her workout last night. I think that helps in motivating people too.

06-20-2006, 01:16 PM
I'm going again tonight, but I'm not going to work on my legs.

Good to hear! You should never work the same muscle group Two Days in a row! Give your muscles a few days to heal!

I do a light leg day on Tuesdays and a heavy leg day on Fridays! :D

06-20-2006, 01:30 PM
Ok guys, because of you I actually walked on the treadmill today. I'm embarrassed to say I only did 10 min. though :( :o . This evening I plan on taking the furkids for a walk too. I'll let you know if I accomplish that one. 10 min. on the treadmill and I'm completely drenched from sweat. Its so embarrassing. At least I did use that nice treadmill that I have though.

Your support is overwhelming and I was really touched by it. It means alot to me. Now if you can just kick me in the butt each day to get me moving that would be great;).

I weighed myself this morning and I have to tell you that looking at that number makes the whole thing seem overwhelming. I know I shouldn't pay attention to it, but it is hard not to.

I love everyone's pictures and you all look beautiful! Honestly, I would be happy if I could just look like one of your before pictures..lol.

Congrats to everyone and keep up the good work! :)

06-20-2006, 01:39 PM
YAY ROBILEE!!! Honey, you have made my day! I am sitting here with tears in my eyes because this is what I want to see!

Think of it like this . . . every day, try 10 minutes on the treadmill . . . then next week, maybe you can do 11 minutes . . . then the next week, maybe you can do 12 or 14 minutes! Every week or so, keep pushing your time up a few minutes!!! Before you know it, you'll be walking off the pounds!!!

I spend a LOT of time at the Y and I've talked to countless women in there that have lost 100 pounds or more just from walking it off. They were in your shoes, hon. You have a tool there in your home . . . I am begging you to use it . . . every day, just try. And we'll be here to support you.

I'm so happy! :D

06-20-2006, 01:47 PM
Wow, buckner! You look great! Keep up the good work, guys... (now I need to loose weight, too...) :o

My Peanuts
06-20-2006, 02:08 PM
Robilee! That is wonderful! When I started working out in March I could only do the elliptical trainer for 10 minutes and I'd get sweaty too. Now I can do it for 30+ minutes. Like Christa said, 10 minutes for a week or 2 then try doing 11 minutes. Also, don't try to be a champ. I nice slow walk at the beginning is a great start. I'm so happy you posted this! You made my day! :D

06-20-2006, 04:41 PM
RobiLee - that is great! Way to go! As for the sweat, I bet I could sweat you under the table. I sweat just watching other people exercise! I think that is why I like swimming - I stay cool plus who can tell if I'm sweating or it's just from being in the water, LOL. My sweat glands work the same weather I've lost weight or not.

Buckner - you look awesome!!!!

06-20-2006, 05:03 PM
Robilee that is wonderful and very inspiring, i actually got off my butt and went for a walk yesterday too, it has been so freezing cold here until yesterday and that has been my excuse, and that i am not really an outdoors girl , all true but does not help shift that weight now does it, i was walking daily before and now realise how my fitness(not that i was extremely fit or anything) has dropped since i stopped, i could only manage twice around the block instead of three times and not at my usual fast pace, never mind , i did it, now Robilee remember just to take one day at a time, that is the key i believe and i know that figure on the scales is probably depressing, but think in one weeks time you could be maybe five pounds lighter and feeling happier and healthier.

My girlfriend is a very large girl, she has a prominent career as a lawyer, and she neither smokes or drinks,but loves to eat, i never in a million years thought she would ever loose weight, she is ten years younger than me and has a history of diabetes in her family, i always tried to encourage her, one day she borrowed my Weight watchers magazine and has not looked back since, she joined with two friends and now has lost 15 kgs(around 30 pounds) she still has 39 kgs to go, but she is so determined, i am over the moon to see her do this, just wanted to share her story in hope Robilee and others that it might inspire you to continue with the battle, believe me it is worth it in the end.

I continue with my struggle daily as well, and it is tough, i really am desperate to shift the two kilos i have gained and then get onto loosing the rest, i made a promise to myself to be fit,fair and fifty next year, and i do not want to let myself down yet again.

To everyone else congratulations on your efforts and hopefully we can all inspire and encourage those who are battling with it to succeed, onwards and downwards(in the pounds-kilos department) i say, here's to success everyone. :)

06-20-2006, 07:55 PM
I know I never post here anymore, but I read almost daily and I had to chime in on this one. :)

Robilee, I have to tell you that when I first started working out in Feb '05, I couldn't do 5 minutes on my recumbent bike. And after those 3.5 minutes on the easiest setting, my legs would shake and I felt sick. But you know, eventually I was able to increase the time and the difficulty. Now I do over 2 hours a day on it (well, not every day anymore) and I've lost 67 lbs. I feel great and no longer pant walking to answer the door.

I've recently decided that I want to lose about 25 more. I want to be the same weight I was at 30 when I turn 40 next year.

06-20-2006, 07:59 PM
It's been over a year now since I lost my weight, and I'm proud of myself for keeping it off. I really never thought I'd be able to maintain my weight. I lost a little over 50 lbs on WW. I hit my goal weight in March of 2005. I'll admit I don't excercise as much as I should, especially now that rugby season is over. However my eating habbits have changed so much. Hopefully I can keep the weight off for good! I don't want to let myself get back to where I was.

06-20-2006, 08:07 PM
Here's and old picture of me with DJ Irene (my favorite DJ).


And here's a recent picture of me. I'm the short one in the brown shirt and blue jeans. I look so different!


06-20-2006, 08:49 PM
WOW laura you look fabulous a complete different person, good on you, another wonderful success story,most inspiring. :)

06-20-2006, 09:15 PM
Laura, congrats on your success. You look great!

I did it! The girls and I got a 30 min. walk in this evening! We stopped 3 different times for people who wanted to see and pet the dogs, so actually I better make it a 20 min. walk ;).

Ok, I need you guys to give me a kick in the butt in the morning so I can do it all over again!!

Thanks for the encouragement and help! :)

06-20-2006, 09:17 PM
It's been over a year now since I lost my weight, and I'm proud of myself for keeping it off.

You should be proud! You look fantastic!

06-20-2006, 09:18 PM
Laura, congrats on your success. You look great!

I did it! The girls and I got a 30 min. walk in this evening! We stopped 3 different times for people who wanted to see and pet the dogs, so actually I better make it a 20 min. walk ;).

Ok, I need you guys to give me a kick in the butt in the morning so I can do it all over again!!

Thanks for the encouragement and help! :)


Oh wow, that is great!!! I'm so proud of you! :D

06-20-2006, 10:01 PM
I know I never post here anymore, but I read almost daily and I had to chime in on this one. :)

Robilee, I have to tell you that when I first started working out in Feb '05, I couldn't do 5 minutes on my recumbent bike. And after those 3.5 minutes on the easiest setting, my legs would shake and I felt sick. But you know, eventually I was able to increase the time and the difficulty. Now I do over 2 hours a day on it (well, not every day anymore) and I've lost 67 lbs. I feel great and no longer pant walking to answer the door.

I've recently decided that I want to lose about 25 more. I want to be the same weight I was at 30 when I turn 40 next year.
Wow Micki, I haven't seen you here in so long. It's great to see you back! Congrats on the weight loss and getting so healthy! I hope the furkids are well.

Laura - you look wonderful!

06-20-2006, 10:51 PM
Well done Robilee, i too went for another walk, be it only 20 mins but it is better than not doing anything, maybe we can encourage each other on as we seem to be in the same place right now. :)

06-21-2006, 08:44 AM
I have shared this list with some of you before, but thought that it might be a good idea to post again. If you want to start eating healthy, you HAVE to adjust your grocery shopping list! Thought I'd give you a few ideas!

Milk: If you drink milk, make sure it’s SKIM! We always drank 2% before so we made a gradual change, drinking 1% for awhile and eventually, the skim milk tasted just as good as the 2% ever did! If you don't like milk or can't have dairy, try "Silk" . . . I hear it's good!

Butter: No full fat butter. "Smart Balance" is my favorite. There are other low fat butters in the grocery store. Just check the label. Anything is better than full fat butter. I don’t really even use butter much anymore, so I only buy the small tubs.

Lunchmeat: If you eat lunchmeat, remember that the deli cut meat is less processed than the packaged meats. And try to get something that is 99% Fat Free . . . we eat turkey!

Cooking Oils: Use Olive Oil when cooking rather than corn oil or Crisco. It has a high content of monounsaturated fat, which control “bad” cholesterol levels and raises “good” cholesterol levels. You can also get Olive Oil PAM, which I cook with all the time. And if you want to be even healthier, you might want to try Enova Oil, which is made from Soy and supposedly, less is stored in the body as fat.

Some things that you might want to add to your grocery list:

Skim/Fat Free Milk/Soy Milk
Eggs or egg substitutes
Cottage Cheese (fat free)
Fat Free Sour Cream
Lite or Carb Smart Yogurt
Shredded Cheese (fat free/low fat if you can afford it!)
Hard cheeses sparingly

Ground Turkey & Ground Chicken --> replace all of your ground beef with ground turkey & ground chicken! A much healthier choice!
Chicken Breasts or Frozen chicken breasts (great for meals through the week)
Turkey Tenderloin
LEAN beef - like steaks
Fresh or Frozen Fish fillets (Cod is our fav!)

Sweet Potatoes (instead of regular potatoes!)
peppers (any color)
apples (GREAT source of fiber!)
fresh or frozen (w/o syrup) berries

Frozen/Canned Veggies:
Sweet Corn
Sweet baby peas
Sugar Snap Peas
Green Beans
Pepper Stir fry
Veggie Stir fry
Diced Tomatoes/Sauce
Black beans
Dark kidney beans

From the baking aisle:
PAM (I like the Olive Oil Pam)
Enova Oil or Olive Oil
Whole Wheat flour

Other stuff:
Peanut Butter (get natural if you can afford it!)
100 percent fruit spread (like All Fruit)
100 percent Whole Wheat bread (I love Sara Lee)
Almonds (a handful makes a great snack!)
Whole Wheat or Low Carb fajita wraps
Brown rice
Whole Wheat Pasta
Low Sugar marinara sauce
Nutella - for those chocolate cravings (just watch how much you eat!!! A dab will do ya!)

Have any questions or wanna know if something can be added to the list? Let me know. :D Thought this might be helpful for some of you. ;)

06-21-2006, 10:05 AM
So where's the chocolate? :D

Actually, I know where it is.......I'm sitting on it!

I've just started counting calories and eating less. Like half of what I used to. I'm keeping to 1500 calories a day and it's not too difficult so far. I keep a list of everything I eat. Even the 3 soda crackers after work.

I have no idea what I weigh. I don't have a pounds-lost goal. I'll know I'm successful when I can tie my sneakers and breathe at the same time.

I'm really impressed with all of you who have come so far. It certainly is not easy, but all life changes take effort. You have encouraged me. Thank you!

Pawsitive Thinking
06-21-2006, 10:07 AM
The secret of my success!


06-21-2006, 10:14 AM
So where's the chocolate? :D

LOL . . . funny you should ask! I have always been ADDICTED to chocolate! But for the past year, I have begun to have MIGRAINES so chocolate is starting to become a trigger for me. :( I am having to cut back big time!

Hubby & I did find an awesome product called NUTELLA! You can find it on the top shelf near the peanutbutter. Actually, it is a nutbutter, I think it's made from hazelnuts . . . but it has cocoa in it. It tastes JUST LIKE chocolate icing . . . but it's so rich, just a dab will send you over the edge! I can hardly eat but a little, so when I'm craving chocolate, I get a dab of Nutella and it curbs my craving!

You all might wanna try it. I'll put it on the list. :)

And BTW, mruffruff, you don't HAVE to have scales in the house . . . you can tell you're successfully getting healthy & loosing weight when your clothes start falling off of ya!!! ;)

06-21-2006, 10:15 AM
The secret of my success!


Definitely some great motivation you got there! Keep it up!!! :D

06-21-2006, 01:01 PM
Ohhhh, I'm in pain today! I did leg day with hubby yesterday and he killed me! I'm usually sore when I do legs by myself but he just pushes me a little harder than I would myself I guess. That's what I need. ;)

Anyway, I hadn't done squats at the squat rack since I'd been sick so I'm back at that. (squats are the best thing in the world you can do to get your butt into shape!) I did the bar (which is about 20 lbs) and I added a whopping 10 lbs, LOL . . . a little at a time! Then I did walking lunges - ouch! Leg extensions, leg curls, calf raises, & deadlifts . . . so needless to say, I can hardly walk, LOL.

Hope you all found time to work out today! I'm getting ready to go hit the eliptical machine . . . if I can walk to my car, LOL!

06-21-2006, 01:54 PM
I started dieting last August with the goal of losing 48 pounds. I lost 30 and plateaued and sort of "fell off the wagon". I still don't have a regular exercise program and I know that would help. I'm stuck and have probably gained a few pounds back, but I know I am in a much better place than I was a year ago. Maybe putting a bathing suit on next week will give me the nudge I need to get the next 18 off, plus a little more. :eek:

My stepchildren swam in an open water meet on Saturday and there were people there, older than me, participating. I have made it my personal goal to participate in the 1K swim next summer. I really want to do this, but I am going to have to tell my family to get used to some "me" time while I train for it. It can't do anything but help me in the long run!

Congrats to all of you for trying and succeeding!


06-21-2006, 05:58 PM
A warning about NUTELLA it is just as addictive as chocolate and stopping at one dab is almost impossible at least for a chocoholic like me, it does however have some healthy aspects, like the hazelnuts are good for you and is made out of skim milk, but like all nice things, too much of it and it is fattening, i buy it for my daughter now and then, and i just cannot help myself taking a teaspoon ful each time, so i try not to buy it too often anymore.

Logan don't despair, i have followed your threads through your great success, just look at it as a bit of time out,the thing is it is fine to have some time off, but i did that at xmas time and did it for too long four months, i got away with not gaining for some time, but it did come on, granted around 6 pounds, but it is a hinder, as i want to loose another twenty, hang on in there girl, we can do it, really we can, remember one day at a time,hopefully coming here will inspire us all to kick butt and get there, i am hopeful. :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-21-2006, 06:35 PM
My weightloss is a complete disaster :rolleyes: . Instead of losing weight, I keep on adding extra weight. I love sweets, but the major cuse for this weightgain is my medicine Prednesolone (with cortizone). I absolutely hate this stuff!! I am trying to get rid of it now by lowering 1 mg every month. So ,now I am taking 7 mg cortizone per day. In December it will be lowered to 1 mg..... ! In the meantime, I am swelling up like a balloon.All summerclothes from last year are way to small....... :( , even the underwear like bra's :eek: )
All that extra weight is so bad for my back-problems too......

Anybody else here with the same problem? I am getting so desperate here.... :(

06-21-2006, 08:33 PM
Hey Micki! Its great to hear from you. Congrats on your success. Thanks for the encouragement too. I'm hoping I can work up to a good exercise routine.

Today I didn't get on the treadmill :( , BUT I did get in a 35 minute walk with Katie and Tori. I felt like I kept at a pretty good pace and we didn't make any stops this evening. Of course my pace is probably slow compared to all of you guys..lol. I just got back a little while ago and I'm still sweating and cooling off. Gotta hit the shower after I type this :)

Tomorrow is my grocery shopping day and I'll have Christa's list to help me out. The official healthy lifestyle starts tomorrow! Whew, I hope I can follow through. I am a major chocolate person and that is no joke. It is like a super addiction for me. Its actually all I ever want to eat. I'm not kidding when I say that. I just keep telling myself.."One day at a time, Robin, one day at a time." :)

Thanks for all the encouragement!

Ally Cat's Mommy
06-21-2006, 10:46 PM
Tomorrow is my grocery shopping day and I'll have Christa's list to help me out. The official healthy lifestyle starts tomorrow! Whew, I hope I can follow through. I am a major chocolate person and that is no joke. It is like a super addiction for me. Its actually all I ever want to eat. I'm not kidding when I say that. I just keep telling myself.."One day at a time, Robin, one day at a time." :)

Thanks for all the encouragement!

Well done so far!

Just a comment re the chocolate addiction. I have the same problem - I used to eat at least one or 2 chocs every day (and NOT the snack size ones LOL). I DO still crave a chocolate, but here is how I am fighting my addiction:

- avoiding eating chocs in the evening - eg on the internet or in front of TV - loading up on all those calories and then going to bed was definately a contributor for me (over and above the PCOS making weight loss almost impossible).
If I feel like a chocolate in the evening I tell myself "no problem - have it after lunch tomorrow" - usually I forget at lunchtime the next day, but if I still feel like a chocolate I have a small snack-size one after my lunch

I keep the chocolates in the freezer - so I know I always have them in the house (less chance of going to the store whilst on a "crave" and coming back with a bag of rubbish). PLUS I cant eat one on a whim - I have to remember to defrost it before I can eat it!

I freeze the small cartons of red grape juice - I just saw the top off with a knife and eat it with a spoon like a sorbet. It is SOOOO sweet when it is froze, plus 250mls is only 70 calories.

Also every second weekend I have one "free" day where I can eat what I want. So if I am REALLY craving a specific food, I just tell myself "no problem - have it at the weekend". We usually eat out on that day, and I try to balance a "free" day with making healthy choices from the menu. May not be what most diets recommend, but I find if I can have the occasional treat I am less likely to fall off the wagon!

UPDATE - I am using my Harley Davidson hipsters (which I bought 2 years ago) as my benchmark - 2 weeks ago I could not close ANY of the 4 buttons - now I can comfortably close 2 butons!!! I will post a pic when they fit me properly!!

06-22-2006, 07:38 AM
UPDATE - I am using my Harley Davidson hipsters (which I bought 2 years ago) as my benchmark - 2 weeks ago I could not close ANY of the 4 buttons - now I can comfortably close 2 butons!!! I will post a pic when they fit me properly!!

That is a good guage! I do the same thing . . . I have bought lots of clothes over the years that have been too tight, that I've loved and then been depressed that it just didn't fit (shame on me for not trying it on) - and now those things are too big for me! :eek:

I also have a pair of Abercrombie jeans that I still have from when I was a Senior in HIGHSCHOOL! --> TOO BIG FOR ME NOW!!! And I was pretty small when I was in highschool! :D

About the chocolate . . . My nutella suggestion was just a suggestion for those of you who HAD to have a fix. That's the healthiest fix I have found, from a "health" aspect. As long as you keep your sense about you. If you can't, forget it. Then again, there are always those 100 Cal packs, but they're only good if you just eat ONE PACK, LOL . . . not the whole box!

I guess I had a small addiction to chocolate myself . . . my migraines broke my addiction. I can't eat much of it at all. I can eat a dab of nutella. It doesn't seem to bother me. I can't eat much else. Guess that's a good thing.

06-22-2006, 08:02 AM
I keep 4 Hershey dark kisses in my lunch bag---just in case. They've been there for a week without being touched. Sort of a security blanket ;)

06-22-2006, 08:34 AM
About the chocolate . . . My nutella suggestion was just a suggestion for those of you who HAD to have a fix. That's the healthiest fix I have found, from a "health" aspect. As long as you keep your sense about you. If you can't, forget it. Then again, there are always those 100 Cal packs, but they're only good if you just eat ONE PACK, LOL . . . not the whole box! My lunch used to consist of those 100-calorie packs, plus some other things. But not always the sweet ones - the crackers, the ritz mix, etc. It was just convenience, I guess. :)

But anyways, about chocolate fixes - if you're craving chocolate or anything, don't buy it and bring it back home. Eat it out somewhere, pay for it, eat it, and enjoy it. If you bring it back home, that usually means you'll have access to MORE, and then you really can overdo it. It's just like, if I'm wanting a "cheat" meal, I don't stay home and eat - that way, I can't REALLY overdo it! The restaurant only has so much, plus, who wants to pay all that much for such small amounts of things? :P

I'm not really getting my exercise, nor am I eating at the "appropriate" times. But lately, I've been feeling very sick and have thrown up a few times at work. Though, my work consists of standing up ALL day long, and running back and forth (one job I'm a hostess for a Tex-Mex restaurant, and one, I'm a cashier/hostess/anything for Frisch's) all day long, too. Sooo, I guess I am getting my "general" exercise in, just not specifically done exercises. And my eating schedule is WHACK. But I'm working on that... and slowly letting my bosses let me eat on the job. ;) One manager saw what it did to me if I don't eat (I became really weak, dropped everything I was carrying, and went and threw up). But yeh... that's my "update". I wish I had more time to exercise. But today I only work 4 hours, and then we're taking my nephew to Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom..... so I'll be walking around all day long, and SWEATING! LOL But yeh, should be fun.. I'm such a kid. :P

06-22-2006, 08:50 AM
You have some great tips!!!

Last night, mom and I had a pizza...and, instead of having FOUR pieces, I had two! And, I had her drop us off at the library, with the jogger, and we walked back. We made a ice cream pit stop for Jones, and while I kept the cone 'tidy' for him, I didn't eat much at all. Normally, I would have had a cone myself! THEN, after he was bedded down for the night, I got on the elliptical for 30 minutes. I felt so much better last night having gotten in the cardio. This am, I didn't have that "oh, I don't want to get up to exercise feeling".

Robin- I don't care if you walk slower than a turtle- YOU ARE WALKING. Stop with the self blaming....and start with the positive thinking.

For me, less food, less excuses, and more exercise works. I find myself saying, "I am so tired".....as an excuse, really, and not an indication of my energy level.

Keep up the good work everyone!

06-22-2006, 08:55 AM
Wow, everyone's dedication has really motivated me. I've been eating better and exercising more just from reading your great success stories. Thanks everyone! :D

06-22-2006, 10:37 AM
I have been watching this thread and I must say that I can see why it motivates people so much. Yes, I'm a long time member but I'm too embarrassed to tell you who I am.

I'm fat....really fat.....but I just can't get motivated. I just feel like I don't deserve to be healthy. Reading your stories should give me a kick in the rear I need but it does nothing. I have no life....no friends at all. All I have are my pets and if nothing else, they love me as I am. Why would I want to lose weight? It wouldn't change the ugly person I am on the inside. This has been a struggle all my life. I have sought counselling (sp?) but it doesn't help. I just don't know what else to do. :(

06-22-2006, 10:49 AM
Why would I want to lose weight? It wouldn't change the ugly person I am on the inside. This has been a struggle all my life. I have sought counselling (sp?) but it doesn't help. I just don't know what else to do. :(

Might I suggest that you find another counselor? I don't mean that flippantly. BUT, every person brings value to our world. That you still have such low self esteem/worth indicates the counselor was not able to help you out of that rut. Find someone that you are able to connect to. Not all counselors are great (just like any other profession). You wouldn't stop at a poor job as it relates to car repairs- you would seek out another mechanic, why give yourself any less?

I wish that you wouldn't have posted anonomously, as then I don't have the chance to tell you what good and beautiful traits you do have. But, I respect your privacy. Why do you find that you are ugly on the inside? You love animals, and at a very basic level, speaks to me about your ability to love- which is a beautiful trait to have.

Sometimes we spend so long hearing how awful we are (usually from abusive spouses, parents, siblings) that we start to believe it. Everyone brings something to the table. Everyone. If you can't see that, you aren't done working things out.

Weight doesn't make anyone more likeable, beautiful, or special. It is a healthier lifestyle, sure, and can bring about some more positive feelings.

Jump in, get healthier with us- anonomously, or however you can. Just don't leave us all alone, okay? ;)

06-22-2006, 11:52 AM
When I had my final fitting on the 9th (the dress was done and I had to put it on prior to taking it home), I went into shock because A) Mom could barely get the corset on me and B) the dress narrowly zipped up. :eek: :(

I wanted to cry.

Andy gave me an article he found in a magazine about the 3-4-5 diet. Pretty much 300 calories for breakfast, 400 for lunch, 500 for dinner.

It gave suggestions and a BK Whopper Jr. (no mayo) is a lunch option!

You can even have 100 calorie snacks here and there (apples, almonds, mini bag of popcorn)

It's been hard (I hate counting and measuring), but I've been sticking to it and now I'm down to 140 (from 150) in only a week and a half.

I was at 140 when I bought the dress and had my first couple of fittings so I know the dress will go on at least and be somewhat comfy. I'm shooting for 135 so I can breathe. ;)

My Peanuts
06-22-2006, 12:37 PM
When I had my final fitting on the 9th (the dress was done and I had to put it on prior to taking it home), I went into shock because A) Mom could barely get the corset on me and B) the dress narrowly zipped up. :eek: :(

I wanted to cry.

Andy gave me an article he found in a magazine about the 3-4-5 diet. Pretty much 300 calories for breakfast, 400 for lunch, 500 for dinner.

It gave suggestions and a BK Whopper Jr. (no mayo) is a lunch option!

You can even have 100 calorie snacks here and there (apples, almonds, mini bag of popcorn)

It's been hard (I hate counting and measuring), but I've been sticking to it and now I'm down to 140 (from 150) in only a week and a half.

I was at 140 when I bought the dress and had my first couple of fittings so I know the dress will go on at least and be somewhat comfy. I'm shooting for 135 so I can breathe. ;)

Wow, 10 pounds in a week and a half. Wonderful! Do you think you can post that article when you get a chance (or a place where I can find it)? I know you must be SOOOOOO busy, so no rush.

My Peanuts
06-22-2006, 12:47 PM
I didn't go to the gym last night. I actually went home from work early because of a really bad headache and I even cancelled my pedicure (first one ever!)
It really bothers me if I plan on going to the gym and I can't for one reason or another. It makes me feel guilty. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it. Sometimes it even puts me in a bad mood. I know I sound anorexic, but trust me I only SOUND that way. I have at least 30lbs to lose.

I’m going out to dinner tomorrow night to my favorite restaurant and I know I’m going to pig out! So I'm going to the gym tonight, tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. Just thought I'd share.

06-22-2006, 02:34 PM
Wow, 10 pounds in a week and a half. Wonderful! Do you think you can post that article when you get a chance (or a place where I can find it)? I know you must be SOOOOOO busy, so no rush.
Sure! I'll try to remember to bring it to work tomorrow and scan it in. :)

And I finally read through the thread. Love the before and after photos.

Congrats Ladies and keep up the good work! :D

And to those that are still trying or just starting... don't give up! *hugs*

06-22-2006, 07:35 PM
Andy gave me an article he found in a magazine about the 3-4-5 diet. Pretty much 300 calories for breakfast, 400 for lunch, 500 for dinner.

Wow - 10 pounds that quick!!! You must have really cut your calories!!! Congrats to you! You should be proud to wear that dress now!!! You might have to get it taken up!!! :)

I'm surprised that it's not reversed though . . . to 5-4-3 . . . You should always eat more cals for breakfast/lunch & less late . . . you can burn them off early. ;)

And as far as fast food goes, you wouldn't believe how much weight I lost just by quiting it COLD TURKEY! :eek: I'm also surprised that they suggested fast food as a lunch meal. You don't always have to believe what you read. :eek:

06-22-2006, 08:15 PM
I've lost 7 1/2 pounds (and I was slender to begin with, just had a little extra in the tummy and the chest) and I hope to lose a few more. Actually, I could care less about the weight, but I would like to get down to about 15% body fat, or whatever it takes to flatten my tummy. So far I've come down from 30% to 21%.

I've stopped eating red meat, cut back on junk food, and I don't drink anything but water now. (With the occasional small exception) I've also made a point of buying and eatimg more fresh fruits and veggies. I hit the gym a few times a week, but I haven't kept that up as much as I would like. Now that it's summer and I'm not taking Yoga, plus my boyfriend quit working at the gym, I'm really going to have to work to stay motivated.

06-22-2006, 09:42 PM
I have been watching this thread and I must say that I can see why it motivates people so much. Yes, I'm a long time member but I'm too embarrassed to tell you who I am.

I'm fat....really fat.....but I just can't get motivated. I just feel like I don't deserve to be healthy. Reading your stories should give me a kick in the rear I need but it does nothing. I have no life....no friends at all. All I have are my pets and if nothing else, they love me as I am. Why would I want to lose weight? It wouldn't change the ugly person I am on the inside. This has been a struggle all my life. I have sought counselling (sp?) but it doesn't help. I just don't know what else to do. :(
I'm really sorry that things seem hopeless. I agree that maybe another counselor could help you work things out. I'm sure you are not an ugly person on the inside if your pets love you- from what I've seen, people who can love animals are some of the best people around!

06-23-2006, 07:27 AM
I have been watching this thread and I must say that I can see why it motivates people so much. Yes, I'm a long time member but I'm too embarrassed to tell you who I am.

I'm fat....really fat.....but I just can't get motivated. I just feel like I don't deserve to be healthy. Reading your stories should give me a kick in the rear I need but it does nothing. I have no life....no friends at all. All I have are my pets and if nothing else, they love me as I am. Why would I want to lose weight? It wouldn't change the ugly person I am on the inside. This has been a struggle all my life. I have sought counselling (sp?) but it doesn't help. I just don't know what else to do. :(

Anon, I completely understand where you are coming from. I am considered severly obese so maybe we can relate to each other a little bit. I hate to hear that you don't have any friends. We are all your friends here. Maybe you can join me and just try to be a little bit healthier. I don't know if I will get anywhere but I do know that the people in this thread have been very supportive and I think if you give us a chance you will find that out for yourself. Feel free to PM me also. Maybe we can just share our feelings and insecurties and help boost each other along. You can use your real name with me also. I promise that it will stay between you and me. I hope you will stick around.

Alright folks, the girls and I have already got our walk in this morning and guess what?! We walked for 45 min.!!!! Woo Hoo. I took them over to the walk/bike trail that runs around and through the city. I want to try and keep pushing the distance a bit each day. There is this one section that I know measures 5 miles so I want to work up to that. It will take me some time, but I think I can get there. Once upon a time I use to do that walk 5 times a day. Postive thinking, Robin, Postive thinking!!

Everyone have a good day!! :)

06-23-2006, 07:33 AM
Alright folks, the girls and I have already got our walk in this morning and guess what?! We walked for 45 min.!!!! Woo Hoo. I took them over to the walk/bike trail that runs around and through the city. I want to try and keep pushing the distance a bit each day. There is this one section that I know measures 5 miles so I want to work up to that. It will take me some time, but I think I can get there. Once upon a time I use to do that walk 5 times a day. Postive thinking, Robin, Postive thinking!!

Everyone have a good day!! :)


Wow! I'm so proud! :D Like a proud momma! ;)

Hey, by the way, Robin, how did that grocery shopping go the other day??? Get anything good???

06-23-2006, 07:43 AM
Grocery shopping went really well. I bought lots of chicken breasts, lots of veggies and tons of fruit and salad. Tonite I am having chicken breasts browned in olive oil and then adding mushrooms, onion, green peppers and will probably just have a salad to go with it. That sounds alright doesn't it? I consider you my diet guru right now so I'll probably be bugging you quite a bit..lol. I wanted to ask you about sweet pickles. Are those something good to snack on. I know they help stop my craving for chocolate somewhat so I was hoping they would be ok to have. I really like fruit and don't know why I don't eat more of it. I bought lots of apples, peaches, grapes and bananas.

Have you got your exercise in yet, Christa?

06-23-2006, 10:24 AM
Wow RobiLee - you are doing great. I feel like a slacker! I haven't done more that a light 20-25 minute walk the past two days. I had tendonitis a couple of months ago and I aggrevated it at the gym Monday. We are planning to go to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge this afternoon so I'll be walking all over up there and it's back to the gym tomorrow.

Anon - For me I learned that I have to be at that right place mentally to make any weight loss attempts work. Something just clicked with me last year and I knew it was the right time. Maybe the fact that you posted here is a sign that you may be there. I was feeling very down on myself and had very low self-esteem too. Just losing 20 pounds made world of difference in how I looked at myself and at life. I've lost 78 pounds but I still have 25 to go so I know how overwhelming it can be to look at having to lose 100+ pounds but the key is to make mini goals and take it a little at a time. If you are ready to try a change just start with baby steps, a short walk is a great step. We can be here for you and Christa is a great motivator. She's helped me. I don't know that I would have been brave enough to join a gym without her inspiration. She also has some great recipes. I love her turkey meatloaf. I make it all the time. ;)

06-23-2006, 11:32 AM
Grocery shopping went really well. I bought lots of chicken breasts, lots of veggies and tons of fruit and salad. Tonite I am having chicken breasts browned in olive oil and then adding mushrooms, onion, green peppers and will probably just have a salad to go with it. That sounds alright doesn't it? I consider you my diet guru right now so I'll probably be bugging you quite a bit..lol. I wanted to ask you about sweet pickles. Are those something good to snack on. I know they help stop my craving for chocolate somewhat so I was hoping they would be ok to have. I really like fruit and don't know why I don't eat more of it. I bought lots of apples, peaches, grapes and bananas.

Have you got your exercise in yet, Christa?

That sounds like a great dinner, I would add some brown rice and its YUM! I like to steam my veggies, then squeeze lemon on top.

Fruit is great, but it should be avoided in the evenings because of the sugar content. If you are really having a sugar craving, OF COURSE fruit is much better then a big chocolate bar, but in general, try to eat fruit earlier in the day. :)

I am having steamed fish, brown rice, and salad tonight!

06-23-2006, 01:09 PM
Oooh, a note for brownie addicts like me: Trader Joe's has a brand of brownies called "No-Pudge Fudge Brownies" that comes in a hot pink box. You make them with vanilla yogurt. I have NEVER had a nonfat brownie that I liked, yet when I made these...well, I only got two because my boyfriend at the rest, but they're AWESOME! Plus, you can make them individually. :)

06-23-2006, 02:41 PM
Have you got your exercise in yet, Christa?


Listen to ROBIN!!! *Robin* is being *MY* drill sergeant now! Hey now! It's supposed to be the other way around! LOL . . . I'm so proud of you girl! Just the fact that you are turning things around . . . I can tell by your posts that you feel better about yourself! Don't you all think??? And yes, that dinner sounds YUMMY!!! You'll have to let us know how hubby likes it! ;)

And yes, Robin . . . I've got my workout in for the day . . . It was another leg day for me . . . a light one today, since I was still sore from Tuesday. :eek: And about 15 minutes of light walking to try to walk out the soreness. :eek:

06-23-2006, 02:48 PM
Anon: Everyone has said it so well, but I'll say it again . . . I just hope that you stick around . . . lurk if you must . . . but just stick with us enough to see that *it can be done* We've all done it . . . You just have to get to a point where you decide that you want to make a change in your life . . . and you make it. It's not easy but once you make that decision, and you decide that it's basically a matter of life & death, it will be the best decision you can make for yourself. I know that's harsh but that's basically how I looked at it. I was having health problems at 184 pounds . . . I can only imagine the problems that I would have been having had I let myself get any heavier. Considering my family history and so forth . . .

I just hope that you stick with us . . . stay *anon* if you wish but just stick with us. :)

06-23-2006, 03:04 PM
Hey Ladies,

Here is that article that Andy gave me.

It was pulled out of the April 2006 issue of Good HouseKeeping.

It's a PDF file. I hope it's readable. :)

06-23-2006, 03:07 PM
Wow - 10 pounds that quick!!! You must have really cut your calories!!! Congrats to you! You should be proud to wear that dress now!!! You might have to get it taken up!!! :)
Thanks! Instead of consuming the limit, I tend to stay under. Plus I've been drinking nothing but water these past few weeks. I haven't had soda in a long time.

If you want to count calories, I hear this is a good website. Especially if you have to have that fast food fix.


06-23-2006, 05:44 PM
Thanks! Instead of consuming the limit, I tend to stay under. Plus I've been drinking nothing but water these past few weeks. I haven't had soda in a long time.

If you want to count calories, I hear this is a good website. Especially if you have to have that fast food fix.


I'm glad you mentioned CalorieKing.com . . . It's actually on my Internet Explorer Toolbar! I love that website! Use it all the time! It's the best way to find out what you putting into what you're cooking. I look up the nutritional values for every ingredient on Calorie King if I'm breaking it down - which we do quite often. It's very helpful!

And also glad to hear you say you've given up soda. That is GREAT! Hard to do but great! I also gave up soda cold turkey 2 years ago. Now I just drink water . . . I also drink juice occasionally . . . I drink gatorade a few times a week . . . Love Crystal Lite . . . but mostly water. :)

06-23-2006, 09:32 PM
:D I actually have never craved soda. I know some people that have to have caffiene ever day, be it a soda or coffee, but I've never been that way. I'll be filling my mug with ice water while coworkers are downing the java.

If anything, I miss my mugs of hot tea. I have some OJ in the fridge too, but I've only been drinking small glasses on occasion. All the wedding websites swear that drinking lots of water prior to the wedding will make your skin look nice. So that's what I'm shooting for.

06-24-2006, 05:16 AM
I really do understand how much more difficult it is to loose weight when you are taking medication, especially if it is the type that either makes you feel hungry or just put on weight regardless, I too have had to take medication which makes me hungry and it really makes the battle all that much harder indeed,but depending on the type of medication you are on, it can be done,but yep it is a real battle and twice as hard, anyone in this situation has my empathy. :) one just feels despondent and the vicious cycle begins yet again.

06-24-2006, 10:34 AM
Carol: I can see how that would make things harder. I have never been in that situation . . . The only advice I could give is to be aware of exactly WHAT you are eating. If you are eating more, make sure it is something that your body can use, instead of store. Just don't eat junk . . . know what I mean? How did you get through it, Carol? You said you've had to deal with that situation???

Kimmy: I don't really crave caffine either (I know people that do!) . . . I do have a cup of coffee *every morning* though . . . that is really more of a Migraine Control Technique for me though. :rolleyes: I never really even liked coffee until I started getting migraines, but you'll do anything to prevent those babies!

Glad to hear that you're drinking so much water! For your skin to!!! I wish more people would drink more water. I hate hearing "I HATE the taste of water!" Um . . . okay, it really doesn't have a taste . . . it's just refreshing & cold and wet . . . why does everything have to taste like something? LOL

Drink your water, everyone!!! :D

06-24-2006, 10:41 AM
This is very random but its a proven study that when you eat pickles it helps you loose weight so maybe thats why Im so thin because I love pickles so much. :D

06-24-2006, 11:57 AM
Well, here it is Saturday, and I have had a few days of great episodes, and a few of not so great episodes. I just keep reminding myself that failure is only failure if you let it keep you down. SO, with that thought in mind, here is my attempt at a country music song:

Woke up tired this morning, feeling sluggish
Looked outside and saw the heat index
Said, "Oh He!!", can't do 'nothin today
Why not cheat, and help my troubles away
Then I remembered the PT'ers.

Put on my gym shoes and laced them tight
told my kid "we're takin' a hike"
Get in the stroller, no need to holler'
And out the door we went for a waller.

NOW you see why I practice law, not song writing! :D

Anyhow, I felt my mind making up the excuses! Too hot, too humid, jog stroller is a piece of you-know-what....BUT, I stayed the course, walked a mile- very leisurely, no doubt, but, ran a whole mile, pushing the jogger + my 28 pound reason for my fatness, Jonah!

I swear.....it seems like IF I exercise, I eat right. And, if I eat right, I excersise. Which means, it is a double whammy of GOOD, AND a double whammy of BAD, too.

Stay the course everyone, and ounce by ounce, we are getting healthier.

06-24-2006, 12:48 PM
Wow, you're feeling very creative today, LOL . . . any particular tune go with those lyrics?

Anyway, I'm getting ready to hit the gym myself today. I usually don't go to the Y on the weekends but I missed my workout on Thursday so I'm making it up today! ;) Don't wanna let you all down and I don't wanna neglect my BICEPS! I've got that arm wrestling match coming up with Lori soon! LOL

You all be good today!!!

06-24-2006, 03:21 PM
I think I've done pretty okay since Thursday. I haven't technically exercised by working out, but I have been burning more calories than I would by just sitting on my bum! Yay for working two jobs that require me to stand, walk, and run around ALL day long. I don't have to work tonight, so my dad and I are taking my nephew to a baseball game. Should be fun! :) Though, I admit, my eating has been skewed lately.. still haven't gotten used to the fact that I don't get to eat lunch and dinner at regular time!

I have found that lately, I'm emotionally eating. I find myself "hungry" but really, I shouldn't be. I'm going through some difficult things, and a recent article came out about the boy who killed my grandmother and updates with the trial, and seeing my mom just kills me sometimes... and yeh, it's just... I know you all know what I'm talking about. It's difficult, but food seems to make me happy sometimes, but most of the time, just makes me feel worse (of course, I don't realize that until after I've eaten). But I've also realized it, and trying to stop it. I've done pretty good at it, too. :) And my comfort foods aren't chocolate or sweets, it's watermelon or strawberries. LOL, so that's a "good" thing, I guess.

How about we all start posting what we've eaten for breakfast/lunch/snacks/dinner, to give everyone else an idea of what they could eat. I know I often find myself in a rut because I can't think of anything I want to eat, so I just go hungry instead... or, the inevitible, eating something I shouldn't. So come on guys, what did YOU eat today?

I forgot what I had for breakfast, but now, I'm enjoying a crab salad sandwich on whole wheat tomato herb bread with lettuce, and some mixed veggies. No idea what I'll have later, or for dinner. :) But I have drank a lot today - water and diet coke. I know I know, water is better, but when I'm feeling sick, I have to have diet coke, not water.

Suki Wingy
06-24-2006, 10:43 PM
I know what you mean by "emotional" eating, durring the summer my schedule gets skrewed and I scrounge around and find the cents in pennies and dimes to buy some cheetos, I eat crap because I'm bored! I bet I've lost about 10-15 lbs since coming out of depression last year but I don't really obsess or do anything. I actually feel better after eating crap but I guess I shouldn't. I have my calf and Niño to keep me on my toes. I have to walk about a mile after I get off the bus to the farm to take care of Nuria and Niño and my average daily summer walk is 1.5 hours at a quick pace. I enjoy working like that for real, I really don't like gym class and working like that, I guess "working out" I need some help on running though. I have to run a lot for gym and it's just hell. I run a block and I fell like there's dry ice in my lungs and they're shriveling up and like my lower lip is going to burn up and fall off. :( If Niño wants to run I have to bike. Also riding keeps me up and wanting to stay in shape. Some breeches only go up to 34 inch waists! :eek: I'm about a 35/34 now and 5' 9". I am a perfect 16 long in the show coat I want for next year and I'm happy about it. I want to stay that or go lower by the time I buy it. It's gorgeous, just like the $400 but for 1/2 the cost and it's even by the same taylor. I've attatched a pic. :)

I feel that going over what I ate makes me feel kinda bad, either about eating too much crap or not eating enough and it just makes me feel obsessive about it but I'll do today.
Woke up at 1:00 pm, ate a donut and 1/2 a bag of popcorn, went to the farm at 3:30 in the heat and took care of my stubborn little calf (:) ) On the way home we stopped at White Hen and I had a diet Dr. Pepper and then we had noodles and green beans and I had 3 peices of garlic bread my mom made (they were yummy!) and a popsicle. I guess in reality I should be eating more or better or whatever but nothing in our fridge or cabnet looks appetiezing. (As in it's organic mac and cheeze or ground beef and not crapy chips and candy that I crave 24/7 :p ) not having $ saves me I guess, but whatever.

Oh and congrats to all of you that have lost weight and met goals. Especially Sara, you look great!

06-24-2006, 11:47 PM
Yeh, today's definitely been a lazy day with horrible food choices. Maybe I'm just too hard on myself and obsess over stupid stuff, but I feel bad now.. ack. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day!!!

06-25-2006, 03:23 AM
I am having one of those strange nights where I wake up and have to occupy myself a little and make myself tired and then go back to sleep. When this happens I sometimes come on the computer. :) This thread caught my eye and I just read the whole thing. Christa, God bless you for starting it and God bless the rest of you for sharing. For every person who posts there are probably ten who don't so you have no idea who you are reaching and motivating. The before and after pictures are amazing and I congratulate you all and encourage those of you who are just starting out to keep up the good work. I don't have a weight problem but I did have a cholesterol problem. I started eating healthier for my cholesterol (am proud to say that I brought my number down from 216 to 194) and it was all due to healthy eating. I read the label on everything I buy and am so much more conscious of what I put into my body.

Someone mentioned drinking a lot of water and I know that is good to do for many reasons. For those of you who don't find water very exciting I would like to suggest seltzer water. It has the carbonation that you get from soda but is totally harmless. :) It fools my body into thinking I am having a soda. :p Seriously, though, I wish everyone continued success! Christa you are Pet Talk's very own Richard Simmons! :)

06-25-2006, 11:56 AM
I'm really enjoying this thread!

Over the past 2 years, I've lost a total of 32 pounds. I still have 20 more to go before I reach my desired weight, but I look and feel a LOT better. It has really boosted my self-confidence, and made me a much happier, content, and healthier person. Losing weight is great. I did it in a way similar to most of you. Exercise and counting calories! That is REALLY the way to go. I tried counting carbs at first, and sure it helps, but my body was really getting exhausted with the lack of carbs, and I ended up exercising less because I couldn't. It didn't work well for me, but counting calories and staying at 1200, exercising, and not eating ANY sugar 6 days of the week while treating myself to a chocolate or a bit of dessert on Fridays did wonders.

Now, I have a bit of a problem here! My BIG day is in exactly 2 weeks now. I wanted to lose some more weight before the wedding, dropped 5 pounds, but still want to do more. It just hasn't happened. The reason? Well...I'm just not counting my calories, so I'm staying at a stand still. We have a heat wave here...it is HOT, and when it is HOT, I don't feel like working out. I SHOULD though!!!!

Like Kimmy, I am going to try to drop a few pounds fast. I want to look my best in my wedding dress!

06-25-2006, 12:06 PM
In response to Buckner's comment:

I **usually** eat a Zone Bar for breakfast. It is 210 calories, and has a decent ratio of protein/carbs/fat. I really enjoy the Chocolate Mint and the Raspberry (I think that is it....). They are great on the go, and taste like I am having a bit of a sweet with my coffee. Jonah loves them, too! I have absolutely no thought process in the am, as I just grab one. No stopping for a bagel, a doughnut, etc.

One thing I found that works well for me is to bring my lunch from home. Sometimes it doesn't really even matter so much what I bring, as long as I am not tempted into eating out/ordering in. It eliminates the temptation- it is rare that what I order out is 'better' than what I bring from home.

Dinner is still a toss up.

06-25-2006, 02:13 PM
Like Kimmy, I am going to try to drop a few pounds fast. I want to look my best in my wedding dress!

One of the fastest ways to do this safely is to eat a LOT of watermelon with every meal. The watermelon is...well...water, mostly, so it fills you up without filling you up with calories. Still, I don't recommend doing it for very long. :)

06-25-2006, 07:34 PM
How did everyone's day go???

06-25-2006, 09:16 PM
Hey guys! Glad to hear that everyone is doing so well!!!

Buckner: My day today was very long. Went to my MIL's 50th birthday party (I HAD CAKE!!!) . . . LOL . . . :eek: . . . But believe me, I've been working my butt off this week, just looking forward to that! Anyway, came home and made dinner, chicken fajitas with peppers & low carb fajita shells. YUM! Oh yeah, I had more of a "brunch" than breakfast or lunch . . . had tuna :) Didn't exercise today but I never do on Sunday. It's ALWAYS my off day, no matter what!

Cathy: I've heard the watermelon thing . . . I've also heard that you can eat an apple before every meal (full of fiber) or just drink a full glass of water. You'll eat less.

Cataholic: As far as protein bars go, you have to watch the sugar content too. The best protein bar on the market, imo, is Pure Protein. Tastes awesome too! I eat them after my weight training workouts. They have a few more calories, but have half the sugar, and double the protein. I even eat them as a meal replacement, *when absolutely necessary* . . .

popcornbird: Glad to hear of your success! The *carb diet* never works! I wish that never was a fad because it has worked for some but it has let so many people down . . . What happens is, people stop eating carbs all together, loose weight, and then as soon as they eat one little carb, they blow up like a balloon! What you have to do is learn to eat the RIGHT CARBS! Good carbs! Your body needs them! Good luck with that few extra pounds! Maybe our thread will motivate you to get MOVING!!! ;)

Pam: I am glad you are enjoying the thread, although I wish you would compare me to someone besides *richard simmons* :eek: Come on now!!! :eek: Anyway, I get your point . . . and I really appreciate it. I'd like to help just one person be as happy as I am with myself . . . be healthy & happy in their skin. Congrats to you for bringing your cholestrol down, and for doing it the RIGHT way, and not having to go on meds!!! That is wonderful! I am currently *coaching* my mom through the same thing, hoping that she can get hers down by changing her eating habits. She's lost weight, so I know something is working!

06-25-2006, 09:44 PM
Christa it is just a continuing battle for me, i am not blaming medication though for my weight problem, because it is not the reason i have a weight problem, i am a comfort eater too, i just find now that i have medication that tends to make me hungry just that much harder, how do i get through it, well just sheer determination and stopping that voice in my head saying "go on one won't hurt" ,not sure if i ever will get the achieved results i want, but i am a tryer for sure, i never ever give up on myself, maybe for a period of time, but never forever. :)

06-25-2006, 11:02 PM
I went up to like 17o when preggo and last week I was 130 I was so proud of myself I was 135 ore-pregnacy now I wanna loose 10 more lbs... I haven't weighed myself this week I'm scared that my reading of 130 was wrong even though I got on twice LOL Well I better go check! :o

06-26-2006, 12:25 AM
I guess it's my turn, lmao.

Sooo. I'm 17 years old, 5'7'' or so, maybe taller, and 235lbs.

People constantly tell me I'm not fat... the why is the scale throwing these horrible three-digit numbers at me? I've seen people on tv who are 220lbs, and are a lot... bigger than I am, so I'm hoping maybe some of my weight is muscle. I've always struggled with that.

I, too, really want to change my lifestyle and be healthy and most of all skinny. I want to be proud to be seen in a swimming suit, I want to be able to wear tanktops and not be self-conscious of the very, very faint stretchmarks on my arms. I want to be able to wear shorts and not hate my flabby legs. I want to get out of these size 18 pants. I want my mom to stop calling me fat.

I haven't always struggled with weight, I was a normal kid, normal weight, up until middle school I just exploded. I have always wanted to have the motivation to lose weight, but I just don't have it. I get into bad habits where I feel guilty that I'm so fat, so I don't eat hardly anything for two, maybe three days, then I binge. Then I feel guilty for bingeing, so I fast again. I know it's a terrible cycle, but I can't help it.

Reading your posts has encouraged me to go out and bike. I just came back from a 25 minute bike ride with my little brother. The first 5 minutes was biking on flat tires until we got to the gas station, and that was pure hell, let me tell you! My grandma has picked some strawberries for us, so we are off to go get those now, but in a car, lol. She lives over 5 miles away, or else I'd consider it! But I also wouldn't be able to get those strawberries home very safely either, lol.

Good luck everyone. I wish the best for all of you! I'll keep you updated and maybe get some pictures up sometime this weekend. :)

I can't believe I just told you all how much I weigh... :eek:

06-26-2006, 08:15 AM
I guess it's my turn, lmao.

Sooo. I'm 17 years old, 5'7'' or so, maybe taller, and 235lbs.

People constantly tell me I'm not fat... the why is the scale throwing these horrible three-digit numbers at me? I've seen people on tv who are 220lbs, and are a lot... bigger than I am, so I'm hoping maybe some of my weight is muscle. I've always struggled with that.

I, too, really want to change my lifestyle and be healthy and most of all skinny. I want to be proud to be seen in a swimming suit, I want to be able to wear tanktops and not be self-conscious of the very, very faint stretchmarks on my arms. I want to be able to wear shorts and not hate my flabby legs. I want to get out of these size 18 pants. I want my mom to stop calling me fat.

I haven't always struggled with weight, I was a normal kid, normal weight, up until middle school I just exploded. I have always wanted to have the motivation to lose weight, but I just don't have it. I get into bad habits where I feel guilty that I'm so fat, so I don't eat hardly anything for two, maybe three days, then I binge. Then I feel guilty for bingeing, so I fast again. I know it's a terrible cycle, but I can't help it.

Reading your posts has encouraged me to go out and bike. I just came back from a 25 minute bike ride with my little brother. The first 5 minutes was biking on flat tires until we got to the gas station, and that was pure hell, let me tell you! My grandma has picked some strawberries for us, so we are off to go get those now, but in a car, lol. She lives over 5 miles away, or else I'd consider it! But I also wouldn't be able to get those strawberries home very safely either, lol.

Good luck everyone. I wish the best for all of you! I'll keep you updated and maybe get some pictures up sometime this weekend. :)

I can't believe I just told you all how much I weigh... :eek: Megan, did you read my story in one of my posts? I was in the EXACT boat you are in right now. With those measurements and numbers and everything. I know exactly how you're feeling, and I know it seems like sooo much. But make your first goal something small - biking everyday for 30 minutes. After a week of doing it, change something else, and so forth. Make it seem like you're not abruptly changing everything at once, or you will get overwhelmed and quit.

I know you said you knew that binging and then fasting was not good for you, so I won't lecture about that. But please please PLEASE, try to break your meals up. You'll feel less guilty about having 4-5 small meals a day, than one HUUUGGEEE meal every 3 days. And, you'll feel so much better! The feeling of "hey! I'm not hungry, but I'm not stuffed!" is such a content feeling. So eat something for breakfast (do you like cereal?). Depending on what time you get up in the morning, you may need a midmorning snack. Yogurt or fruit? Lunch time, have something with a carb and a protein. Then a snack, if needed. And then by the time your dinner rolls around, you won't feel like you need sooooo much food, hence eating less at dinner.

I'm gonna check up on you periodically... to keep you motivated and to make sure you're moving in the right direction. You've taken the first *right* step, and I am SOOOO proud of you!!! :D :D


06-26-2006, 04:06 PM
Thanks Sara.

I haven't eaten much today... I rarely eat breakfast, so I wake up, don't eat anything until about 1, and on days like today, something at 1 ties me over until I have to work at 5. Tonight I work 5-11pm, so I figure I won't be able to eat anything until 8 or 9ish.

Work was awful last night. Nearly ALL of my customers were crabby and I had to work until MIDNIGHT. It was so dead, until some guy decided to come in at 11:58 and shop around for twenty minutes. :mad:

I've also been dealing with a lot of stress lately. My mom is seeing John again, even ditched her two sisters' birthday party for dinner with John. I can't stand being around her or even talking to her because she just humiliates me. She is so selfish and self-centered, it literally makes me sick thinking of her and her actions.

Mike decided enough was enough and completely ignored me Thursday night at work. He ignored me with ALL that he had, avoiding me whenever I made eye contact or approached him. Friday, he actually had the nerve to fricking CALL me and ask me to WORK for him on Saturday. I said no (I was going up north, but I would have said no anyway, there is no way that he deserves the time off) and I ended up seeing him at the grocery store a few minutes later. Even then, he had the nerve to completely ignore me AGAIN.

I finally talked to him last night. I asked him WHY he deemed it necessary to avoid me, and you know what he said??

"I'm just done wasting my time with you, that's all."

EXCUSE ME??!?? He's done wasting HIS time? He was the one who wasted my time. I tried SOO hard for us to work, but he is a sexually deprived 16-year-old that only wants some action. THAT'S why he was done wasting his time. He wanted it and I wouldn't give it to him. I made him wait too long. Good for him, he deserves nothing from me.

*sigh* I'm sorry, this completely turned into a rant post. And to make matters worse, I do believe I am falling for an older, married man... lmao. What am I thinking?? Oh well, he's nice and he always makes me laugh. He treats me like an adult and not a child... and he makes MEAN snowcones. :D :D

Thanks again for the encouragement Sara. I haven't biked since those few days ago, but I've been busy with work and errand running.

06-28-2006, 08:54 AM
Well, I am disappointed to see that NO ONE posted yesterday! :p I go out of town for one day and this thread gets lost on PAGE TWO??? :eek:

Megan: I'm so glad that you've joined us!!! Please stick with us & keep us updated! I really think that a motivational support group mentality is what a lot of people need! And like Sara said, there are plenty on here that have been in your shoes, not long ago . . . you stick with us and you never know what could happen to your body, your health, your LIFE!

You mentioned you rarely eat BREAKFAST . . . this is something I don't think we've discussed on here. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It boosts your energy and kickstarts your metabolism. You go without breakfast and your body slows down, you're going to store energy instead of burn energy.

I would never recommend that you skip a meal. Actually I would recommend that you eat smaller meals more frequently (as Sara suggested) . . . but if you're going to eat less calories - do that later in the evening, like at dinner.

Sara: you're such an awesome cheerleader!!! Your story & your experiences could bring so much to so many! Which is exactly what I want from this thread. :)

Let's not let it get lost again!!! How's it going, everyone??? How about some updates??? Working out? Cooking??? Let me have some feedback!

06-28-2006, 09:49 AM
Ok, OK! I didn't have anything to report! Actually, I've been too busy counting calories and exercising :D

My math is improving even if my waistline doesn't seem to be. Kinda early for results.

I love breakfast, but not when I'm off to work. So I count my 3 cups of coffee during the morning and 3 cheese peanut butter cracker as breakfast every day. 200 calories, including creamer & sugar.

Frozen Healthy Choice dinner for lunch, (microwaveable, eat-at-your-desk) for around 350 calories.

Dinner is harder. Example: 2C. cooked noodles, 1-1/2C. mixed vegetables, 1/2C. bottled Alfredo sauce, 1/4C. onion mixed together and an 8 oz. glass of milk. Daily total around 1400 calories.

Even went to Red Lobster Friday. Grilled Shrimp, baked potato, sour cream, brocolli, and one cheddar biscuit. Lunch was a salad with mostly lettuce so the days count was 1463 calories.

I'm not aiming for 1200; If I stay under 1500 I will lose. I was eating an average of 2500-3000 a day by my calculations. I didn't realize it until I started cutting back.

I even went for an hour's walk with Samson last night. Not a speedy walk, but I got off my blubber for a change. And I've discovered flavored waters. Walmart brand at 50 cents tastes pretty good. I can't handle diet drinks, but these actually taste like real fruit without a single calorie.

The hunger pangs are less severe. But it ain't no PHUN!

My Peanuts
06-28-2006, 12:31 PM
I went to the gym last night and worked my legs a lot. I don't get it though, I'm not sore. Not sure if I can make it there tonight. I have other stuff to do, but I'm going to try. I figure if 45 minutes is all the time I have to get to the gym then it's better than nothing.

Today for lunch I brought a turkey sandwich (no cheese) and apple sauce. I'm saving so much money and calories by not eating out at lunch everyday. :) My coworkers commented that I have good will power when I walked in work and turned down what they were getting. Yeah right! Will power! My boyfriend's birthday was this past weekend and I really pigged out, but now I'm back on track and feeling good! :D

My Peanuts
06-28-2006, 12:41 PM
Christa, I was going to ask you since you seem like you know a lot about this stuff (but anyone can chime in) As far as cardio goes I'm a champ. I can go for a long time, but when I walk on the treadmill I get a lot of pain in the shin area. Sometimes I use the incline, sometimes I walk faster or slower, but it seems to always happen. I stretch and I drink water. I can't tell if it's cramping up or what. Is there anything I'm doing wrong? Or should I work through the pain and eventually it will get better?

06-28-2006, 02:06 PM
I guess it is my turn to come in here and join the party. I am 24 years old, I thought I was at my biggest when I got married. I swore to never get that big again. Well 3 years later I was that big again plus some.

I have been trying to battle my depression with medication. It has worked wonders on me. My doctor told me that I will probably gain a few pounds with the pill I am on, but once I get use to them I will shed it off. I weighed 209 at that appointment.

So I started taking my pills. I have so much more energy, I found that I wasn't making time to eat anymore. Which really isn't good for a diabetic. So after a co worker of mine shoved gloucose tablets down my mouth I told her I would make time to eat. So every morning I go into work (I work at BK) we open up the kitchen, then I make a sandwhich. I eat maybe half, and drink a bottle of water. For lunch I eat a salad with a small cup of coke. I know that is the wrong thing to do, but it has worked for me. :) I figured it was something to keep my sugar up, and to keep it stable since I was eating a salad. Trust me I know how stupid that sounds. :) I have been yelled at by my mom for doing this already. :) I would go home and start doing house work. Laundry, sweeping, mopping, you name it I was doing it. I figured it was something light and easy and always needed to be done. My husband would get home and get the grill going. We would have chicken, and potatoes baked mashed or what ever.

Now I go to work eat 1/2 my sandwhich in the morning with a bottle of water, for lunch, I eat a salad and something small more like a snack. For dinner we are still having chicken most night.

So far I have lost almost 30 pounds.

I am one of those people that refuse to give up the good stuff. I was raised with all the full fat foods and I was still between 115 and 134 until I was 16. So I know I can lose the weight doing what I was raised doing. It will just take me a lot longer to do it.

06-28-2006, 02:35 PM
My Peanuts: You don't have to always be *sore* to be making a difference. Once you get used to doing something, you won't get sore, or as sore. How long have you been doing the same routine? You should have a set routine. Lift for one muscle group on a set day . . . anyway, if that's the case, change it up. If you don't have a set routine, make one! If you're noticing that you are at a standstill though, you may need to change. Your body does become resistant when it gets used to what you're doing. I change my routine every few months and I always notice a BIG difference right away!

Secondly, you ask about the shin thing . . . you're experiencing shin splints & it could simply be your shoes. Do you only get them on the treadmill? I get them when I run in a certain pair of shoes. You have to have REALLY supportive shoes when you run - and to be honest, some people just can't run! Hubby & I went to a "walk/run shop" and they actually looked at our feet, how we walked & took steps and put us in the best shoes for us. That might be your problem. Another thing I wonder is if you're getting enough protein? I know you lift and do legs a lot . . . you need to replenish the protein in your body after such a heavy workout, especially a heavy leg workout . . . it rebuilds the cells that have been torn in your muscles!

mruffruff: Breakfast . . . how about some nice whole grain cereal? LOL Or oatmeal??? I have been guilty of having peanut butter crackers for breakfast, but it's ones I make with natural PB on whole wheat crackers . . . ;)

MomtoThree: So glad you joined us!!! :D

06-28-2006, 03:17 PM
I didn't post yesterday because I thought I was getting on people's nerves. :o

But anywho, still not on a regular schedule. I don't have a "time" to exercise, so blegh. I've got shin splints (so does My Peanuts!) due to always being on my feet, and they won't go away. I've done the Ibuprofen like mad, along with ice, and blah. They won't heal because I won't get off my feet. So shall I blame my lack of exercise on that? Sure will! :P

I haven't done a ton of "cooking".. I just don't have the time. Unless you count popping things in the toaster or in the microwave. ;) But, I do have a ton of recipes for people who DO have time! A lot of good for you, low-calorie recipes, too. Though, most are vegetarian, or use seafood, but I'm sure you could sub in chicken for most. So if anyone wants them, let me know, and I'll dig 'em up!

Glad to see everyone else is doing so good! Especially those who are working out.. *cough cough* LOL

Megan, how've you been doing? Switching to eating several times a day, yet? If you need meal ideas, just ask! We're all here for ya!

My Peanuts
06-28-2006, 03:18 PM
Do you only get them on the treadmill?

Yes, only on the treadmill. I wear regular sketcher gym shoes. Nothing fancy. Any suggestions for shoes? What's good? Thanks for the help-Diana.

06-28-2006, 03:21 PM
Yes, only on the treadmill. I wear regular sketcher gym shoes. Nothing fancy. Any suggestions for shoes? What's good? Thanks for the help-Diana. I'd suggest getting something made for running. Either that, or go to a sports store (Dick's, maybe) and see if they can help you by fitting you properly, or giving a suggestion.

06-28-2006, 04:08 PM
Yes, only on the treadmill. I wear regular sketcher gym shoes. Nothing fancy. Any suggestions for shoes? What's good? Thanks for the help-Diana.

OUCH! Yeah, Sketchers are definitely not for running. They are more lifting/casual type shoes.

I highly suggest New Balance . . . These are the shoes that I have and they are super comfy:

My Running Shoes (http://www.newbalance.com/productbrowser/product_details.html?g11n.enc=ISO-8859-1&feature=&gender=Women&segment=&product=W1122MC&product_type=shoe&sport=Running)

But like Sara said, just go to a sporting goods store, go to the running shoes and start trying some on. Someone will help you. But I would definitely say it's your shoes, especially after hearing that you try to run/walk in Sketchers. I should also add that if you get a good pair of running shoes, only run in your running shoes. Don't lift in your running shoes (especially if you pay big bucks for them) because lifting will wear them quicker and different. You'll wear them out quick enough on the treadmill! :D

06-28-2006, 04:10 PM
I haven't posted because I feel like I haven't been doing good. I haven't walked since this past Friday. I did take a short walk this morning. I don't even know how long we were gone because I didn't check the clock when I left. My eating hasn't been too bad though. I've been sticking with low fat meals. I am feeling completely stressed and blue and I'm wanting to go buy a couple bags of chocolate and just sit and eat that. How do you stop yourself from doing that? The only good thing about having the blues is that it has left me physically and emotionally drained and I feel like I don't have the energy to go out and buy the chocolate. I'm just too tired.

Sounds like the rest of you are doing pretty good. Keep it up.

06-28-2006, 04:24 PM
I haven't posted because I feel like I haven't been doing good. I haven't walked since this past Friday. I did take a short walk this morning. I don't even know how long we were gone because I didn't check the clock when I left. My eating hasn't been too bad though. I've been sticking with low fat meals. I am feeling completely stressed and blue and I'm wanting to go buy a couple bags of chocolate and just sit and eat that. How do you stop yourself from doing that? The only good thing about having the blues is that it has left me physically and emotionally drained and I feel like I don't have the energy to go out and buy the chocolate. I'm just too tired.

Sounds like the rest of you are doing pretty good. Keep it up. How do I stop myself from eating away my worries and woes? I can't say that I don't. Somedays, I just have those days where I can't stop eating because I'm depressed or whatever. You just can't punish yourself the next day. But, if I'm just eating to eat, I think about how many calories are in every little bit I eat. Do I really want to sacrifice that 1/3 of my daily calories for that when it really won't fill me up? Or, do I really want to spend the money in gas to go spend more money on [insert food of choice]? It's all psychological - usually, I can talk myself out of certain things. But if I HAVE to have something, I let myself, and I will NOT beat myself up over it later. What's done is done, and all I can do is look forward.

Trust me Robin, you're still on the right track. Everything you've done up to this point is not going to go down the drain just because you're having food thoughts, and such. You've cut back immensely, and you've exercised more than you ever have. That's SO much improvement, even if you haven't exercised in the last couple of days. I lost 91lbs without ever exercising or working out - if I can, anyone can. Though, it's not recommended, but it still can happen. So, just whenever you're feeling up to it, take the pooches out for a lonnnnggg walk. And take a bottle of ice water with you!

My Peanuts
06-28-2006, 04:24 PM
I am feeling completely stressed and blue and I'm wanting to go buy a couple bags of chocolate and just sit and eat that. How do you stop yourself from doing that? .

You're not going to want to hear this, but when I feel depressed and I feel like eating, I exercise. Exercise helps mood. Plus, if you're like me, you eat when you're bored. You're not bored if you are exercising. :)
I'm proud that you are walking. Even short walks are so much better than doing nothing. It will get easier. I promise.

My Peanuts
06-28-2006, 04:25 PM
Thanks so much Sara and Christa. I think it might be shoe shopping time. :)

My Peanuts
06-28-2006, 04:40 PM
Do these seem like good running shoes? shoes (http://www.footlocker.com/footlocker/index.jsp?pageId=flkPDP&Slot1.atgProductId=8454618&SlotId1=flk_frg_1229&templateId=flkSearchResults&sellable=true)

06-28-2006, 09:36 PM
Do these seem like good running shoes? shoes (http://www.footlocker.com/footlocker/index.jsp?pageId=flkPDP&Slot1.atgProductId=8454618&SlotId1=flk_frg_1229&templateId=flkSearchResults&sellable=true)

Looks good & sounds good . . . like I said before, I prefer New Balance, but you may like something else. I suggest you go try on some different styles & brands. Never know what you'll like best! ;) Just get something that is made for running & is VERY supportive!

06-28-2006, 09:40 PM
Robin: Honey, you're going through the same thing that all of us have been through at some point. Food is like an addiction . . . you just have to get past that point . . . and you will, it's just going to take some time. You've just started this new *lifestyle* . . . you can't expect your body to just accept it overnight. You're having withdrawls!!! Just like an alcoholic would. I've always believed that it's the same kind of addiction, that we can perceive food the same way . . . as alcoholics see drinking and so forth . . .

Just stick with it hon . . . you're doing so good! I've been so proud of you . . . the changes you've made so far have been excellent and if you just stick with it, you'll see results and you won't want to turn back!

PLEASE don't hesitate to PM any one of us if you need some motivation or just need one of us to listen . . . we are so proud of you!!! Hang in there babe!!! ;)

06-28-2006, 10:08 PM
Do these seem like good running shoes? shoes (http://www.footlocker.com/footlocker/index.jsp?pageId=flkPDP&Slot1.atgProductId=8454618&SlotId1=flk_frg_1229&templateId=flkSearchResults&sellable=true) I wanted to chime in here, even though Christa pretty much said it all.

She said she liked New Balance, and I personally love Adidas. My tennis shoes (sneakers, whatever you call them! :P) have always been Adidas, as everything else hurts my feet in the end. So yeh, just go check out a sports store, and go check out their shoes. Ask someone for help, try on shoes made for running, try on different brands, and hey, take a jog through the store! See if they really do work for you. That's usually the best way to tell if you'll like them - whichever you feel gives you the most support and are the comfiest!!!

06-28-2006, 10:23 PM
Robilee I feel like I am one person who completely understands where you are right now with all this, been there many times and I am at a stalemate too, but i have set myself a goal, which I plan on achieving, try never to set goals that are way beyond you, i have made that mistake and am just setting myself up for failure, you have to get in the right frame of mind, and that is the hardest bit i think, once that clicks you are on your way.

Just don't give up, I do from time to time, but i never give up completely,for people like me it is not as simple as just go exercise when i feel hungry, and sometimes I just have to have a major blow out, hit rock bottom and get it out of my system and get on track again.

Yes it is indeed a lifestyle change, however this is something i have never been able to achieve long term, I sure am doing better than i have in the past, but my weight problem has flucuated so much over the years, I have made those lifestyle changes and been a very tiny person, only for the old sad and bad ones to gradually creep in again, I do believe for myself personally this is more than a weight issue, it is how i deal with things in my life, food is my comforter, it is my drug of choice i guess you could say, not everyone has this problem, I am not certain if you can relate Robilee to what I am saying, but if so, just know you are not alone.

Even though all the stories are inspiring and wonderful, my head is not in the right place to get where i want right now, no-one can do this for me,only myself, and i will get there as you will too Robilee, you will know when the time is right,take heart in knowing i have been really successful at loosing weight,keeping it off is another story, however it can be done, and until i do that my inner peace will not be there.

06-28-2006, 11:20 PM
I can go for a long time, but when I walk on the treadmill I get a lot of pain in the shin area. Sometimes I use the incline, sometimes I walk faster or slower, but it seems to always happen.
I'm a little late getting in on this but you sound like me except the pain starts in my knee and goes down my shin. It would only happen on the treadmill, when I'd walk the hills in my neighborhood or when I stood or walked on concrete too long. I was in so much pain about 2 months ago I went to the dr. and he said it was tendonitis. He gave me anti-inflammatory meds and told me to rest my leg for a couple of weeks, wrap it and when I did start back to avoid incline and the hard impact of the treadmill. I stuck with elliptical only and it got better but a week ago Monday I re-injured it and I'm back to a lot of pain and limping. This is so frustrating!

I agree with the others, the right kind of shoes are very important.

06-29-2006, 09:12 AM
Christa, I appreciate the suggestion of cereal for breakfast. However, I added the 100 calories for oatmeal with the sugar and milk and came up to 190 calories. I'll try a Quaker Chewy Wholesome Favorite bar today (110 calories) and a hard boiled egg (70 calories) tomorrow. And I don't have to worry about spilling the milk on my desk.

If I had my way, I'd have a bigger breakfast and less for dinner. But work dictates when I have time to cook or eat.

Walked for 45 minutes last night. I took my 10 year old grandaughter with me for some one-on-one time. She's getting a little chunky too so we plan on continuing as long as the weather permits.

06-29-2006, 09:48 AM
Christa, I appreciate the suggestion of cereal for breakfast. However, I added the 100 calories for oatmeal with the sugar and milk and came up to 190 calories. I'll try a Quaker Chewy Wholesome Favorite bar today (110 calories) and a hard boiled egg (70 calories) tomorrow. And I don't have to worry about spilling the milk on my desk.

Well, I have to say that I've never put sugar in my oatmeal . . . try adding some fruit instead (my fav is bananas). Or HONEY . . . yummy! Cinammon is also yummy in oatmeal.

What kind of milk are you drinking? If you're not drinking skim, you should be. :) I always drank full fat 2% . . . we drank 1% for a few months and eventually dropped down to skim. I love skim now . . . actually I was at my parents the other day and ate a bowl of Kashi with 2% milk and thought I was going to vomit, because it was so thick tasting! :eek: I couldn't believe it!

BTW, you're not going a healthier route by eating a breakfast bar. You can't look at JUST calories alone. You have to look at the whole picture, everything on the label.

I can understand not having time to eat breakfast in the morning . . . I just *wish* that peeps had more time for it . . . it IS the most important meal of the day . . . LOL, okay, my lecture is over. :)

06-29-2006, 09:52 AM
What do you all think of this???

Instead of letting this thread go on and on and on . . .

You know how they have "Thursdays" in the Doghouse??? What if we had something like that??? A new thread that started fresh every week? It could have a name like Thursdays does . . . some kind of fitness or healthy lifestyle name and then we'll keep them numbered . . .

What do you all think?

Give me some ideas . . . What do you think it should be called . . . do you think it's a good idea or a bad idea?

I just think that this thread is getting a little long and if you all want to keep this up, I think we need to figure something out.

And also, do you want to keep this in General or put it somewhere else? I think more people would see it here in General.

Okay . . . so what do you think???

06-29-2006, 10:55 AM
How about something like . . .

PT Health Zone # . . .

I hate to call it anything "gym" related, since we're not all about working out . . . we're about being healthy, eating right . . . all that.

06-29-2006, 10:59 AM
I've been jogging. I really didn't start doing this to lose weight though, I started again because I miss it. I use to be a really fast runner, and I remember a wonderful feeling when I would go as fast as I could. I can't do that anymore (run fast :o). I don't jog everyday, maybe every second. I can only really do 10-15 mins though before my legs get really tired. (better than when I started...I would get so out of breath in like 3 mins :o) I don't know that I'm losing weight, but I hope maybe I can lose some...

06-29-2006, 11:34 AM
I've been jogging. I really didn't start doing this to lose weight though, I started again because I miss it. I use to be a really fast runner, and I remember a wonderful feeling when I would go as fast as I could. I can't do that anymore (run fast :o). I don't jog everyday, maybe every second. I can only really do 10-15 mins though before my legs get really tired. (better than when I started...I would get so out of breath in like 3 mins :o) I don't know that I'm losing weight, but I hope maybe I can lose some...

Running is one of the best ways in the world that you can loose weight! A lot of people *can't* run. It's hard on your joints. My hubby has tried for years to run . . . he is super fit, very muscular, just can't run. It kills him becuase his dad runs 5 miles a day! :eek: I think that's why he wants to so bad . . . but it kills his ankles. Keep it up though, a little more every day and you'll be back to running just like you were before . . . hopefully anyway! ;)

06-29-2006, 11:37 AM
mruffruff - I eat oatmeal almost every morning and I put Splenda brown sugar in it and a little bit of sugar free syrup. Keeps the calories down but makes oatmeal worth eating. I don't count calories though.

Christa - I like your idea of a weekly thread and think PT Health Zone would be a good name.

I'm skipping the gym today and I'm going to do laps in the pool instead since we are having a nice sunny day today.

06-29-2006, 11:39 AM
What about something like PT Health Day? I am not really good thinking about titles. I just wanted to add something.

06-29-2006, 11:42 AM
Hi Christa, I have been lurking through this thread.
I remember last summer being in touch with you and Jazzcat and you were both very helpful with tips and recipes and advice.
I have lost 18 lbs since last summer and am still working on losing more.
I think having a weekly thread is a great idea.
Since Thursday's is already a bar, maybe we could call it something like Fitness Fridays or the Health Zone is a good name too.
It's great to see so many people here to motivate each other, it is so much easier to get fit and healthy when you have a great support team like PT. :)

06-29-2006, 11:48 AM
Hi Christa, I have been lurking through this thread.
I remember last summer being in touch with you and Jazzcat and you were both very helpful with tips and recipes and advice.
I have lost 18 lbs since last summer and am still working on losing more.

That is great! Congrats on the weight loss!

That makes me think, Christa you should share some of your recipes. I love your turkey meatloaf - we eat it regularly here.

My Peanuts
06-29-2006, 11:58 AM
Christa- Great idea about the thread. I think it should start earlier in the week because I think that's when people need more motivation. Just a thought. I know Monday after work is the hardest time for me to get my butt to the gym. :)

06-29-2006, 03:23 PM
I love the weekly thread idea. This thread is getting a bit long, I agree. But I also don't want to steal Thursdays' thunder. Soo, keeping it in General sounds like the best idea. But as for a name, I don't care. :P Just put the day of the week in the title, that way I can remember when to expect it. ;) Buuuttt, we will be able to post in it all week, right? Not like Thursdays over in the DH, which only post on Thursdays. I really like being able to post just whenever, like we have been.

Lori - as far as recipes, how about we all post whatever we have? I have a ton, and I know Christa has a ton. Or anything, really. Doesn't have to be a "recipe" - just a way of doing something. Like how you add Splenda brown sugar and sugar free syrup to oatmeal to make it tasty. Sounds like a good tip to me!

Breakfast, remember breakfast guys! :P I'm adament on always getting my breakfast in. I used to eat a bowl of Special K and Soymilk and a sliced banana, but now I eat oatmeal with a banana. It's YUMMY, and I look forward to it every morning. But anything to jumpstart your metabolism will work! Plan it out at night, so you're not scrounging in the morning and so you can't make an excuse NOT to eat it.

06-29-2006, 08:32 PM
Vermontcat: YAY to your 18 pound weightloss! ;)

Sara/buckner: You would definitely be able to post all week. I would want the thread kept alive all week long . . . I would just start a new thread on a given day . . . that way the current thread won't be a million posts long. Know what I mean?

Would you rather me put a day of the week to the title or a date to each title?

Like . . .

Fitness Fridays #1


*PT Health Zone* (week of 6-30-06)

Any more ideas guys???

When we get a weekly thing going, we can post more recipes & stuff like that . . . the thread won't be so bogged down with info . . . I've got tons of recipes and I know that others do too! :D

06-29-2006, 09:35 PM
Please do continue with a weekly thread, that is a great idea, and i am sure we will all benefit from it tremendously. :)

06-30-2006, 09:02 PM
I think I like the idea of something like "Fitness Fridays #" just because it seems more simple. But I also agree with what someone else said - can we start it say, on a Monday, just so we stay pumped all week long? :P

How did everyone do today? Working out? Eating right?

I haven't done horrible, but I haven't done extraordinary. How do yall find the energy to work a 9-10 hour job, and still work out?! LOL

06-30-2006, 10:15 PM
I think a weekly thread is a good idea.

Well, thanks to a "kick in the butt" from Sara ;) I did get in a small walk with the dogs. Not a good one though. Just couldn't get into it. I ate really well today so I am most happy with that. I had oatmeal for breakfast, salad and apple for lunch and then grilled chicken and steamed veggies for dinner and another apple. I am still seriously craving chocolate! It actually drives me crazy. I was going to go to the grocery store today but decided not to because I knew as bad as I was wanting my chocolate that I would buy some and for me a bite or a candy bar won't do. I know that is awful but that is how bad I am. It is my drug. I quit smoking clear back in 96 and I had no problems quitting. I just quit cold turkey. Why can't I do that with the chocolate? Oh well, ignore my ramblings and whining. I'm just a cranky woman who is in major sugar withdrawl :p :rolleyes:

Thanks for all the support! Hope everyone else had a good day.

06-30-2006, 10:19 PM
My progress has been working i lost 5 pounds but that's pretty good for me. I run/jog everyday 2 miles the same routine. I drink at least 4 bottles of water a day. Eat heatlhy not a lot meals. Mostly that's it and i work out in the morning with music.

07-01-2006, 07:13 AM
I think a weekly thread is a good idea.

Well, thanks to a "kick in the butt" from Sara ;) I did get in a small walk with the dogs. Not a good one though. Just couldn't get into it. I ate really well today so I am most happy with that. I had oatmeal for breakfast, salad and apple for lunch and then grilled chicken and steamed veggies for dinner and another apple. I am still seriously craving chocolate! It actually drives me crazy. I was going to go to the grocery store today but decided not to because I knew as bad as I was wanting my chocolate that I would buy some and for me a bite or a candy bar won't do. I know that is awful but that is how bad I am. It is my drug. I quit smoking clear back in 96 and I had no problems quitting. I just quit cold turkey. Why can't I do that with the chocolate? Oh well, ignore my ramblings and whining. I'm just a cranky woman who is in major sugar withdrawl :p :rolleyes:

Thanks for all the support! Hope everyone else had a good day.

No Robin, that's a GREAT day! You ate well AND you exercised. Woohoo!!!! More than I did!!! Keep up the GREAT work!! :D

You're overcoming your chocolate habit little by little, it may not seem like it, but you are. If you didn't have some will power, you would've gone to the store and gotten some. But instead, you knew better, even though you're craving it like mad. I'm super proud of you!

07-01-2006, 07:57 AM
Hey guys . . . sorry I've been scarce . . . busy weekend with the holiday. :)

Robin! Sounds like a yummy menu you've got there! And I'm so proud of you for avoiding the "C word" . . . My mom did the same thing you're doing! She was a RAGING chocoholic and she went cold turkey. Took her awhile, maybe months to quit craving it, and she still has tiny cravings every now and then when she's super stressed, but she's really stuck with it and I think it's the best decision she's ever made! It was seriously taking over her life!!!

Sara: I wanted to tell you that I have tried Silk! (soy milk, for those of you that don't know about it) Anyway, it is very yummy and I can't wait to try it on my Kashi this morning!!! Definitely somthing to add to my diet! I love the nutritional value that it will add!

I will start a weekly thread on Monday morning . . . sounds wierd but I guess we'll call it Fitness Fridays and it will be started every Monday, LOL!

So look for it!!!

Fitness Fridays Health Club will be having a grand opening on Monday morning!!!

07-01-2006, 08:22 AM
Christa I'm so glad this thread has *caught on.* I have missed a few days but just caught up now. I also love the idea of Fitness Fridays! Congratulations to all of you on the hard work you are doing. I know you are all being an inspiration to countless folks out there! ;) Keep your eye on the prize - better health!! I am not dieting but always trying to think of healthier ways to eat in order to keep my cholesterol good. I, too, heartily recommend a good breakfast (I have been eating oatmeal for about a year now and never thought to use honey on it - thanks for the tip! ;) ) I do believe that heading out the door with only a cup of coffee in the tummy can only make one ferociously hungry by noon. I, too, take my lunch to work (usually a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread). I watch my co-workers order take-outs from the nearby eating places and they eat full hot meals and then go home and do that again at dinner. (They are the *cup of coffee for breakfast* people :) )

What I need to do more of, and you people are inspiring me, is to drink even more water and get into walking. I always say I will walk the dogs as part of a healthy cardio-type exercise and then it gets hot out and I don't do it. :rolleyes:

07-01-2006, 01:20 PM
What I need to do more of, and you people are inspiring me, is to drink even more water and get into walking. I always say I will walk the dogs as part of a healthy cardio-type exercise and then it gets hot out and I don't do it. :rolleyes: I do the same thing, Pam. I'd wait until after work, and plan to take Daisy for a long walk. Then it gets too hot, and I just don't do it. So I started to say that I'll get up an hour earlier in the mornings to take a long walk, and then have time to shower. Well, the morning came around, and instead of getting up, I just kept snoozin' on my alarm saying "Ahh, I'll take a walk later after work"... well, you see the problem! :P You just have to put it into action. Don't let yourself make excuses. If it's too hot, oh well, all the more sweatin'! If it's unbearable, go to your local mall and take a few strides around inside. You're still getting your walking in, but you're cooled off.. and hey, you can do a little shopping if ya want! :)

Christa, I will be sure to look out on Monday for our Fitness Fridays... LMAO!! It's an interesting name, for sure.. but hey, it's our motivation all week to make sure we're still following proper procedures by Friday, right? Yep! I can't wait.. hehe, I'm getting all my good-for-you recipes located and I'm SO ready to post them! :P

07-02-2006, 01:37 PM
Went to TWO cookouts yesterday and got so many compliments!!! I was so happy, although I tried to play it down, LOL. I think people are starting to get over the shock . . . always before, they seemed to be more worried, like I was sickly or something. Now they seem to like the new me.

Hubby & I did convince one of my uncles to give up soda! He said after seeing us and hearing our stories, he's convinced that he can at least give that up!!! :eek: I was thrilled! Hopefully he'll stick with it! He was sucking down a Dasani as we were leaving with a big smile on his face! :)

07-02-2006, 03:54 PM
You all are an inspiration to me, although I do feel us older ones have a bit more of a challenge. Getting your head in the right place as Carole said is indeed major and is where I am at right now. I know that I can lose weight if I put my mind to it, it is just ratcheting up the motivation to the point where I am ready to do what it takes.

This may sound strange from someone like me who is an exercise advocate and I actually do exercise 5 days a week for 40 minutes a day. If you feel you can't start out by eating less and exercising, eating less is the most important aspect of the two. I have lost weight and gained weight, all while still exercising. It is fairly easy to make up for the use of calories expended by eating a little more here and there. Sometimes I almost think I should quit exercising and just concentrate on eating less, but it is such a part of my routine and my belief in its benefits that I know I won't do that.

When I say eating less, I do mean eating healthy as well, which I also strive to do. Again here it is easy to render a good thing meaningless by an extra treat here and there, even a seemingly healthy treat such as a glass of chocolate soy milk or fruit juice. I shall look forward to Fitness Friday Mondays :p

07-03-2006, 07:40 PM
Well finally I have my head in the right place, I had decided 1st July was D day, but you guessed it , it came and went, and I had my excuses, my son was leaving for good, was feeling unwell, etc etc, but yes i did have my last binge out, I had been craving KFC, had not had it in about two years, so we had that for dinner along with the most delicious cookies and cream cheescake, everything tasted really nice, next day i was better but not good enough, but come Monday I had made a decision that was the day and it was.

Now into my second day of programme and doing well, first day went really good, aiming to loose 3 to 4 kgs this month and same next month, and If I achieve that i will almost be at my first goal, the same weight before i became pregnant with Melissa which is almost 14 yrs ago and I have never been there since.

Need some exercise, but i have the cold right now and not such a good idea to be out in the cold air with my cough,but once i feel better and the weather warms up I am out there.

So folks keep your fingers crossed I can do this, I need to get through the first week successfully staying on programme and then I know i am on my way again.