View Full Version : Why I hate my siblings by Shadow B. *with pics*

06-18-2006, 06:20 PM
WELL, I hate my siblings. Worth a passion! I try and be sweet. Ya know what I get? A pounce, a chase... :sigh: I'm the good girl. WELL, I've compiled a list of 10 reasons I hate my brofur and sisfur but it's in no particular order.

Reason 1: They stare at me while I eat. I can't help it if I eat slow and they are fat. I enjoy my food and not engorge myself in two minutes. Fatty, fatty kitties!!


Reason 2: Due to the staring, I run away. Then the fatties have the nerve to eat what I left behind!


Reason 3: They chase me EVERYWHERE. I don't like to play rough and tumble like they do. I just want pets from my Meowmie and good food.

Here's proof of a chase. Callie, the orange fatty, chased me to the cat tree and then messed with me while she was in the tunnel. Meowmie told her to leave me alone..but did she? NO!

Reason 4: I hate Whisper, the grey fatty, worth a PASSION. I don't like him near me, touching me, looking at me, etc. He may be my littermate but I would prefer if he wasn't even here!

(She was growling in this picture. He just ignored her! :eek: )

To be continued...

06-18-2006, 06:25 PM
Reason 5: They jump on things I am using. I was on this cat tree first and Whispy just ignored my presence to get to the window. Who does he think he is?

I gave him a good HISS for that one!

Reason 6: I try and be sweet. I give Callie a good bath because she stinks. After about a minute, she slaps me and then tries to jump on me! The nerve of that orange fatty!


Reason 7: They don't share with me ever. The picture below clearly demonstrates this.


Reason 8: They're nawtee. I'm good. Enough said.


Reason 9: They can get catnip highs. It makes me cranky. I would LOVE to go into lala land but I'm the responsible one. I don't get high.


Last but not least...

06-18-2006, 06:27 PM
Reason 10: They don't realize that I should be "queen" of this house. I'm tired of being low kitty on the totem pole.


Is there anyone out there who will show me the respect I deserve? Meowmie says I am the bestest, sweetest cat ever. I can't help it that I don't like to rough house. I just want pets, pets, and more pets. I am happy being ATTACHED to my human. The other kitties are just JEALOUS!!


06-18-2006, 07:13 PM
that has got to be the coolest thing ive ever seen :D i still think your cat looks exactly like my angel, and she is the same in personality; always wanting attention, and for the most part the "good kittie"...they must've been twins then switched at birth...but then again, aren't all cats twins? their borne in a little at the same time, and in the womb at the smae time, i think that qualifies as a twin...im gonna start called abby, angels twin brother. ;)

06-18-2006, 07:14 PM
Hi, Shadow!

My name's Isis. I am my meowmies Siamese girl.

I know how you feel. My brofur likes to play super hard and I would rather just sit and gets pats from my meowmie (but not dad). Soni is such a fatty, too! He likes to eat when it's MY turn. The nerve! I try to groom him and he bunny kicks me and wants to play!

I don't care much for catnip either. It just doesn't phase me.

My meowmie and dad took in a little grey foster kitten a month or so ago. Lily likes to bunny kick and play hard too! She is a little better, though. Sometimes she will knead me and suckle and/or cuddle with me. Then I get to groom her! They all just need to learn that WE are the queen bees around our places!


06-19-2006, 03:10 AM
Great pictures and commentary! I laughed out loud reading it! Nevermind you're an angel and your mum knows that!

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-19-2006, 05:51 AM
This was such a fun post to read!!!

Shadow you are such a funny kitty!!! You made me smile so big this morning! :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-19-2006, 08:15 AM
Hi there Shadow!

I know exactly what you mean! My sis Inka ALWAYS wants the bed I am in, and that little stinker Snoopy keeps chasing me and my tail; she even haves the nerve to empty my food bowl for me :eek: . Good grief! I am glad I have a nice sister like Zazou, she knows how to behave like a real girl!!

Love from Maya!

06-19-2006, 08:58 AM
Hi Shadow, This Is Tubby 2.
I Know What You Mean, As The Two Kittens Are Always Chasing Me Around.
They Want To Play All The Time, But Im Too Old For That Nonsense.
I Wish I Could Be With You. As I Am Black Like You, And We Would Make A Great Black Dynamic Duo.
Tubby 2 Loves You.

06-19-2006, 09:00 AM
And I Love That Your Cats Are Playing With The Animal Love Toys That We Sent To You.
With Cat Nip From Mike And Carla Of The Cat Family.

06-19-2006, 10:20 AM
Poor Shadow! I know perfectly what you mean! Since my hoomans brought me a new sister (they say this little thing is my sister), the little bug jumps on me when I cross a room, she eats my food, she sleeps in my bed, or she is interested in the exact bed I am sleeping in, not in a free one, but the worst, MY hoomans feed her some good food I am not allowed to have (reason: I am too fat for it!), they pet her, they kiss her, they bought a big cat tree for her, it's too much!!!
Your friend, Peppito

PS. from my mom to your mom: nice pics and gorgeous cats :D

06-20-2006, 11:55 AM
Thank you for all the wonderful comments! Shadow is glad to know other kitties feel her pain..err hatred. ;)

06-20-2006, 09:57 PM
Quoted; CalliesMom
Is there anyone out there who will show me the respect I deserve? Meowmie says I am the bestest, sweetest cat ever. I can't help it that I don't like to rough house. I just want pets, pets, and more pets. I am happy being ATTACHED to my human. The other kitties are just JEALOUS!![Quote]

Dear Shadow, Nugget here. I would definitely show you the respect that you deserve. I don't like to rough house either. I enjoy gentle play, but my brofurs think otherwise. You are such a beautiful girl and you truly deserve to be on the top of the totem pole. You are truly a "Queen" in my eyes. :D

CalliesMom, I really enjoyed reading Shadows story and seeing all the great pictures. :)

Laura's Babies
06-21-2006, 12:10 PM
What a wonderful way you told your story and made your case Sahdow! You are right! They are just J-E-A-L-O-U-S! Let them fatty hogs eat your left overs so you can stay lean and beautiful and that will gurantee MOM WILL LIKE YOU BEST! Just ignore them and their bullying ways and snuggle up closer to Mom!

06-21-2006, 01:02 PM
ROFLOL! Poor Shadow, no respect.

I enjoyed the posts and pictures, very cute!

06-21-2006, 02:14 PM
Shadow says "thank you." I'm amazed at how much she despises Whisper and likes Callie as long as Callie is behaving. My mother-in-law is here and Shadow is doing so well with my littler sister-in-law. She gives her kisses, let's her per her, etc.

I'm not surprised the other two aren't that excited. Callie hissed for several days but now is letting the little girl pet her. :eek: She doesn't even let my hubby pet her that much.

06-21-2006, 05:17 PM
aw, unable to see the pictures, only four of them. :confused: :(